Ch 9. Fighting Fires in Strip Malls Flashcards
______ is the modern taxpayer (111)
The strip mall
_______ can be defined as one- and two-story lightweight buildings that house several different businesses under a single roof. (111)
Strip Mall
Most strip malls are constructed on _____. (111)
concrete slab floors
______ is the key concern at a fire in a strip mall. (111)
Early collapse
_____ and ____ are both at fault [for early collapse of strip malls]. (111)
the manner of construction and the fireloads within
Access to the rear [of a trip mall] is always a matter of uncertainty. Expect _____, ____, and ____. (111)
steel doors, security bars, and concrete-block walls
Access through the rear may be difficult at best. glass is comparatively cheap. If you need to get in, _____. (111)
take out the glass in the front
Normally ____ isn’t a key concern at fires involving strip malls. (111)
life safety
There isn’t normally any built in automatic fire protection in a strip mall. Standpipes are virtually nonexistent and, unless ____, automatic sprinklers are rare. (113)
required by code
You should expect to find _____ in a strip mall if you happen to be responding after business hours. (113)
an advanced fire
The exterior load-bearing walls are generally of _____ construction, with _____ being the customary material. (113)
ordinary; concrete masonry block
If a strip mall has a brick veneer wall tied to the blocks, they will generally be on the ____ side of the building while the _____ sides will be of concrete masonry units only. (113)
visible; not visible
Strip malls constructed of tilt-up concrete normally sit on concrete slabs, and the roof assemblies will be of concrete also. These buildings are tied together with rebar, and are only as strong as the steel, which will begin to fail at a mere _____. (114)
800 degrees Fahrenheit
Strip malls with wood exterior load-bearing walls, usually on concrete slabs, tend to be comprised of ______. anticipate early collapse. (114)
the lightest material possible that can pass building codes and manage to hold up the structure
_____ and _____ are probably the two most common [strip mall roof] types, in that order. (114)
Wood-truss and steel bar joist
As a group, wood trusses lack _____. (114)
Pitched roofs on strip malls are generally made of triangular Fink wood trusses and are usually finished with _____. (114)
asphalt shingles
____ are used to support flat [strip mall] roofs and will generally be covered with a decking material plus a weatherproof coating of ______.(115)
Steel-bar joists; tar and gravel
If you’re unsure as to the composition of the roof of any strip mall, treat it as though it were being held up by _____. (115)
If the cockloft (____ roof) or the truss loft (____ roof) is involved in fire, let the roof vent itself. (115)
flat; pitched
_____, _____, and _____ truss roofs can all collapse suddenly, plunging the vent crew into the fire below. (115)
Pitched, flat, and shed-style
The connecting points [of steel gusset plates] only embed ____ into the wood, and the steel bends when heated. (115)
[For strip malls], only the _______ can be trusted for topside ventilation. These roofs tend to sag and become spongy when weakened by fire. (115)
true rafter-supported assemblies
The floors for most one-story strip malls are of _____. “poke-throughs” and utility raceways present the only concern for extension. (115)
poured concrete
Strip malls that have basements usually have _____ floor assemblies. (115)
Newer two-story strip malls normally have _____ or _____ that support the second floor. Older malls have _____. (115)
wooden truss or I-beam joists; true 2” solid joists
The strategy for fire involving a strip mall is _______ in conjunction with ______. (115)
an aggressive large-caliber frontal attack; aggressive exposure protection
_____ and _____ are key [for fire involving a strip mall]. (115)
speed and coordination
A _____ is essentially a closed container with excessive fire loads and a lumberyard for a lid. (115)
strip mall
In order to stop the progression of fire [in a strip mall], speed is essential, and _____ and ______ are the tools of choice. (115)
deck guns and 2 1/2-inch handlines
To achieve the quick knockdown [of a strip mall fire], it is best to _____. (115)
attack from the front
Your objective [in protecting exposures at strip mall fires] is to get ahead of the fire up top and _____. (117)
confine it to the smallest area possible
For a working fire in a strip mall, use heavy-caliber streams via the fastest avenue possible, then _____ and stop the progression of the flames. (117)
pull ceilings in the exposures
[At a strip mall fire] for penetration and reach, opt for _____, either smooth or combination. (117)
Straight streams
Why should fog stream not be used at a strip mall fire? (117) (4 answers)
1) could push fire deeper and possibly into the truss loft
2) space is too large to contain the steam for proper cooling
3) may harm viable victims in the adjacent exposures
4) may not allow you to reach the seat of the fire before it is converted to steam
You must define the term business hours [at a strip mall] by _____.(118)
the types of occupancies present.
regarding ventilation at a strip mall fire, the best-case scenario is one in which _____. (118)
the fire vents itself
Unless the fire starts in that area, self-venting fires normally indicate _____. (118)
advanced fires that have entered the truss loft.
_____ should be established if fire involves any portion of the [strip mall] facade. (119)
Collapse zones
Always consider ______ in fires involving strip malls. (120)
backup lines
In a working fire in a strip mall, one specific backup crew should be assigned to the attack team. The backup line should be positioned _____. (120)
2/3 of the way between the point of entrance and the attack nozzle.
Once the backup line [at a strip mall fire] has been stretched, the officer assigned to backup should _____. (120-121)
follow the attack line up to the attack officer and check on their safety and progress.
Because the fire loads in [strip malls] can be huge, the backup officer should at least consider pulling _____. (121)
a 2 1/2-inch line
As always, the backup line should follow the path of the attack line. This ensures that the officer assigned to backup always knows the location of the attack crew, and _____. (121)
it lessens the chance of having opposing lines
_____ per exposure will almost always be required for every exposure that has fire in it. (121)
1 line
Checking for extension [at a strip mall fire] should be done _____. (121)
at the party wall dividing the two occupancies
The BEST thing you can find in the ceiling [when checking for exposure at a strip mall fire] is _____. (121)
a firewall that penetrates to the roofline
The worst thing you can find in the ceiling [when checking for exposure at a strip mall fire] is _____. [at which point you move to the next exposure to make your stand] (121)
a raging fire in the truss loft.
The _____ will need to evaluate the potential of a strip mall for collapse. (122)
members of a RIT
If you encounter rebar [when breaching a party wall at a strip mall fire], use _____ to cut or spread it. (122)
a hydraulic extrication tool
When it comes to overhaul in strip malls, there is one operant word to remember. That word is _____. (124)
[In a small department’s response to a strip mall fire] the officer of the first-in engine must do 2 things. He must assume command, and he must take steps to _____. (125)
flow as much water as possible, as quickly as possible
The primary concerns and thrust of the [strip mall fire] incident are _____. (127)
knock down the fire and quickly check for extension
Medium-size department strip mall fire response:
1st E: initial attack
2nd E: augment initial attack or hunt for extension in the most endangered occupancy
3rd E: move to other exposure and look for extension
Large department strip mall fire response:
1st and 2nd E: secure adequate water supplies and handlines to fight the fire
3rd E: take a line into the most severely exposed occupancy and pull ceilings
1st T: provide outside vent man to take out windows in the front and forcible entry team in the rear
2nd T: set up in direction of spread and cool the top surface of the roof