Ch 5. Accountability at Major Fire Incidents Flashcards
What NFPA Standards address accountability systems for all incidents?
1500 and 1561
pg 47
What are proving to be vital safety tools, despite some drawbacks inherent to the systems in use today?
Accountability systems
pg 47
Three reasons the vast majority of departments have trouble tracking their crews and individual members at fires and other incidents:
1) tradition
2) problem solving (leads to freelancing)
3) reluctancy to speak on the radio
pg 47-48
The true goal of accountability should be ___.
to track the location of crews on the fire scene, both inside and out.
pg 48
What is the problem with most accountability systems in use today
they only let the incident commander know who is in the building and who isn’t
pg 48
Keeping track of the crew on the fireground, both inside and out, can be accomplished without tags, boards, and computers. It takes the realistic and dedicated use of the incident management system, as well as ___. (48)
the commitment of company officers.
The [accountability] system used in Toledo employs ___ and at any incident, they will have, at a minimum, a sheet that identifies ___. (49)
acrylic boards; who is on duty and on what apparatus each member is riding.
[The accountability system] The FDNY uses ___
a daily roster system to identify on-duty members.
pg 49
a ___ system is designed to provide a much more controlled accounting of where crews are on the fireground.
pg 50
A passport system requires ___ and cooperation of the officers at the scene. (50)
the passport system lacks one vital aspect of accountability in that ___.
it fails to track crews on the fireground or, even more importantly, inside the fire structure.
pg 50
NFPA ___: Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System
pg 50
7 points from NFPA 1561
- The incident commander shall be responsible for accountability.
- The department shall provide a system for rapid accounding of all personnel on the scene.
- All officers shall maintain an awareness of the position and function of all assigned members.
- The incident management system shall provide a system for accountability.
- personnel who arrive on the scene by means other than a fire apparatus shall be identified and accounted for.
- The system shall identify persons entering and leaving the structure
- The incident management system shall include a standard operating guideline for emergency evacuation
pg 50-51
Although the task of accounting for personnel can be delegated, ___ is always the responsible party.
the IC
pg 50
How does a department provide for rapid accountability of all personnel on scene?
pg 50
___ is at the heart of our industry.
pg 50
What shall serve as the basis for accountability?
the awareness of the position and function of all assigned members maintained by the officer
pg 50
What is more important than crews notifying IC they are entering the structure?
Informing the IC when they leave
pg 51
NFPA ___: Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Programs
pg 52
12 points of NFPA 1500
- The department must develop a written standard pertaining to accountability.
- It is the responsibility of all members to participate in the accountability system
- the IC is responsible for the overall accountability of personnel
- The IC shall maintain awareness as to the location and function of all on-scene personnel
- Officers assigned as tactical management are responsible for their crews
- Officers are responsible for their specific crew members
- When assigned as a company, members are responsible for remaining under the supervision of the officer
- Members are responsible for following accountability procedures
- An accountability system shall be used at all incidents
- The department is responsible for making the accountability system work
- The standard operating guidelines shall provide for additional accountability officers as the incident expands
- The IC and members who are assigned supervisory responsibility for a tactical-level unit that involves multiple companies or crews shall assign members to track all of those companies and crews.
pg 52-53
Being IC is tantamount to being ___.
the captain of a ship
pg 52
Crews must ___ all movement that is not obvious.
pg 52
Officers with more than one crew working under them are responsible for knowing ___, ___, and ___ of all crew working under them.
Location (where they are); function (what they’re doing); Identification (who they are)
pg 52
___ are responsible for remaining with their crews at all times.
individual members
pg 52
Any procedure must be comprehensible and ___. Its mechanism should begin at ___. (52)
enforceable; the top and work downward.
whenever you’re assigned, you’re responsible for tracking ___.
everyone under your control
pg 53
When designing an accountability system, begin by ___.
taking a serious look at your department.
pg 53
The prerequisites [of an accountability system] are ___
discipline, control and an effective IMS
pg 53
___ is the key [to accountability systems].
pg 54
The true essence of training is ___.
error without consequence.
pg 54
a ___ is an announcement from the officer in charge of a crew that all of the members assigned to him have been located and accounted for. (54)
When a PAR is requested, the officer must contact every member assigned to him, either ___ or ___.
visually; verbally
pg 54
When all of the crews have reported PAR, the IC should give a ___ for the incident. (54)
general PAR
the general PAR announcement is ___ for documentation purposes.
pg 54
What are the 2 types of PARs?
Routine and Emergency
pg 54
A/an ___ Given by company officer anytime he and his crew leave the building and every 15 minutes while working inside, until the fire is under control. (54)
Routine PAR
A/an ___ is given at the request of the IC or ops officer. (54)
Emergency PAR
Level ___ accountability will be used at normal incidents, when the incident can be brought under control in 15 minutes or less and IC can track members without aid (56)
Level ___ accountability will be used at multiple alarm or mutual-aid incidents. (57)