Ch 13. Fighting Fires in Enclosed Malls Flashcards
An enclosed mall is essentially _____. (187)
Main Street without the traffic
_____ is a multilayered string of retail stores and restaurants under a single roof, with limited means of access.
Enclosed mall
The average retail store [in an enclosed mall] can range from less than _____ to more than _____. (187)
200 sq ft; 400 sq ft
The anchor stores [in enclosed malls] customarily rise to at least 2 levels and may be _____ sq ft per floor. (187)
50,000 to 100,000
Given the ceiling height in some of these [converted enclosed malls], you may encounter advanced fire due to _____, as well as _____. (187)
delayed activation of the system; fires in areas remote to or hidden from the sprinkler flow
The degree of life hazard will vary with _____. (187)
time of day as well as the season
Some stores do ____ percent more of their annual sales volume during the december holiday season. (188)
Generally the [enclosed mall] life hazard will be highest around __3___. (188)
1) the winter holiday season
2) in the spring
3) when kids are returning to school
Volume decreases [for the enclosed mall] during the off-season months of __3___. (188)
1) June
2) July
3) October
Fire loads in these [enclosed mall] occupancies vary greatly, depending on _____. (188)
the merchandise at hand.
Buildings larger than 12,000 sq ft may be unsprinklered if _____. (188)
there are rated fire separations that reduce individual areas to less than that size.
If the exterior load-bearing walls are wholly of concrete and the building is only one story tall, suspect _____. (189)
tilt-up concrete construction
[tilt-up concrete construction] buildings are essentially held together by _____. (189)
steel cable, which can fail at around 800 degrees F
[enclosed mall] conversions can present _____ concerns for firefighters. (189)
Heavy smoke conditions [in an enclosed mall] mandate that we ____ for victims rather than just look for them. (191)
A fire that involves half a floor of an anchor store could require fire flows of _____ to control. (191)
more than 16,000 gpm
For the IC, the primary strategic consideration will probably be ____, and the second will be ____. (191)
1) life safety
2) extinguishment
In most situations where there are known victims inside, and assuming that the sprinkler system is incapable of handling the flames, the IC will have to consider _____. (191)
an aggressive fire attack
_____ will have to be correct if the responders are to confine the fire successfully and provide the maximum edge for civilians. (191)
Nozzle placement
Follow the attack [at an enclose mall fire], _____ becomes the priority. (191)
Two distinct concerns presented [when considering ventilation at an enclose mall fire]: (191)
1) life safety
2) the need to minimize fire loss (even to occupancies not directly involved in the fire)
Controlling the rescued and self-evacuated means _____, not to mention the help of the police and a little planning. (191)
having a place to put them
Round up and control your evacuees. Use __3___, but keep close tabs on them. (191)
1) buses
2) unoccupied buildings
3) whatever is available
Most fires in these [enclosed mall] buildings are _____. (191)
small and rarely beyond the capacity of sprinklers and a simple mop-up line.