Ch 8 Flashcards
believing that a stimulus response theory of psychology can account for all of the overt behaviors that psychologist seek to explain
Radical Behaviorism
All knowledge originates in experience
a form of learning in which a response becomes associated with a previously neutral stimulus
classical conditioning
a stimulus that normally elicits a particular reflex or automatic response
unconditioned stimulus
a reflex or automatic response to a stimulus
unconditioned response
a previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with a response
conditioned stimulus
a response that becomes associated with a stimulus through learning
conditioned response
a movement in psychology founded by John Watson. The study of overt rather than covert behavior
the theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behavior patterns.
when a behavior or performance is accompanied by satisfaction, it tends to happen again
law of effect
learned association between a stimulus and a response that makes them occur together frequently
the primary dynamic underlying personality development and acquisition of habits
drive reduction
a strong stimulus that produces discomfort, such as hunger
Associated with physiological processes that are necessary for an organism’s survival, such as hunger, thirst, and the need to sleep
primary drive
a drive that is learned or acquired on the basis of a primary drive
secondary drive
any event that increases the likelihood of a particular response
reduce primary drives, such as food, water, and sleep
primary reinforcer
originally neutral, but acquire reward value when they are associated with primary reinforcers
secondary reinforcer
a specific stimulus that tells the organism when, where, and how to respond
inhibits a response, enabling another response to grow stronger and supersede it in the response hierarchy
if present responses are not reinforcing, the individual is placed in a _______.
learning dilemma