Ch 13 & 14 powerpoint Flashcards
Maslow believed
Human beings are interested in growing rather than simply restoring balance or avoiding frustration
Reducing tension by satisfying deficit states or lacks (D-needs)
growth tendencies (B-needs)
Peak experience
an intensification of any experience to the degree that there is a loss or transcendence of the self
Self-actualized persons
fulfill their own needs and do the best that they are capable of doing
of Self-Actualizers
Maslow’s Theory
Points away from pure science toward broader outlines of philosophy
Maslow believed that it is misleading to
think of science as value-free
Maslow’s work underscores
the fact that scientific procedures may not permit research into important human questions
the study of human awareness and perceptions
Rogers’s believed
Each individual exists at the center of a phenomenal field (the total sum of experiences an organism has)
Actualizing tendency
is a universal life force
Organismic valuing process subconsciously guides us towards growth experiences
is portion of phenomenal field that gradually become differentiated
Congruence exists when
a person’s symbolized experiences reflect actual experiences
Incongruence exists when
a person’s symbolized experiences do not reflect all their actual experiences; there is denial or distortion in the symbolization