Ch 1 Flashcards
In social speech, someone’s public image. For Allport, personality is something real within an individual that needs to characteristic behavior and thought. For Carl Rodgers personality of self is an organized, consistent pattern of perception
A set of abstract concepts developed about a group of facts or events in order to explain them
Theory that seeks to be global and that emphasizes comprehension of the whole person
Macro theory
Theory which have resulted from specific research focused on limited aspects of human behavior
Micro theory
An underlying view of the world that influences a persons thinking
Philosophical Assumption
The systematic love or pursuit of wisdom
Some theorists believe that individuals basically have control over their behaviors and understand the motives behind them. Others believed that human behavior is basically determined by internal or external forces over which individuals that have little if any control
Freedom versus determinism
Theorists differ over whether inherited and inborn characteristics or factors in the environment have the more important influence on human behavior
Heredity versus environment
Some theorists believe that each individual is unique and cannot be compared with others. Others contend that people are basically very similar
Uniqueness versus universality
Proactive theories view human beings as acting on their initiative rather than simply reacting. The sources of behavior or perceived as lying within the individual, who does more than just react to stimuli from the outside world
Proactivity versus reactivity
Do you significant changes in personality and behavior occurred throughout the course of a lifetime? If an individual is motivated, can genuine changes be effected and personality? Can we help others to change by restructuring their environment? Some personality theories are decidedly more optimistic and hopeful than others concerning these possibilities
Optimism versus pessimism
A perception of essential meaning
One of the criteria for judging philosophical statement; the quality or state of logical consistency
One of the criteria for evaluating philosophical statements, the quality of having some bearing or being pertinent to ones view of reality
One of the criteria for evaluating philosophical statements; the quality of having a broad scope or range and depth of coverage
Model or concept of the world that is shared by the members of a community and that govern their activities
Statements about the world based on empirical observations arising from currently excepted paradigms, which could also be seen as shared philosophical assumptions
Scientific statement
The simplest kind of statements and science, Which are based on experience and observation
Data acquired through extropection, the act of looking out word on the world as object
Objective data
Date acquired through introspection, the act of working inward on the self as subject
Subjective data
Agreement among observers about phenomena
Consensual validation
A statement that may be made, when a number of different instances coincide, that something is true about many or all of the members of a certain class. In behavior theory, the application of a response learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
A conclusion that something is true about many or all of the members of a certain class
Scientific (or empirical) generalization
Statements that are true because of the way in which we have a greed to use words
An imaginary or hypothetical construct used to explain what is observed in science
Scientific constructs
Determining tendency or predisposition to respond and I certainly
In Jung’s theory,A central archetype representing the striving for unity of all part of the personality. In Rogers theory, the psychological processes that govern a person’s behavior