Ch 6 Sprinkler Systems and Standpipe Operations Flashcards
Sprinklers controlled or extinguished the fire more than how many percent? Pg 119
What is a deluge system? Pg128
Consist of a piping system connected to a water source controlled by an automatic valve.
What is a preaction system? Pg 129
Consists of an automatic detection system coupled to an automatic dry pipe system. They are often installed over very expensive electronic equipment.
What is a automatic wet system? Pg 125
The most common and simplest type of sprinkler. This is a pipe system connected to a source of supply that has water in its piping at all times, right up to the sprinkler head.
What is a automatic dry pipe system? Pg 127
Is usually found in unheated areas. The pipes are filled with air either from a compressor or bottles and regulators.
What is a non automatic systems? Pg 130
System installed with no water supply other than the fire department Siamese.
What is a combination sprinkler and standpipe system? Pg 131
These systems were a logical way to extend sprinkler protection into existing unsprinklered high rise buildings.
If a building were built without sprinklers, the distance a person would have to travel to reach an exit is how many feet? Pg 132
100 ft
If the building is built with an automatic wet sprinkler system the distance to the exit should be how many feet? Pg 133
200 feet
What are class 1 standpipe systems? Pg143
Are those primarily used by the fire dept. They have 2 1/2 inch threads and are mainly used for fire dept to use their hose.
Riser control valves are required for every how many feet of height? Pg 143
150 ft
What are class 2 standpipes? Pg 144
They are used for building occupants to control minor fires until the fire dept arrives. They are provided with 1 1/2 inch hose. Can flow 100 gpm.
What are class 3 standpipes? Pg 144
It is designed to allow fire dept and occupant use.
When would a building need a standpipe? Pg 148
Any building more than 75 feet in height or more than 2 stories and 20,000 sq ft per floor.
Where should any extra hoseline be flaked in fire-resistant building if there are any indications of a serious fire?
p. 151
Floor below
What is the best way to determine whether or not a sprinkler system is present in the building? p. 132
Performing a prefire inspection
Which is NOT a minimum piece of forcible entry equipment that should be brought during standpipe operations? p. 154
Pike pole
Which is a particularly dangerous issue for firefighters when allowances are given by building codes when an
automatic sprinkler system is installed with new construction? p. 132
Increased travel distances to exits
Which is the preferred type of standpipe system? p. 140
Automatic wet
What is the usual design flow for the Class II standpipe system? p. 144
100 psi
At what height is the standpipe outlet valve generally located? p. 151
Where does NFPA recommend that hose intended for occupant
use be located with the standpipe system? p. 144
Outside of the stairwell on the fire floor
How long is the piping in the nonautomatic system in the
New York Telephone building designed to withstand 1,500^F?
p. 130
15 minutes
What is used to adjust the pressure reducer on a vane-type
PRV? p. 145
Adjusting stem
How many wooden chocks should be carried in the standpipe
kit? p. 153
Three or four
What is present in the automatic dry sprinkler system piping before being activated? p. 127
Air under pressure
Who should be spoken to first when multiple false alarms come in from the same location with an automatic wet sprinkler system in place? p. 126
Building owner
What should be done if a fused sprinkler head needs to be
replaced? Pg 138
Mark with bright cloth
What figure is used to determine to estimate elevation pressures when conducting operations with a standpipe system? p. 141
5 psi per floor
Which is the preferred standpipe system in locations where
freezing is a problem? p. 140
Semiautomatic dry
What is the first task that should be undertaken during standpipe operations? p. 155
Advance first line
Where is the OS&Y sprinkler control valve usually found? p. 136
Base of the sprinkler riser near the front of the building
What size hoseline should be used as a minimum to supply the FDC? p. 122
2 1/2-inch
How many risers are recommended when the minimum flow is 750 gpm per NPFA 15 (pre- and post-1993)? p. 156
What are all sprinkler heads marked for? p. 138
In which type of structure can a survey of the floor below the fire floor be beneficial in determining the layout?
p. 150
To which floor should supply lines be stretched to pump whenever a serious fire demands the use of a standpipe system? p. 142
First floor
Who is the best resource when locating the sprinkler controls during an incident? p. 135
Building maintenance personnel
In standpipe systems installed post 1993, what is the maximum pressure allowed at the top floor outlets where
the 1 1/2-inch occupant hose is provided? p. 142
100 psi
How will the PIV need to be moved to close the valve? p. 136
Turn it clockwise
Once the fire is above which floor in the building will the use of the standpipe be preferred? p. 149