Ch 3 Engine Company Operations Flashcards
Fire progress through the following three stages what are they? Pg 40
- The incipient stage
- The free burning stage
- The smoldering stage
What are the three methods of attack modes? Pg 40
Direct method, indirect method, and the combination method
What stage is when the fire is small. Heat and smoke conditions are light, and the fire is confined to its original area? Pg 40
The incipient stage
What stage has the fire greatly increased in intensity. The rooms are either approaching flashover or have passed it? Pg 40
The free burning stage
What is the method of attack often used in the free burning stage? Pg 43
Combination method
What stage is the fire is no longer burning freely? Pg 46
The smoldering stage
As all methods of attack have prerequisites, so too does the indirect attack. The four key requirements are the following?
- No occupants
- Limited ventilation
- High heat
- Limited size of the potential fire area
What are responsible for most of the spread of fire to exposures? Pg 53
Radiation and direct flame exposure
After what amount of time should the likelihood of a backdraft occurring be over when breaking the front plate
glass window of a strip mall store?
p. 50
30 seconds
Which operating mode tends to be the best choice in situations where there is a possibility of BLEVE? p. 53
No attack
What is the first tactic that should be attempted when you suspect that a backdraft explosion is possible? p. 46
Ventilate the affected area
In which stage will more fires be encountered by the fire
service today? p. 41
What element is missing when backdraft explosion conditions are present? p. 46
After what amount of time should the IC realize that the fire is going to win?
p. 57
20 minutes
What building feature can be used to find the fire room when there is a blackout condition in an apartment
building? p. 42
Where should the stream be directed when protecting an exposure during defensive operations? p. 53
On the exposure’s exterior wall
In what does a large part of the problem rest when a fire is allowed to extend beyond the structure of origin?
p. 57
Failure to conduct an ongoing scene size-up
What length frontage can a 75-foot (23-meter) elevated platform cover if it is able to operate in front of the building? p. 58
100 foot
How many gallons of steam does each gallon of water convert to when fully vaporized during an indirect attack? p. 48
1,500 to 2,000 gallons
In which occupancy do most potential backdrafts seem to occur? p. 47
Commercial buildings at night
During which stage is the fire still small and heat and smoke conditions are light? p. 40
In which fire stage are most of the elements needed for a successful indirect attack present? p. 47
What type of fog pattern should be directed into a small opening in a window when utilizing an indirect attack? p. 48
In an average apartment fire, after what amount of time would the IC realize that there is something wrong if the fire has not darkened down?
p. 58
10 minutes
What is the most likely solution when heat is the root cause of thwarting the advance of the hoseline? p. 56
Ventilation opposite the advancing hoseline
During a defensive attack what are units positioned to protect? p. 53
How should firefighters move when advancing the hoseline into the fire area? p. 43
Duck walk
When should the application of water occur in potential backdraft situations when possible? p. 49
After topside ventilation
Which method of attack should be effective on a fire in the incipient stage? p. 40
What size hoseline should be positioned outside of the danger zone when it is necessary to break the front plate glass window of a strip mall store which is showing backdraft potential?
p. 50
2 1/2-inch (6.4 cm)
What should be undertaken as soon as possible at the fire scene that will make all other tasks easier? p. 55
In which part of the Class 3 building can a backdraft occur when there is a free-burning fire? p. 50