Ch 17 Store Fires-taxpayers And Strip Malls Flashcards
What is a taxpayer? Pg 430
Is a term used to describe a row of stores and other occupancies.
Steel bar joist are spaced how many feet apart? Pg 432-433
2 to 6 feet apart
How many feet are wooden bowstring trusses spaced apart? Pg 433
20 feet apart
How many members would be required for 2 lines of medium size hose? Pg 435
At least 4
One of the firefighter traps that a store fire offers is what? Pg 438
Ceiling height
Roof operations demand at least how many fire fighters? Pg 445
What is the minimum number of people per store that are needed to pull ceilings in the taxpayer with suspended ceilings when fire is in the cockloft? p. 442
Where is the biggest extension problem located in the taxpayer? p. 440
Which style of roof is usually found over larger single-tenant occupancies?
p. 431
Bowstring truss
What shape hole should be placed into the security gate to cool the store when steel plating is discovered in the
walls and/or roof of a taxpayer store?
p. 437
How can ceiling height in the commercial building be estimated by the firefighter? p. 439
Extend a pike pole to touch the ceiling
What type of nozzle tip should be used for the best results during cockloft operations at the taxpayer?
p. 443
Where should a preliminary ceiling opening be made when a suspended ceiling is present in the taxpayer?
p. 441
Entrance to each area
What length are steel-bar-joists? p. 433
60 feet
What type of construction is used to build newer-style taxpayers? p. 430
How much should the firefighter advance each time while searching for the fire in the cockloft of the taxpayer?
p. 439
8-10 feet
What allows firefighters to operate in strip malls with a bar-joist roof?
p. 433
Hose streams can protect the steel
What should be the minimum assignment of ladder companies at all serious taxpayer fires? p. 436
What should be heard when you have reached the roof boards when making a preliminary opening when a. suspended ceiling is present? p. 441
Solid sound
Which size hoseline has a reach of over 80 feet and delivers between 250 and 325 gpm? p. 435
2 1/2-inch
Where must a stream be operated from when you encounter a fire in the cockloft of the newest taxpayer?
p. 433-434
What material is typically used on the exterior of older style taxpayers?
p. 431
What must be completed before venting the front windows of the taxpayer? p. 437
Roof ventilation
What is the minimum width opening that should be made in the ceilings of stores ahead of a severe cockloft fire in a taxpayer? p. 439
Which is the most highly maneuverable master stream
available that can be used to hit fires in the cockloft of the taxpayer? p. 443
Elevating platform from the ground
How many times more firefighters are killed in nonresidential occupancies with extremely low civilian life hazard than in occupied residential buildings?
p. 429
Four times
Up to what level do partition walls in older-style taxpayers usually extend?
p. 431
Which gates should initially be forced when responding to a taxpayer fire where the stores are protected by steel gates? p. 437
All exposed stores
About how much will a 100-foot steel beam expand lengthwise when it is heated to 1,000F? p. 444
9.5 feet