Ch 23 Fire Department Roles In terrorism and Homeland Security Flashcards
Is a deadly chemical weapon, first used during World War 1 and still being used in terror attacks today? Pg 583
Chlorine Gas
What does SLUDGEM stand for? Pg 589
•Salivation: drooling and sweating
•Lacrimation: watery and teary eyes
•Urination: involuntary and uncontrollable.
•Defecation: involuntary, uncontrollable, dimmed vision (ocular miosis).
•Gastrointestinal: distress (cramps)
•Emesis: (vomiting)
•Muscle: twitching (convulsions)
Unless properly treated, nerve agents are likely to result in what? Pg 589
Rapid respiratory arrest, which is fatal.
If vaporized or aerosolized, the onset of symptoms can be observe when? Pg 589
If a liquid, onset of symptoms can be observed in what? Pg 589
Vesicants (blister) agents (mustard gas, (H,HD,HN), Lewisite (L), phosgene oxide (CX), HL, and HT) signs and symptoms? Pg 589
•immediate pain followed by blisters, or onset may be delayed 4-48 hours.
•Burning, itching, or red skin.
• Prominent tearing and burning and redness of eyes.
• Shortness of breath
• Nausea and vomiting
• Death
Choking agents-phosgene (CG), chlorine (CL) signs and symptoms? Pg 589
•Eye, nose, and throat irritation
•difficulty breathing
Blood (pulmonary) agents-hydrogen cyanide (AC), cyanogen chloride (CK) signs and symptoms? Pg 589
•Extreme difficulty breathing (patients may appear to be gasping for air)
•Altered mental status
•Nausea, vomiting
•Cardiac arrest
•death in 1-3 minutes
Incapacitating agents (teargas; CS, CN) signs and symptoms? Pg 589
•Self-limiting, self-correcting, symptoms usually clear up in 15-20 minutes from onset.
•Burning pain of skin and eyes
•Irregular respiration
Depending on the conditions found upon arrival and the resources available, the IC can initiate on of the following two modes of operation? Pg 592
- Rescue operation
- Defensive operation
With 45 minute bottles, you can allow what? Pg 595-596
20 minute time frame for operations and 5 minutes for decon.
With 30 minute bottles you can allow what? Pg 596
10 minute time frame for operations and 5 minutes for decon.
The first due engine company should stage the apparatus and equipment where? Pg 596
Upwind and away from any potential sources of contamination such as exhaust fan discharges.
What does force protection mean? Pg 599
Protecting the troops from situations where they face insurmountable odds and risk being wiped out, so that they can fight on in another situation where they can win.
Are living organisms that cause disease. Some of these agents, such as anthrax and clostridium botulinum are natural substances that exist in sour or animals are called what? Pg 600
Biological agents
What are considered toxins? Pg 600
Botulism, ricin, and staphylococcus enterotoxin
What are considered bacteria and rickettsia? Pg 600
Anthrax, bubonic plague, tularemia, and brucellosis.
What are considered viruses? Pg 600
Hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Marburg, and machupo), dengue fever, smallpox, and encephalitis yellow fever.
Known as dirty bombs or RDDs, use conventional explosives to disperse dangerous, but not fissionable, radioactive material? Pg 605
Radiological dispersal devices
To protect yourself against the effects of radioactive materials, maximize the following three protection factors? Pg 607
Is a unit of measure of ionizing radiation in air? Pg 608
Do not use the portable radio or cell phone within how many feet? Pg 614
300 ft
What should be done with victims who do not respond to painful stimulus during a chemical attack triage operation? p. 598
Leave them in place
How much operation time should be allowed during the chemical attack incident with 45-minute bottles?
p. 595
20 minutes
What should be completed before handing the incident over to law enforcement if it is determined that it is the result of a criminal or terrorist act when responding to a bombing or explosion? p. 611
Lifesaving efforts
Which biological weapon made from the castor bean plant has been used in numerous letter-based attacks in the United States in 1955, 1996, 2003, and 2013? p. 602
Which is often not required at bus bombings? p. 612
In which situation would a defensive operation NOT be initiated during a chemical attack? p. 599
There is a limited number of walking wounded present
What can be donned to help prevent the responder from touching the outside of their gear with bare skin?
p. 594
Latex gloves
What is the mortality rate of inhalation anthrax when it has developed to the point where patient shows symptoms of the disease? p. 602
Which is the greater threat in the event of a bomb blast containing radioactive material? p. 605
Physical Damage
With what frequency does the FDNY practice actual large-scale vaccine administration? p. 604
What should NOT be done if dispersal device is still dispersing agent when fire department units arrive in bunker gear? p. 594
Stop the dispersion quickly
What is the cause of most injuries at a bombing? p. 612
Which is an indicator that only a defensive operation should be considered during a chemical attack incident? p. 599
Secondary attacks have occurred
What must be clearly identified to be able to organize and coordinate outside resources during a bombing incident? p. 615
Command post
What should responders be prepared to concentrate on when access to the victims is secured during an active shooter incident? p. 586
Hemorrhage and airway control
Who is primarily responsible for threat suppression during a terrorist incident? p. 585
Law enforcement
What should be used to perform gross decon for ambulatory victims during a chemical attack incident? p. 596
Large caliber fog streams
Where should the engines during a bombing incident? p. 613
On hydrants
After what minimum amount of time has elapsed since an agent has been released would a rescue operation become practical at the chemical attack incident? p. 597
10 minutes
Where should uncommitted companies remain during a chemical attack incident? p. 593
At their apparatus
Who should be responsible for securing the corridor for the entry of rescuers at a bombing response?
p. 612
Law enforcement
What should be used to determine the viability of a patient who is laying down and does not respond to your
verbal commands during an explosion incident? p. 616
Nudge them with your foot
Which is the first objective at a chemical attack for fire personnel?
p. 589
Remove trapped live persons
Up to what amount of time after the detonation of a nuclear device will radiation levels make it too dangerous
for firefighters to enter the most damaged areas? p. 610
72 hours
Who should be responsible for interviewing witnesses and victims about what they saw before and during the radiological event? p. 609
Police officers
Which should NOT be done if you discover a bomb or explosive device?
p. 615
Use the radio
Which is NOT a correct statement about the detection of a biological attack? p. 605
Symptoms at the scene are most often flu-like
What is the most critical element in the new NFPA 3000? p. 585
Implementation of a joint command