Ch. 5 (Reproductive Health) Flashcards
T/F: Improvements in the ability to control reproduction (i.e. contraception) considered one of the top 10 great public health achievements of the 20th Century
Typical American woman spends ~___ years of adult life tending to pregnancy (trying, being, or postpartum) and more than __ ______ of adulthood trying to avoid pregnancy
3; 3 decades
Birth control is a ______ term than contraception.
T/F: contraception is birth control, but not all birth control is contraception.
Any procedure that prevents the birth of a baby
Birth control
Any procedure used to prevent fertilization of the ovum
Mandated coverage for contraception for federal employees via an act of Congress (1998)
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)
types of contraception (6):
- Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)
- Hormonal Methods
- Barrier Methods
- LARCs (Intrauterine Devices, IUDs)
- Sterilization
- “Emergency” contraception
type of contraception: “Free, no equipment necessary, but not reliable”
Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)
types of FAM (3):
- Calendar method
- basal body temperature
- Cervical mucus or ovulation method
type of FAM: Avoidance of intercourse during fertile time of month by calculating time of ovulation
Calendar method
type of FAM: Fertility cycle related to changes in basal body temperature
Basal body temperature
type of FAM: Fertility cycle related to variations in type of cervical mucus
Cervical mucus / Ovulation method
type of contraception: Most commonly used form of contraceptive; 99% effective; Suppresses a woman’s reproductive hormone cycle; Synthetic estrogen and progestin produce an artificial cycle
birth control pills
*Sperm viable for up to ____ days
*Eggs viable for ____ hours
oral contraceptives are used by______% of women aged 15–44 years
Hormone Delivery Methods (3):
- Depo-Provera
- Contraceptive patch (Xulane)
- NuvaRing
hormone delivery method: Injectable progestin every 3 months; suppresses ovulation
hormone delivery method: Patch worn on skin for 1-week intervals; fourth week is patch-free
Contraceptive patch (Xulane)
hormone delivery method: Flexible, plastic ring inserted into the upper vagina and worn for 3 weeks; removed during week of menstruation
Barrier methods (3):
- spermicide
- diaphragm / cervical cap
- condoms (female + male)
barrier method: available as creams, foams, films, suppositories, or gels; inactivates sperm by breaking down the surface of the sperm cells on contact
barrier method: Dome-shaped latex cup sealing cervix
Diaphragm/ cervical cap
barrier method: most commonly used barrier form of contraceptive in the United States
specific type of barrier method: Polyurethane sheath lining entire vagina and external genitals
female condom (internal condom)
type of contraception: Small object inserted by clinician into a woman’s uterus; effectiveness is superior to that of pills, patch, or ring; less popular in U.S.; nonhormonal (copper) and hormonal – 3, 5, 7, 12 years
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)/ Intrauterine Device (IUD)
permanent methods of birth control =
female sterilization =
tubal ligation
male sterilization =
types of female sterilization/tubal ligation (3):
- Laparoscopic sterilization-small
- Minilaparotomy
- Essure-coil blocked fallopian tubes-pulled
type of female sterilization: small incision in abdomen, fallopian tubes cut or partly removed.
Laparoscopic sterilization
type of female sterilization: after childbirth
type of female sterilization: tubes-pulled from market in 2018
Essure-coil blocked fallopian tubes
vas deferens cut, cauterized, and tied preventing sperm from entering seminal fluid.
other forms of birth control (3):
- abstinence
- withdrawal
- breastfeeding
other form of birth control: high failure rate due to personal sacrifice; No penis-in-vagina intercourse
other form of birth control: high failure rate due to controversial pre-ejaculatory fluid; Coitus interruptus
other form of birth control: Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)
the chance that the average couple using a given birth control method will become pregnant in a given year.
failure rate
Failure rates can be either for “_____ _____” (ideal conditions) or “_____ ______” (failure rate in the real world)
perfect use; actual use
_________, _________, and ________ have the largest difference between perfect use and actual use rates.
Condoms, sponges, and diaphragms
Stalls egg release or hampers sperm mobility; Used in the event of unprotected sex or contraceptive failure-not a medical abortion
Emergency Contraception (EC)
Age restrictions were removed on generic pills similar to Plan B in _______.
T/F: Regular birth control pills may be used for EC.
4 types of adoptions:
- open
- closed
- private
- public
type of adoption: birth mother is included in the child’s life; up to adopted parents how much inclusion occurs
type of adoption: all confidential; no identifiable info. of the biological mother to protect her
type of adoption: $$$; expensive; go through an attorney/agency
type of adoption: DSS, foster care system; parents cannot care of the child; gov. might take child away from parent bc they are ”unfit” to raise the child; “pregnant? Need help?
Unplanned pregnancies are NOT always ________ pregnancies.
women ages _____ to _____ have the highest rates of abortion
20 to 24
_____ in _____ women who get an abortion already have one child.
6 in 10