Ch 5 pt 3 Flashcards
Holocrine glands
Formed from cells that accumulate product
Cell disintegrates
Thick mixture of cell fragments and cell product
Ruptured cells replaced
Example: Oil-producing glands in the skin
Connective Tissue: Cells in a supportive Matrix
Most diverse, abundant, and widely distributed of tissues
Supports, protects, and binds organs
Cells, protein fibers, and ground substance
Produce fibers and ground substance
Most abundant resident cells in CT proper
fat cells, filled with triglycerides
Mesenchymal cells
Divides to replace damaged cells
phagocytic cells in immune system
Mast cells
Secrete heparin to inhibit blood clotting and histamine to dilate blood vessels
Plasma cells:
Produce antibodies
(to immobilize foreign material)
Protein fibers
strengthen and support tissue.
Collagen fibers
Unbranched, “cable-like” long fibers
Strong, flexible, and resistant to stretching
Reticular fibers
Similar to collagen fibers but thinner
Form branching, interwoven framework
Elastic fibers
Branching wavy fibers stretch and recoil easily
Help structures return to normal shape after stretching
Noncellular material produced by CT cells
Filler around cells and protein fibers
Consistency varies:
Viscous, semisolid, Solid
Ground substance + protein fibers = extracellular matrix
Ground Substance of connective tissue
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
Attract cations, water follows
Eg. Chondroitin sulfate, Hyaluronic acid
Formed with GAG linked to a protein
Adherent glycoproteins
Proteins with carbohydrates attached
Attaches CT cells and fibers to ground substance
Physical protection
Bones encase organs, Adipose cushions kidneys and eyes
Support and structural framework
Bones and cartilage
Binding of structures
Ligaments bind bone to bone; Tendons bind muscle to bone
Adipose CT is the major energy reserve
Bone, primary reservoir for calcium and phosphorus
Blood carries molecules and ions between regions of body
Mesenchyme differentiates into adult connective tissues
CT proper
Subdivided into loose or dense
Supporting CT
Fluid CT
Loose CT proper
Fewer cells and protein fibers
Protein fibers are sparse and irregularly arranged
Lots o’ ground substance
Three types
Areolar 2. Adipose 3. Reticular
Dense CT proper
Mostly protein fibers (collagen)
Less ground substance than loose CT
Three types
Dense regular 2. Dense irregular 3. Elastic