Ch. 4 Analytical Psychology Flashcards
analytical psychology
(Jung) assumes occult phenomena influences lives
- inherit experiences from ancestors in form of collective unconscious
- aim = achieve balance between opposing forces
**very applicable to pop culture
Carl Jung
created analytical psychology
- old colleague of Freud (his assumed successor)
- questioned father’s theology (minister)
- known for collective unconscious
levels of psyche
personal unconscious
collective unconscious
mental/psychic images sensed by ego
- minor role in Jungian theory
**Freud’s unconscious
personal unconscious
repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences
- pertains to individuals
emotionally toned conglomerate (group) of ideas
- make up personal unconscious
- uncovered by word association test
- may revolve around mother or archetypes
collective unconscious
ideas from experiences inherited from ancestors
- psychic blueprint for living
- lies beyond our personal experiences
- characterized by archetypes
- evolves and changes to incorporate new information that is globally recognized and accepted
**deep-seated beliefs regarding spirituality and religion may be partially due to the collective unconscious
“primordial images” OR “collective symbols”
contents/archaic images derived from collective unconscious
- represent psychic patterns of inherited behavior that are distinguished from instincts
- everyone has all the archetypes but not all can control them
- to reach individualization, need to be aware of and control all archetypes
**anima, animus, shadow
examples of archetype
persona shadow anima animus great mother wise old man hero the self
the side of our personality that what we show others
- not necessarily good or bad
the dark side of our personality
the feminine side of males
- originates from men’s inherited experiences w/ women
- the more irrational/emotional side in men
the masculine side to females
- originates from women’s inherited experiences w/ men
great mother
the opposing forces of fertility and destruction
wise old man
symbolizes preexisting knowledge to mysteries
- not always correct
- present in dreams
the godlike man who conquers evil or vanquishes evil
- fights evil
the self
center and essence of personality
- our core of personality
- mostly unconscious
- often symbolized in the mandala motif
symbol representing the striving for unity and completion
- often seen as a circle w/ a square or a square w/in a circle
dynamics of analytical psychology
1) behavior is shaped by causality and teleology
2) balance between progression and regression
forward flow of psychic energy
- necessary for adaptation to the outside world
**similar to extraversion
backward flow of psychic energy
- necessary for adaptation to inner world
**similar to introversion
psychic types
attitudes and functions
**our preferences
predisposition to act in a character direction
- everyone has access to both but we have a specific preference to one
**introversion and extraversion
turning toward inward of psychic energy w/ an orientation toward subjective
turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward objective and away from subjective
types of functions
logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas
- concern w/ facts and objectives
evaluating an idea or even
- concern w/ values and feelings
receives stimuli and transmits them into perceptual consciousness
perception beyond the workings of consciousness
**gut feeling
stages of development
middle life
old age
lacks consciousness
- phases: anarchic, monarchic, dualistic
**early morning… full of potential
anarchic phase
similar to id
- disconnected islands of consciousness
- primitive images of consciousness
monarchic phase
development of the ego, logical and verbal thinking
- see self objectively in 3rd person
- larger islands
- more numerous but still disconnected
dualistic phase
ego = subjective/objective
- think about others too
- refer to self in 1st person
- aware of existence of other people as separate
- islands = continuous land
- complex self w/ ego that recognizes both object and subject
youth stage
period from puberty until middle life
- (YA) major difficulty to overcome / become independent
- (A) tendency to cling to childhood
**morning sun
middle life stage
begins @ approximately age 35 or 40
- period of anxiety y potential
- discover new meaning in life
- may have new religious orientation
- deal w/ life/death
**brilliant late morning sun but heading toward sunset
old age stage
discontinuation of consciousness
- death becomes goal in life
- need to accept death (afraid of death = afraid of life)
**evening sun
process of integrating the opposite into a harmonious self
- come to selfhood
- requires assimilation of unconsciousness into total self
- rarely achieved
- minimized persona
- recognized anima / animus
- balance btwn introversion / extraversion
**need to accept natural flow of life, not hoping to be youthful forever
method of investigation
word association test
dream analysis
active imagination
basic approaches of psychotherapy
1) confession of pathogenic secret (catharsis)
2) interpretation, explanation y elucidation + insight
3) educate patient as social beings – similar to Adler
4) transformation into a healthy human
critique of analytical psychology
moderate supporting research
low practicality
low internal consistency
low parsimony
difficult to test empirically
very philosophical
concepts of humanity
neither deterministic or purposeful
not optimistic, nor pessimistic
both conscious and unconscious
motivation by causal and teleological
biology over social
emphasizes similarities among people