Ch. 2 Psychoanalysis Flashcards
hysteria (origin)
the “traveling womb” caused erratic behavior
levels of mental life
**think iceberg analogy
beyond awareness
- includes drives/urges
- known indirectly
- sources of unconscious processes: repression & phylogenetic endowment
**underwater part of the iceberg
not in conscious awareness but can be brought to surface
**part near waterline
mental life that is directly available
- plays a minor role
- immediate
**tip of the iceberg
provinces of the mind
**not synonymous w/ unconscious/conscious/preconscious
pleasure principle
- seeks to increase pleasure, decrease tension or uncomfortable situations
- primary process
- sex and aggression
rider to the horse (ego)
devil to the angel (superego)
**id controls = sex pervert
reality principle
- manage id impulses
- not opposite of id, nor is it the enemy
- secondary process
horse to the rider (id)
- physically stronger than id
**ego control = anxiety-ridden
idealistic principle
- morals
- conscience
- ego-ideal
- reason for pride
angel to the devil (id)
**superego control = guilt/remorse OR unconfident
(superego) our idealistic view of what is right
- rules for good behavior
(superego) our view of what is considered wrong
**guilt or remorse
life instinct
sex drive
- life force that desires to procreate or be alive
death instinct or aggression/destructive drive
types of anxiety
neurotic anxiety
moral anxiety
realistic anxiety
neurotic anxiety
anxiety caused from repeated prevention by parents/circumstances from expressing id impulses
- neurosis
**ego vs. id
disorder characterized by intense anxiety
- attributed to failure of a person’s ego defense mechanisms to cope with unconscious conflicts
moral anxiety
anxiety caused by punishment or threats for expressing id impulses
- inadequate defense mechanisms may lead to generalized anxiety disorder
**ego vs. superego
realistic anxiety
anxiety caused by an actual danger
**real-life danger
types of defense mechanisms
repression reaction formation displacement fixation regression projection introjection sublimation
defense mechanism
techniques used by ego to defend itself against the pain of anxiety
pushing/repressing undesirable id impulses to unconscious
- ego > id
**you can’t remember your father’s funeral
reaction formation
conscious behaves opposite of its original form
**two-faced to someone you don’t like
**a man who is attracted to the same sex acts homophobic
redirect undesirable impulses on to more acceptable targets
- take emotions out on some(one/thing) else
**when you get mad at your sister, you break your drinking glass by throwing it against the wall
permanent attachment of libido onto earlier, more comfortable stage of development
revert back to earlier stage of development when stressed or anxious
**you and your roommate get into an argument so you stomp off into another room and pout
putting/projecting on unwanted impulses onto an external object or person
**you get really mad at your husband but scream that he’s the one mad at you
incorporate positive equalities of others unto self
**a child, after being separated from his parents, begins to adopt the attitudes and morals of his father
substitute repressed feelings for socially acceptable behaviors
**intense rage redirected in the form of participation in sports such as boxing or football
stages of development
infantile period
latency period
genital period
infantile period
(birth - 5 yrs)
oral phase
anal phase
phallic phase
oral phase
comfort needs
**root for oral fixations such as smoking, a biting personality or eating disorders
anal phase
how to relieve self and control
**roots for hoarding
phallic phase
exploring sex
- Oedipus complex
- Electra complex
- castration complex
- ego develops during this stage
Oedipus complex
situation in which child of either sex develops feelings of love and/or hostility for the parent
castration complex
(male) fear of being castrated
- realize women do not have penis, assume women were castrated
- assume father cut off mom’s penis, boy now looks up to father
- superego starts to develop after this stage
**accompanies Oedipus complex
penis envy
(female) desire to have penis
- precedes and instigates Oedipus complex
**accompanies Oedipus complex
free association
unfiltered rambling during therapy session
- hope to uncover unconscious
unwanted feelings will show/reflect onto therapist who tries to free psychic energy
- may be sexual or hostile
- stem from patient’s earlier experiences w/ parents
manifest content
the dream storyline
latent content
the meaning behind the dream storyline
- id displaces/disguises impulses here
- wish fulfillments
“Freudian slips”
slips of the tongue or pen, misreading, incorrect hearing, temporary forgetting of names and intentions, and the misplacing of objects
- caused by unconscious wishes
Freud concept of humanity
deterministic and pessimistic causality over teleology unconscious over conscious biology over culture equal emphasis on uniqueness and similarity
Sigmund Freud
created psychoanalysis
- “father of modern-day psychology”
- eldest of 8 children
- was dethroned for discovery of cocaine
- cocaine user
- created international exclusive circle of followers
- fell out of sync w/ multiple colleagues throughout career/life
seduction theory
theory in which a repressed memory of an early childhood sexual abuse or molestation experience was the essential precondition for hysterical or obsessional symptoms
- later abandoned for Oedipus complex
- very controversial