Ch. 4 Flashcards
Level of awareness about ourselves and out environment
Experiences of consciousness, or the hierarchy of consciousness, that we are aware or unaware of and how one can focus on multiple aspects of our body/environment at a time
Levels of consciousness
Information about yourself and your environment you are currently aware of
Conscious level
Body processes controlled by your mind that we are not usually (or ever) aware of
Non-conscious level
Information about yourself or your environment that you are not currently thinking of but could be
Preconscious level
Information that we are not consciously aware but knew must exist due to behavior
Subconscious level
Freud. Events/feelings that are unacceptable to our conscious mind is repressed here
Unconscious level
A state of consciousness in which we are less aware of ourselves/environment than we normally are (teens don’t get much of it!)
Typical pattern of sleep during a 24-hour day, part of circadian rhythm
Sleep cycles
How active our brains are during sleep. Sleep onset, REM, NREM. 90-minute periods and gone through 4-7 times a night
Sleep Stages
Brain waves appear as active/intense as they do when awake. Rapid eye movement. Ex: increased eye movement, irregular heart rate, paralyzed
REM Sleep
Isolated periods of disruption in out sleep pattern that causes inconvenience/disrupts sleep cycle
Sleep disorders
Persistent problems in getting to sleep or staying asleep at night
Suffers from periods of intense sleepiness and may fall asleep at unpredictable or inappropriate times, REM @ any times
Causes a person to stop breathing for short periods of time during the night, wake up for air, no deep sleep
Sleep Apnea
Typically in adolescence, experiences of great fear and suddenly “sleep walking in fear”
Night terrors
Series of story-like images we experience as we sleep. Occurs most vividly during REM
Uncover repressed information in the unconscious mind. Dreams are an act of wish fulfilling or acting out unconscious desires
Freudian dream interpretation
Biological phenomenon outlook of dreams. Brain’s interpretation of neurons firing causes dreams. Literary story made by intense brain activity
Activation-synthesis dream theory
Stress during the day increases the number/intensity of dreams during the night
Information-processing dream theory
Changes the chemistry of the brain and induce an altered state of consciousness on the consumer
Psychoactive drugs
Drugs that occupy receptors and activate them
Drugs that occupy site receptors but do no activate them, instead blocking the receptor from activating
A physiological change that produces a need for more of the same drug in order to achieve the same effect
Discomfort/distress that follows discontinuity an addictive drug/behavior
Drugs that speed up body processes, including automatic nervous system via sense of euphoria. Ex: coffee, cocaine, nicotine
Drugs that slow down the body’s systems, euphoria accompanied by depressing effects of depressants. Ex: alcohol, barbiturates
Drugs that cause changes in perception of reality and sensory image in the absence of sensory input. Called psychedelic
Drugs that depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety. Drowsiness accompanied by euphoria. Ex: Heroine, methadone