ch 31 the child with endocrine dysfunction Flashcards
type of hormone: create the effect near the point of secretion
local hormone
type of hormone: released into the bloodstream
where they are carried to responsive tissues
general hormone
what 2 regulatory systems maintain homeostasis
endocrine system
autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic)
when does hormonal control of bodily functions regulate for children
12-18 months old
what hormone is deficient in hypopituitarism
growth hormone
how is diagnosis of hypopituitarism made
-plasma growth hormone levels
-hand xrays
Tx hypopituitarism
-biosynthetic growth hormone injections
-thyroid extract
what is the best time of day to give biosynthetic growth hormone injection
before bed
Rare neurodegenerative
condition reported in some
patients after receiving
human GH from cadavers
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
“human mad cow disease”
what disorders can hyperpituitarism result in
-cushings disease
S+S acromegaly
-excess growth hormone, overgrowth of long bones
-increased muscle
-typical facial features
how is diagnosis of acromegaly made
-radiologic studies
-endocrine studies
Tx hyperpituitarism
-surgery to remove tumor
-radiation/radioactive implants
-hormone replacement therapy
what ages do precocious puberty occur in girls? boys?
girls: before 8 yo
boys: before 9 yo
3 types precocious puberty
potential causes of precocious puberty
-disorder of gonads
-disorder of adrenal glands
-disorder of hypothalmic-pituitary-gonadal axis
med for Tx precocious puberty
when is it discontinued
lupron: slows prepubertal rates
stop med at normal puberty age
primary causes of diabetes insipidus (DI) ? secondary causes?
primary: hyposecretion of ADH
secondary: trauma, tumor, CNS infection, aneurysm
S+S diabetes insipidus in children? infants?
-polydipsia (thirst)
-first sign often enuresis (bedwetting)
-high H&H
-high serum osmolarity
-irritability relieved by water (not milk)
meds for Tx of DI
-daily hormone replacement of vasopressin
-DDAVP (oral/nasal/IM/SQ)
*treatment for life
nursing interventions for DI
-accurate I&Os
-observe for signs of fluid overload
-seizure precautions
-DDAVP 2x/day
Produced by
hypersecretion of the
posterior pituitary
(increased ADH)
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
-fluid retention (water intoxication, overhydrated)
-weight gain
-low serum osmolarity
-personality changes
risk with DI
hypovolemic shock
risk with SIADH
common S+S between DI and SIADH
excessive thirst
hypertonic saline
fluid restriction
causes juvenile hypothyroidism
-acquired (after thyroidectomy or radiation)
S+S hypothyroidism
-slowed growth
-excessive weight gain
-delayed puberty
-dry skin, sparse hair, periorbital edema
Tx hypothyroidism
-thyroid hormone replacement
-prompt Tx needed for brain growth in infant
causes hyperthyroidism
-congenital (usually from maternal use antithyroid drugs during pregnancy)
-acquired (neoplasm, inflammatory disease, dietary deficiency, increased secretion thyrotropic hormone)
important consideration for infant born with hyperthyroidism (goiter)
-precautions for emergency ventilation
-hyperextension of neck helps with breathing
most common cause thyroid disease in children/teens
lymphocytic thyroiditis
S+S lymphocytic thyroiditis
-lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid gland
-hyperplasia (goiter)
-usually euthyroid but with S+S of hypothyroidism
Tx lymphocytic thyroiditis
-may resolve spontaneously within 1-2 yrs
-oral thyroid hormone helps decrease goiter
-surgery is contraindicated
S+S hyperthyroidism (graves disease)
-excessive motor irritability, tremors, insomnia, short attentions pan
-GI hyperactivity (diarrhea)
-rapid bounding pulse
-dyspnea (even with light exertion)
-heat intolerance (skin is warm and flushed)