ch 28 hematology and immunology Flashcards
lifecycle of RBCs
120 days
function of reticulocytes
indicates active RBC production
reticulocyte = new immature RBC
if you have hemolytic anemia would reticulocytes be high or low
*be concerned if its low because their anemia is more profound
type of WBC: primary defense of bacterial infection
cut off point for high risk of bleeding in platelet count
types anemia
-decrease in number
-morphology (change in shape, size, color)
S+S anemia
-headache, dizziness
-murmur, tachycardia
-CBC: decreased RBC, Hgb and Hct, high reticulocytes
how to prevent iron deficiency anemia in young children
-iron fortified cereals and formulas for infants
-don’t have excessive milk intake (prevents iron production)
3 types anemias caused by increased destruction of RBCs
-hereditary spherocytosis (HS)
-sickle cell disease (*genetic)
Tx hereditary spherocytosis
-usually not before 5 yo
all hereditary disorders whose clinical, hematologic, and pathologic features are related to presence of HEMOGLOBIN S
sickle cell disease
what type of hereditary disease is sickle cell disease
autosomal recessive
(1 parent carrier, 1 parent not = 25% chance)
what disease is protected against if a pt has thalassemia and sickle cell disease
test for diagnosing sickle cell disease in newborns
hemoglobin electrophoresis
when do babies start showing signs of sickle cell anemia
6 mos (Hgb S increases)
S+S sickled hemoglobin
-decreased kidney function (incontinence, hematuria)
-priapism (painful constant erection)
-chronic ulcers
-hepatomegaly (gallstones)
-tissue death
-bone pain