ch 13 health promotion of preschooler and family Flashcards
physical proportion changes during preschool
-slender but sturdy
-graceful, agile
-posture erect
-males and females similar in size and proportion
gross motor development by 36 months
gross motor development by 4 years old
skips and hops on one foot
catches ball
gross motor development by 5 years old
skips on alternate feet
jumps rope
learns to skate
learns to swim
starting to tie shoes
body image development of preschooler
-increased awareness of self and others
-poorly defined body boundaries
-poor understanding of internal anatomy
development of sexuality of preschooler
-sexual identity
-sexual beliefs
-sex typing
-gender behaviors
-sexual explorations
social development of preschooler
separation-individuation process
effects of prolonged separation
language development of preschooler
-age 4-5
-age 6
-age 4-5: 4 and 5 word sentences
-age 6: understands all parts of speech and can identify opposites
personal-social behavior development of preschooler
-self assertion
-desire to please
-*independent in dressing, eating, toileting by ages 4/5
-internalized values
-more secure with new sibling arrival at this age
what age can a child be independent in dressing, eating, and toileting
4-5 yo
types of play in preschoolers
-associative play
-imaginary playmates
-mutual play with parents
examples associative play
-dress up
-using same playground equipment
-sharing toys with another kid
-*each kid has their own focus but may be talking to each other and using the same toys to play
temperament in preschoolers
-more tolerant with group situations
-long term consequences of temperamental characteristics (not disciplined younger)
-influence of temperament on school success
behavior intended to hurt a person or destroy property
tips for dealing with preschooler’s aggression
-identify reason for frustration
-model appropriate ways to deal with frustration
-praise for positive behaviors
-reinforce correct behaviors
-professional help for parents (classes, etc)