Ch:3 Energy Transformation & Metabolism Flashcards
Law of Thermodynamics
Principes that govern energy exchange, including heat exchange and the performance of work.
Energy Transfer
Movement of ATP from one compound to another so that it can be used.
Liver cell.
Muscle cell.
Fat cell.
ATP/PCr System
Composed of ATP and phosphocreatine, this system replenishes oxygen rapidly without the use of oxygen.
Creatine Kinase
Isoenzyme found in muscle and brain tissue that catalyzes the formation of ATP; higher after tissue injury.
Nitrogenous substance, derived from arginine, glycine, and methionine, found in muscle tissue.
Phosphocreatine (PCR)
Compound of creatine (Cr) and phosphoric acid (P) found in muscle.
Glycolytic System
Process of breaking down glucose for energy; can be fast or slow.
Salt of pyretic acid; the end product of glycolysis.
Reduced form of NAD; used to transfer electrons.
Hydrogen Ion
The cation of acids; consists of a hydrogen atom whose electron has been transferred to the anion of the acid.
Co-enzyme of dehydrogenates; plays a role in intermediary metabolism as an oxidizing agent or reducing agent for metabolites.
Lactic Acid
An organic byproduct of anaerobic metabolism derived from pyruvic acid; can be used as an energy source for cells.
Oxidative Phosphorylation
The phosphorylation of ATP coupled to the electron transport system.
Muscle Acidity
An acidic environment created when the pH level of muscle cells fall below 7.
Krebs Cycle
A major metabolic pathway that involves a series of enzymatic reactions that convert pyretic acid from food to acetyl-CoA for energy.
Electron Transport Chain
Set of compounds that transfers electrons to a donor that creates energy.
Co-enzyme that plays a role in intermediary metabolism; can enter the Krebs cycle to produce energy and be used for fatty acid synthesis.
Beta Oxidation
Breakdown of fatty acids that takes place in the mitochondria and peroxisomes.
Riboflavin-derived hydrogen acceptor in the Krebs cycle.
The reduced form of FAD+.
Protein found in mitochondria (inner membrane) that transports electrons.
Particle with a positive charge, usually regarded as a hydrogen ion; when the proton gradient shifts in the electron transport chain, energy conversion occurs.
Synthesis of glycogen.
Glucose 6-Phosphate
Phosphorylated form of glucose that won’t diffuse out of a cell.
Glycogen Sythase
Enzyme necessary for the conversion of excess glucose into stored glycogen.
Hormone and neurotransmitter; also known as adrenaline.
Hormone and neurotransmitter; also known as noradrenaline.
Glycogen Phosphorylase
Enzyme necessary for glycogenolysis; breaks glycogen into glucose units.
Breakdown of stored glycogen to glucose.
Hormone secreted by the pancreas to increase blood glucose levels.
Endocrine cells of the pancreas that secrete glucagon.
Adrenal Medulla
Central part of the adrenal gland that secretes epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine.
Series of reactions in the cytosol that converts glucose into pyretic acid and ultimately ATP.
Anaerobic Threshold
The point at which lactic acid begins to accumulate tin the bloodstream.
Intermediate that couples with acetyl-CoA to form citrate.
Fat Adapation
A higher capacity to oxidize fat.
Liquid component of blood that suspends blood cells; contains water, glucose, proteins and hormones.
Conversion of non-carbohydrate compounds (i.e., amino acids, pyruvate, glycerol) to glucose.
Cori Cycle
Use of lactate produced in the muscles by the liver for the production of glucose.
Adipose Tissue
Fat tissue.
Breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.
Hormone Sensitive Lipase
Enzyme of the cytosol that frees fatty acids and glycerol.
Growth Hormone
Anabolic hormone that causes growth and cell reproduction; also known as somatotropin.
With oxygen present.
Without oxygen present.
A glycerol with one fatty acid chain.
A glycerol with two fatty acid chains.
Fatty Acid Synthase System
System of enzymes involved in the synthesis of fatty acids.
Addition of carbons on a fatty acid chain.
Saturated Fatty Acid
A fatty acid with no double bonds in the chain.
Removal of hydrogen atom(s) to form a double bond.
Monounsaturated Fatty Acid
A single double bond in the fatty acid chain.
Very Low Density Lipoprotein Particles (VLDL)
Particles used in lipid transport; assembled in the liver by cholesterol and apolipoproteins, converted to LDL.
Lipogenic Enzyme
Enzyme involved with the synthesis of fat
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)
Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, see linolenic acid.
Family of unsaturated fatty acids characterized by a carbon-carbon double bond three spaces in from the methyl end.
Linolenic Acid
Unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid considered essential to the human diet.
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid
A fatty acid with multiple double bonds in the chain.
A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol and triglyceride from the small intestines to tissues of the body.
A class of proteins with hydrophobic core of triglycerides or cholesterol surrounded by hydrophilic phopholipids, apolipoproteins and bodily structures.
Lipid/sterol contained in the body’s cells and fluids that acts as a precursor to hormones and bodily structures.
Statin Drugs
Pharmaceutical agents that decrease cholesterol production within the body via downregulation of HMG-CoA reductase.
Lipid binding protein that is part of lipoprotein.
Addition of carbons on a fatty acid chain.
Saturated Fatty Acid
A fatty acid with no double bonds in the chain.
Removal of hydrogen atom(s) to form a double bond.
Monounsaturated Fatty Acid
A single double bond in the fatty acid chain.
Very Low Density Lipoprotein Particles (VLDL)
Particles used in lipid transport; assembled in the liver by cholesterol and apolipoproteins, converted to LDL.
Lipogenic Enzyme
Enzyme involved with the synthesis of fat
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)
Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, see linolenic acid.
Family of unsaturated fatty acids characterized by a carbon-carbon double bond three spaces in from the methyl end.
Linolenic Acid
Unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid considered essential to the human diet.
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid
A fatty acid with multiple double bonds in the chain.
A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol and triglyceride from the small intestines to tissues of the body.
A class of proteins with hydrophobic core of triglycerides or cholesterol surrounded by hydrophilic phopholipids, apolipoproteins and bodily structures.
Lipid/sterol contained in the body’s cells and fluids that acts as a precursor to hormones and bodily structures.
Statin Drugs
Pharmaceutical agents that decrease cholesterol production within the body via downregulation of HMG-CoA reductase.
Lipid binding protein that is part of lipoprotein.
LDL Cholesterol
A lipoprotein that transports triglyceride and cholesterol from the liver to body tissues.
HDL Cholesterol
A lipoprotein that transports fatty acids and cholesterol from the body tissues to the liver.
Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT)
An enzyme that is used to convert cholesterol to a transportable form for lipoproteins.
Development of plaque in the lumen (interior space) of blood vessels.
Plasma Pool of Amino Acids
Reserve of amino acids found in blood plasma.
Peptide Chain
Short polymer formed from linking amino acids.
Removal of an amine group from a compound.
Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA)
Amino acid with aliphatic side chain that is non-linear.
Carbon Skeleton
Chains, branches, or rings of carbon atoms that form organic molecules.
One of a group of organic nitrogen compounds.
Also known as NH3, a very basic end product of protein metabolism.
Urea Cycle
Cycle that takes place in the liver and created urea rom ammonia and carbon dioxide.
Water-soluble final nitrogenous excretion product synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide, found in urine.
An organic acid congaing a functional keton group and a carboxylic acid.
The transfer of an amino group from an amino acid to an alpha-keto acid.
Protein Turnover
Balance between protein synthesis and breakdown.
Protein Synthesis
(Re)building of proteins.
Protein Breakdown
Degradation of proteins.