Ch:13 Step 4: Providing a Nutrition Plan Flashcards
American Dietetic Association
Largets organization of food and nutrition professionals in the United States; composed primarily of registered dietitians.
USDA Food Pyramid
A graphical display of a healthy diet centered on food groupings; created by the USDA in 1992.
Pasturized Milk
Milk that’s been exposed to high temperatures in an effort to destroy microorganisms.
Lactose Intolerance
Inability of the body to break down lactose, usually secondary to lactase enzyme deficiency.
A decrease in the mass and density of bone with enlargement of bone spaces; creating porosity.
Nutrient Timing
Sports nutrition concept that manipulates meal chronology to enhance recovery from training and body composition.
5 Habits
Simple habits that when followed will naturally lead to an improvement in calorie control, nutrient timing, and food selection.
Alkaline Load
A food intake that generates a slightly higher pH value in the body; base forming.
Controlled Carbohydrate
Eating carbohydrates in the forms and at the times that the body can best tolerate.
Carbohydrate Dependent Sports
Sports that exhaust high amounts of muscle glycogen.
Glycemic Index
Measure of the rate at which an ingested food causes the level of glucose in the blood to rise.
5 Habits Cheat Sheet
Simple habits that when followed will naturally lead to an improvement in calorie control, nutrient timing, and food selection.
Superfoods Checklist
Foods that are very nutrient dense and energy controlled.
Level 1 Clients
Describes people who are not yet in the habits of eating healthy foods, at the right time, in the right amounts.
Level 2 Clients
Describes people who have an idea of portion sizes, body awareness and food choices but need help with food timing, nutrient partitioning, and food intake relative to need/goals.
Level 3 Clients
Describes people who have a good grasp of Level 2 strategies but their high performance goals demand more specialized strategies and supplementation to precisely address food intolerances/allergies, body fat distribution, gene profiles, and other highly specific nutritional goals.
Body Types
Also known as somatotypes; general categories of body structure as well as muscle and fat storage and distribution.
Body type characterized by long and thin muscles and limbs with lower fat storage; generally slim.
Body type characterized by larger bones, a solid torso, wide shoulders, trim waist, controlled body fat levels.
Body type characterized by increased fat storage, wider waist, large bone structure.
A blend between ectomorph and mesomorph body types; athletic looking yet still on the thin side, especially in the limbs.
A blend between endomorph and mesomorph; heavily muscled yet carrying extra body fat around the midsection.
Also known as body types; general categories of body structure as well as muscle and fat storage and distribution.
Carbohydrate Tolerance
A person’s ability to handle higher dietary carbohydrate loads.
Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDS)
A short-term strategy for body composition alteration.
Neutral Energy Balance
When energy intake (from food) matches energy output (from basal metabolism and activity)
Green Food Product
Dietary supplement composed of green foods that are rich in nutrients.
Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet
A short-term strategy for body composition alteration.
Calorie Cycling
Alternating high and low levels of calorie intake, which doesn’t allow the body to find homeostasis.
Carbohydrate Cycling
Alternating high and low levels of carbohydrate intake which doesn’t allow the body to find homeostasis.
Very High-Carbohydrate Diets
A short-term strategy to be used by athletes in carbohydrate-depedent sports or for body composition change.
Periworkout Nutrition
Nutritional choices before, during, and after workouts.
P+C Drinks
Drinks composed of protein and carbohydrates that can be used before, during, or after training/exercise.