Ch. 24 The Fetal Head and Brain Flashcards
The abnormal enlargement of the ventricles within the brain is referred to as ___________.
__________ refers to dilatation (dilation) of the ventricular system caused by an increased volume of CSF, resulting in increased intraventricular pressure. Hydrocephalus may be reserved for cases of ventriculomegaly that are more severe and are caused by some type of obstruction to the flow of CSF, resulting in a backup of the fluid in the cerebral ventricles.
The sonographic finding of the “_________” sign describes the echogenic choroid plexus, hanging limp, and surrounded by CSF, within the dilated lateral ventricle. (this finding is exceedingly specific for ventriculomegaly)
dangling choroid
Ventriculomegaly has been cited as the most common cranial abnormality. Suspicion of ventricular dilatation occurs when the atrial diameter measures more than _______. The lateral ventricle that will be readily seen on sonography is most often the ventricle ________ from the transducer.
10 mm; farthest
what are the two main type of hydrocephalus?
communicating and noncommunicating hydrocephalus
he obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid from a source outside the ventricular system
Communicating hydrocephalus
the obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid from a source within the ventricular system
noncommunicating hydrocephalus
the duct that connects the third ventricle of the brain to the fourth ventricle; also referred to as the aqueduct of Sylvius
aqueductal stenosis
Sonographic Findings of _________
1.Atrium of the lateral ventricle measures greater than 10 mm
2.Atrial measurement greater than 15 mm is considered moderate to marked ventriculomegaly
3.Dangling choroid sign
4.Dilatation of any part of the ventricular system
______________is the most common cause of hydrocephalus in utero
Aqueductal stenosis
The ___________, located between the third and fourth ventricles of the brain, may be narrowed, thus preventing the flow of CSF from the third to the fourth ventricle. This obstruction level will cause the ________and both the _________ to expand, whereas the fourth ventricle remains normal.
cerebral aqueduct(adqueduct of Sylvius); third ventricle; lateral ventricles
Sonographic Findings of __________
1.Atrium of the lateral ventricle measures greater than 10 mm
2.Atrial measurement greater than 15 mm is considered moderate to marked ventriculomegaly
Dangling choroid sign
Dilatation of the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle; the fourth ventricle remains normal
Aqueductal Stenosis
Sonographic Findings of _________
1.Fluid-filled cranium
2.Absent or partial absence of the falx cerebri
3.Maintained brainstem, basal ganglia, and, perhaps, the thalamus
4.No identifiable cerebral cortex
*fatal condition, with death occuring in the first year of life
___________is a fatal condition in which the entire cerebrum is replaced by a large sac containing CSF
the lower part of the brain composed of the pons, midbrain, and medulla oblongata
a group of nuclei within the brain that function in several ways, including information processing and emotional response
basal ganglia
There have been several postulations regarding the cause of _____________, including bilateral occlusion of the internal carotid arteries with subsequent destruction of the cerebral hemispheres. Another hypothesis is that intrauterine infections such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis lead to the destruction of the cerebral hemispheres.
the most severe form of holoprosencephaly
alobar holoprosencephaly
a group of brain abnormalities consisting of varying degrees of fusion of the lateral ventricles, absence of the midline structures, and associated facial anomalies
Hydranencephaly can be difficult to differentiate with the sonographic findings of severe ventriculomegaly and _______ holoprosencephaly. It is important to note that with both severe ventriculomegaly and holoprosencephaly, there will typically be a rim of cerebral tissue maintained, whereas with hydranencephaly, there is ____cerebral mantle present.
alobar; no
one large ventricle within the brain associated with holoprosencephaly
____________is a midline brain anomaly that is associated with not only brain aberrations but also atypical facial structures. It may be detected with endovaginal imaging as early as the first trimester.
What are the 3 types of holoprosencephaly?
alobar, semilobar, and lobar
What is the severe form of holoprosencephaly? What shapes does it take on?
alobar, “pancake” “cup” “ball”
Although the ______ form can be consistent with life, alobar holoprosencephaly is the most severe form, often resulting in neonatal death.
With ____________, there will be evidence of a horseshoe-shaped monoventricle, and the lobes of the thalamus may be fused and echogenic in appearance.
the least severe form of the holoprosencephaly
lobar holoprosencephaly
a subdivision within the middle of the lip
median cleft lip
close-set eyes (hypotelorism) and a nose with a single nostril
the absence of the eye(s)
Infants with lobar holoprosencephaly may experience severe _______ retardation. _________, or Patau syndrome, is present in 50% to 70% of fetuses diagnosed with holoprosencephaly
mental; Trisomy 13
Facial anomalies associated with _______
Proboscis(false nose above the orbits)
(Median) cleft lip
alobar holoprosencephaly
Sonographic Findings of __________
1.Horseshoe-shaped monoventricle
2.Fused echogenic thalami
3.Absence of the CSP, interhemispheric fissure, falx cerebri, corpus callosum, and third ventricle
4.Normal cerebellum and brainstem
5.Facial anomalies (e.g., cyclopia, proboscis, cebocephaly, facial clefts, hypotelorism)
Alobar Holoprosencephaly
___________ is actually a classification within a larger group of anomalies referred to as the Dandy–Walker complex. Dandy–Walker complex is a spectrum of posterior fossa abnormalities that involve the cystic dilatation of the _________and __________.
Dandy–Walker malformation (DWM); cisterna magna and fourth ventricle
_________ is thought to be caused by a developmental abnormality in the roof of the fourth ventricle.
Sonographic Findings of ____________
1.Enlargement of the cisterna magna greater than 10 mm in the anteroposterior dimension
2.Communication of the enlarged cisterna magna with a dilated fourth ventricle
3.Agenesis or hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis (As a result, the tentorium, the structure that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum, is elevated)
4.Varying degrees of ventriculomegaly
*There are often other midline brain abnormalities present as well. For instance, agenesis of the corpus callosum, ventriculomegaly, holoprosencephaly, and cephaloceles are all associated anomalies of DWM.
Dandy–Walker Malformation
The sonographic findings of DWM include an enlarged cisterna magna that communicates with a distended _________ through a defect in the cerebellum
fourth ventricle
Sonographic Findings of ________
1.Enlargement of the cisterna magna greater than 10 mm in the anteroposterior dimension
2.Normal cerebellum and fourth ventricle
Mega Cisterna Magna
The __________ is a bridge of tissue located within the midline of the brain that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. It functionally provides a pathway for communication between the hemispheres and is completely formed by ____ weeks.
corpus callosum; 18
The CSP, located inferior to the corpus callosum, and the corpus callosum develop at the _________. The congenital lack of these structures is termed ________, as in _________ of the corpus callosum, and CSP.Most often, if the corpus callosum is absent, the _______ will be absent as well.
same time; agenesis; CSP
Apert syndrome
trisomy 8
Sonographic Findings of ___________ and __________
1.Partial or complete absence of the corpus callosum and absence of the CSP (after 18 weeks)
2.“Sunburst” sign—radial arrangement of the sulci that produces a “spoke-wheel” pattern
3.Colpocephaly—small frontal horns and enlarged occipital horns (teardrop-shaped lateral ventricles)
4.Elevated and dilated third ventricle
*Their nonexistence has been linked to as many as 50 to 200 different syndromes and anomalies such as Apert syndrome, holoprosencephaly, DWM, aqueductal stenosis, trisomy 18, trisomy 8, and trisomy 13.
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum and Cavum Septum Pellucidum
With agenesis of the _________, the sulci tend to have a more perpendicular or radial arrangement and often appear to have a “spoke-wheel” pattern.
corpus callosum
_____________ is associated with the development of fluid-filled clefts within the cerebrum.
The etiology of schizencephaly is unknown, although there may be an association with intrauterine exposure to some illicit drugs. It may be described as _____ lip or _____lip, with ______ lip being more readily identified in utero. The sonographic appearance of open lip schizencephaly is that of a cerebrum containing gray matter–lined _____ filled containing anechoic CSF
open; closed; open; cleft
Sonographic Findings of _________
1.Fluid-filled clefts within the cerebrum
2.Agenesis of the CSP and corpus callosum (50% of the time)
_________is a rare condition in which a cyst communicates with the ventricular system. ________ can occur after the fetus has experienced __________ within one or both of the cerebral hemispheres. As the hemorrhage changes states, it will form into a cystic cavity and will eventually communicate with the _________of the affected side. This condition may be caused by ischemic events or vascular occlusion within the brain
Porencephaly; hemorrhage; lateral ventricle
benign cysts within the brain that do not communicate with the ventricular system
Arachnoid cysts
Arachnoid cysts can be confused with porencephaly. It is important to note that arachnoid cysts will ______communicate with the ventricular system.
Sonographic Findings of _______
1.Cystic mass that communicates with the lateral ventricle
2.Most often unilateral
____________literally means “smooth brain.”
Agyria, and the absence of sulci within the brain, is not typically diagnosed until the_______trimester or postnatally and almost always carries a poor prognosis.
“smooth brain”; condition where there is little to no gyri or sulci within the cerebral cortex
Sonographic Findings of __________
Lack of sulci and gyri within the cerebrum
_________ are cysts located within the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles. These small cysts are frequently encountered during a routine sonographic examination and typically regress by the end of the ______ trimester.
Choroid plexus cysts; third
Sonographic Appearance of a __________
Anechoic, round, smooth-walled cyst located within the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle (measures more than 2mm)
Choroid Plexus Cyst