Ch. 17 The Uterus and Vagina Flashcards
During the ____, the uterus and kidneys develop at essentially the same time, hence the reason why they are included together as parts of the urogenital (genitourinary) system
embryonic period
Patients who present with uterine anomalies may also require a ____sonogram
urinary tract
Most common renal anomalies being that of a ___ or ____
duplicated or duplex renal collecting system
The uterus, vagina, and fallopian tubes develop from the paired ____
Mullerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts)
Paired embryonic ducts that develop into the female urogenital tract
Mullerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts)
Incomplete fusion, partial fusion, or agenesis of the Mullerian ducts will result in an anatomic varian of the ____, ____, and/or ____ that may be recognized sonographically.
uterus, cervix, vagina
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Congenital anomalies of the kidney and ____ often coexist
The ____ is a pear-shaped, retroperitoneal organ that lies anterior to the rectum and posterior to the urinary bladder and is bounded laterally by the ____
uterus, broad ligament
Pelvic ligament that extends from the lateral aspect of the uterus to the side walls of the pelvis
broad ligaments
Female development does not require estrogen but rather the absence of ___.
Its the presence of the ___ that supplies testis determining factor resulting in gender development.
Y chromosome
The primary function of the uterus?
provide a place for the products of conception to implant and develop
Each fallopian tube attaches to the uterus at the level of the uterine horns called
Largest part of the uterus, inferior to fundus
corpus (body)
A tubular organ that extends from the external os of the cervix to external genetalia
Recesses of the vagina
vaginal fornices
Term used for isthmus of uterus during pregnancy
lower uterine segment
Area of the uterus between the corpus and the cervix
Superior portion of the cervix closest to the isthmus
internal os
Most superior and widest portion of the uterus
Functional inner layer of the endometrium thats, thickness is altered by hormones of the menstrual cycle
functional layer
Inferior portion of the cervix that is in close contact with the vagina
external os
Inner mucosal layer of the uterus
endometrium (further divided in basal and functional layer)
Area that lies between the two functional layers of the endometrium, also called uterine cavity
endometrial cavity
The rigid region of the uterus located between the vagina and the isthmus is the
Just inferior to the fundus of the uterus where the fallopian tubes attach bilaterally
cornua (uterus)
The outer layer of the endometrium
basal layer/deep
Size and shape of the uterus depend on
age, parity and presence of pathology
In the first week of life a normal neonatal uterus is prominent and exhibits endometrial echoes due to
maternal hormone stimulation
Normal uterus in nulliparous individual measures
6-8.5 in length, 2-4 cm in AP
Normal uterus in multiparous individual measures
8-10.5 cm in length, 3-5 cm in AP
Postmenopausal uterus measures
3.5-7.5 cm in length, 1.7-3.3 in AP
Following the neonatal period, the cervical anteroposterior (AP) diameter is equal to or slightly greater than that of the uterine fundus. The normal prepubertal uterus has a cervix-to-uterus ratio of ___. The uterus grows minimally during prepubertal years, whereas after puberty, the uterine fundus becomes much larger than the cervix, consequently providing the pear-shaped appearance of the normal adult uterus.
The normal position of the uterus is considered to be
anteversion or anteflexion
The word part “ colli “ refers to the
neck or cervix of the uterus
The word part “cornu” refers to the
horn of the uterus
Congenital malformations have been linked to
menstrual disorders, infertility, and OB complications
___ uterus has an explicit connection with spontaneous abortion
septate uterus
The ___ uterus is said to be one of the most common mullerian duct anomalies.
septate uterus
Congenital malformation of the uterus that results in complete duplication of the uterus, cervix, and vagina
uterus didelphys
Congenital malformation of the uterus that results in a uterus with one horn
unicornuate uterus
Common congenital malformation of the uterus that results in a single septum that separates two endometrial cavities
septate uterus
The uterine body tilts backward and comes in contact with the cervix, forming acute angle between body and cervix
The uterine body tilts backwards without a bend where the cervix and body meet
Outer layer of the uterus also called serosal layer, continuous with fascia of the pelvis
The first 4 weeks (28 days) after birth
The long axis of the uterus deviating to the left of the midline
levoverted uterus
A long axis of the uterus deviating to the right of the midline
dextroverted uterus
Difficult or painful defacation
A common uterine anomaly in which the endometrium divide into 2 horns, one cervix, with prominent concavity noted in the fundus;also called bicornis unicollis
bicornuate uterus
A typical version of the uterus where the uterine body tilts forward forming a 90 degree angle with the cervix
The uterine body tilts forward and comes in contact with the cervix, forming an acute angle between the body and the cervix
_______ uterus, which is characterized by an incomplete septum, has a normal uterine contour with an endometrium that branches into two horns.
______DES was a drug administered to pregnant woman from the 1940s to the 1970s to treat threatened abortions and premature labor. The female fetus exposed to DES in utero had an increased likelihood of developing a congenital uterine malformation. (*this anomaly shows a T-shaped uterus)
diethylstilbestrol (DES)
________,which is a radiographic study that utilizes contrast to evaluate the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, was often performed on women with suggested congenital uterine malformations or who are suffering from infertility