Ch. 21 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease & Infertility Flashcards
Infection of the upper genital tract (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes)
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
The origin of the majority of upper genital tract infections is
ascension of an infection from the lower genital tract
Risk factors for PID
history of PID, IUD, postabortion, post childbirth, douching, multiple sexual partners, early sexual contact
A common cause of PID is STD’s like
gonorrhea, chlamydia
inflammation of the endometrium
inflammation of the fallopian tube
inflammation of the myometrium, the muscular part of the uterus
inflammation of the connective tissue adjacent to the uterus
inflammation of the ovary
PID may manifest after pelvis ________, accompany tuberculosis, or occur in association with an abscessed appendix or ruptured colonic diverticulum.
about half of PID cases have non–sexually transmitted disease causes, such as vaginal flora, anaerobic Gram-negative rods, and _________bacteria. PID is characteristically a ________ condition affecting not only the uterus but also both fallopian tubes and, possibly, the ovaries.
Mycoplasma; bilateral
The sequela of PID range from a negligible _______that is relatively easy to treat, to the development of a tubo-ovarian _________. In some cases, PID may also lead to death. Potent antibiotic treatment is typically warranted.
infection; abscess
an illness resulting from another disease, trauma, or injury
a pelvic abscess involving the fallopian tubes and ovaries that is often caused by pelvic inflammatory disease
tubo-ovarian abscess
Evolution of ______
Vaginitis → Cervicitis → Endometritis → Salpingitis → Tubo-ovarian complex → Tubo-ovarian abscess
an inflammatory reaction that leads to the formation of pus
Clinical Findings of _____________
1.Possible history of a sexually transmitted disease (chlamydia or gonorrhea)
4.Pelvic pain and/or tenderness
5.Purulent vaginal discharge
6.Vaginal bleeding or itchiness
Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Sonographic Findings of __________
1.Thickened, irregular endometrium (endometritis)
2.Ill-defined uterine borders
3.Tubular structures representing dilated fallopian tubes containing echogenic material (pyosalpinx)
4.Tubular structures representing dilated fallopian tubes containing simple-appearing, anechoic fluid (hydrosalpinx)
5.Cul-de-sac fluid
6.Multicystic and solid complex adnexal mass(es) (see “Tubo-ovarian Complex and Tubo-ovarian Abscess” section)
Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Clinical Findings of __________
1.Continual pelvic or abdominal pain
2.Infertility (resulting from adhesions and scaring of the fallopian tubes)
3.Possible palpable adnexal mass
4.Irregular menses
5.Purulent vaginal discharge
Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Sonographic Findings of ________
1.Dilated fallopian tubes containing simple-appearing, anechoic fluid (hydrosalpinx)
2.Scars may be noted within the dilated tube and appear as echogenic bands within the tube
3.Development of adhesions may obliterate distinct borders of organs because they become fixated to each other
4.Multicystic and solid complex adnexal mass(es) (see “Tubo-ovarian Complex and Tubo-ovarian Abscess” section)
Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
_________is the most common initial clinical presentation in the early stages of PID.
inflammation of the vagina
______ can lead to excessive vaginal discharge, and in cases of PID, patient may present with a purulent, foul-smelling discharge. The progression of the infection into the cervix is termed _______. Vaginitis and cervicitis may not be apparent with sonography
is the inflammation of the endometrium
time directly after giving birth and extending to about 6 weeks
a common form of birth control in which a small device is placed within the endometrium to prevent pregnancy; also referred to as an intrauterine contraceptive device
intrauterine device
the presence of pus within the uterus
Gas or air formation within the thickened endometrium, which is termed pneumouterus, may be seen and will produce a distinct _______. The gas formation within the endometrium results from the collection of bacteria.
ring-down artifact
________appears sonographically as a thickened or irregular-appearing endometrium that may contain some intraluminal fluid. Gas formation within the thickened endometrium may be seen and will produce a distinct ring-down artifact
Clinical Findings of ________
1.History of recent abortion, postpartum, D&C, PID, surgery, or IUD
2.Pelvic tenderness
Sonographic Findings of ________
1.Thickened echogenic or irregular-appearing endometrium
2.Endometrial fluid
3.Ring-down artifact from gas or air within the endometrium
4.Color Doppler may yield hyperemia
in cases where _________ is present and the tube is not distended, it may be difficult to determine whether ________ is present with sonography. In these instances, the sonographic evidence of _________ can be depicted by documenting hyperemic flow within or around the tube. In addition, there may be signs of nodular thickening in the wall of the affected tube
an increase in blood flow
Patients suffering from salpingitis from PID may present clinically with symptoms resembling _______.
pelvic infections, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, can actually lead to a perihepatic infection and the subsequent development of adhesions located between the liver and the diaphragm. As a result, the liver capsule can become inflamed, thus leading to a clinical presentation much like gallbladder disease. This event is called perihepatitis or _________
Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome
peritoneal space located between the liver and the right kidney; also referred to as Morison pouch
hepatorenal space (Morison pouch)
a perihepatic infection that results in liver capsule inflammation from pelvic infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia
Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome
inflammation of the gallbladder
PID has been linked with infertility and ________. This is secondary to the formation of scarring within the formerly inflamed opening of the fallopian tube.If conception does occur, the development of scar tissue within the fallopian tube increases the possibility of the pregnancy implanting in the tube, thus leading to an ectopic pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy
Clinical Findings of ________
Findings consistent with PID
Pelvic tenderness
Sonographic Findings of ________
1.Distended fallopian tube filled with echogenic material (pus) or anechoic fluid
2.Hyperemic flow within or around the affected fallopian tube depicted with color Doppler
3.Nodular, thickened wall of the fallopian tube
How is endometritis treated?
antibiotics or curettage
Inability to conceive a child after 1 year of unprotected sex
As PID progresses and reaches beyond the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and peritoneum become involved, adhesions develop within the pelvis that lead to the fusion of the ovaries and the dilated tubes, a condition known as _________ and beyond this stage leads to _________
,tubo-ovarian complex, tubo-ovarian abscess
Treatments for these two conditions (tubo-ovarian and abscess) differ in that drainage is required only when an _______ has developed.
With _________, the ovaries and tubes are more readily recognized as distinct structures, but the ovaries will not be able to be separated from the tube by pushing with the vaginal probe.
tubo-ovarian complex
when a __________ is present within the pelvis, there will be a complete loss of borders of all adnexal structures and the development of a conglomerated adnexal (possibly bilateral) mass
tubo-ovarian abscess
Clinical Findings of Tubo-Ovarian Complex and Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
Findings consistent with _______
Sonographic Findings of _______
1.Thickened, irregular endometrium
2.Pyosalpinx or hydrosalpinx
3.Cul-de-sac fluid
4.Multicystic and solid complex adnexal mass(es)
5.Complete loss of borders of all adnexal structures and the development of a conglomerated adnexal (possibly bilateral) mass
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
Sonographic Findings of _______
1.Thickened, irregular endometrium
2.Pyosalpinx or hydrosalpinx
3.Cul-de-sac fluid
4.Multicystic and solid complex adnexal mass(es)
5.Ovaries and tubes recognized as distinct structures, but the ovaries will not be separated from the tube by pushing with the vaginal probe
Tubo-Ovarian Complex
______is a common cause of infertility
Congenital uterine malformations (especially ______uterus), endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), tubal causes, Asherman syndrome, and uterine _______, impacts female infertility
septate; leiomyomas
Uterine malformation often lead to ___ as a result of structural abnormalities within the uterus.
repeated abortions
A common structural defect of the uterus that could lead to fertility troubles
bicornuate uterus
a common uterine anomaly in which the endometrium divides into two horns; also referred to as bicornis unicollis
bicornuate uterus
congenital malformation of the uterus that results in a single septum that separates two endometrial cavities
septate uterus