ch 20+21 biodiversity Flashcards
ecosystem ecology
- study of living and non-liovinvg things
- studies how nutrients and energy are stored move along organisshm
Food chains
- linear sequence of how organisms nutrients and energy are pass thru as one eats the other
Apex/Terteriary Trophic Level
- top of the food chain
- usually carnivores
- carnivores that eat other carnivores
-ex humans. me
Secondary Trophic Level
- carnivores eating primary consumers
Primary Consumers
- organisms lower on food chain that eat only producers
- herbivores
- base of food chain
- photoysnthetic tings
how mcuh energy is passed thru Food Chain
10 %
Food Webs
- more accurately depecting multiple feeding interactions
- cuz multi organisms eat multi things
Grazing Food Web
- hs plants at the base of web
Detrital Food Web
- has carcasses n decomposers at base of web
ex. dead ppl, bacteria, fungi
how do autotrophs and heterotrophs acquire energy
Auto = thru sunlight or chemical energy
ex. Photosyn (sun) or Chemosyn (archea using inorganic mats)
Hetero =- thru consuming other organisms
Biogeochemical Cycles
- energy flwoing trhu ecosystems from sun to water to heat to vapor
Biologcial Carbon Cycle
- rapid carbon cycle
- Carbon used as BASIC building block for every orgnaism fr
Biogeochemical Carbon cycle
- longer
- Carbon stored in resevoirs for long periods of time
ex. atmosphere, oceans, rocks, soil, fossil fuels - used for photosynthesis
how is carbon invovled with Climate Change
- as carbon increases, heat does
bad things about Climate change
- raises ocean levels
- causes drouts
- ocean becomes acidic
Nitrogen Fixation
nitrogen enters lviving systems and then converted to Nitro gas by bacteria
- nutrient run off causes overgrowth of algae
Nitrogen and Phos are Artificial Fertilizers
- chracterized
temparature and percipitations - ex. Tropical Forest, Savanna, Deserts, Temparate GRaslands, Boreal Forests, Tundras`
Intertidal/ Neritic Ocean Zone
- low tide wter
Pelagic Ocean Zone
open water
Benthic Ocean Zone
Bottom of sea
Abyssal Ocean Zone
deepest water
Photic Ocean Zone
where light passe
Threats to Biodiversity
- habitat loss
- inVASive specie
- over harvest
- climate change
the Balance of Biodiversityq
Speciation and Extinction