ch 13 Bacteria, Protists, Fungi Flashcards
what were Microbial Mats
- earliest forms of life
- layered sheets of prokaryotes
- got energy from oceanic hydrothermal vents
Name the Extremophiles
- Halophiles = loved salty areas
- Thermophiles = loved hot areas
- Methanogens = lived without oxygen and released methane
what do all Prokayotes have in common
- cell membrane
- cytoplasm
- ribosomes
- genetic mat
name the shapes of prokayotes
Cocci = circular
Bacilli = cylinderish
Spirilia = spirals
what are the unique features prokaryotic cells hav
- lack membrane bound organelles
- cell wall
- capsule
-chromosomes in NUCLEOID - flagella
- pili
- plasmids
what is a bacteria’s cell wall made of
peptidoglycan (polsacc)
Gram-Postive Cell Wall
thicker, has more layers of peptidoglycan
Gram-Negative Cell Wall
thinner, fewer layers of peptidoglycan and surrounded by outer membrane
Name Bacterial Diseases
- Plague in Athens
- Plague in Justinian
- Black Death
what was the Antibiotic Crisis
overuse and incorrect use of antibiotics result in bacteria becoming resistant to em
who did MRSA affect
people in more dense areas
- military, prisons
name Bacterial Foodborne Diseases and where it comes from
- ecoli, samanella
- comes from animal waste
name Benefical Bacteria ; Food
- yogurt
- cheese
using prokaryotes to remove pollutants
- remove chemicals
- remove toxic metals from water
- ex oil spills
Name Beneficial Bacteria for Humans
- hav mutual relationships where bacteria and I both benefit and it does not harm me
- can absorb ions
- Synthesize Vit K
- trains immune system
- maintain large intestine cells
- form protective barrier against pathogens
- on my skin, Antimicrobial compounds prevents infections
are Protists in the same Kingdom as either Animals, Plants or Fungi
- in its own Protista
Are Protists unicelluar or multicellular?
are Protists Eukaryotes or Prokayotes
- hav nucles and organelles
which environments are Protists mostly found
hav more than one nucleus
- single cells
Protist Cell Features
- surrounded by plasma on its outside
- uncellular ones hav flagella and can move
Protists on Humans - Bad
- can cause Malaria; in blood cells
- Trypanosomes; sleeping sickness
Protists on Plants - Bad
-Plasmopara Viticola; causes mildew on leaves
-Phytophthora infestans; black slimes on potatoe
Name Beneficial Protists
- eaten a lot; Seaweed
- Symbiotic Relationships; can provide nutrients thru PHOTOSYNTHESIS
- Decomposers; Saprobes feed off of dead organisms, OoOMycetes GROW on dead organisms
Can Fungi Photosynthesize?
no, they are Hetero trophs
how do Fungi reproduce
sexually (spores) and asexually
what is Fungi essential roles
Fungi Struture
- has nucleus n has organelles
- cell wall made of chitin
what are the stages of a Fungi
Hyphae = vegatative
Mushrooms = reproductive stage
what is the Fungi Septum
hyphae are divided into separate cells by these end walls
how do Fungi typically obtain nutrition
Digests nutrients, and Absorbs em
- releases Exoenymes
which Fungi are the ones we eat
Name Fungi Pathogens - Plants
- mold in food
- decays in plant tissue
Fungi Pathogens - Food
- mold in food
Example of Fungi Pathogens on Humans
- ringworm on skin
- Systemic mycoses in lungs
how do Fungi decompose?
has enzymes to break down cellulose and ligin which other organisms find hard to digest in PLANTS
what do Mycoorhizal Fungi do
- a symbiotic relationship
go to plant roots and uses increased surface area to channel water
Fungi Benefits for Humans
- food
- YEAST in food, beer n wine