Ch. 2 - The Research Enterprise in Psychology Flashcards
Anecdotal evidence
Personal stories about specific incidents and experiences.
Case study
An in-depth investigation of an individual subject.
Confounding of variables
A condition that exists whenever two variables are linked together in a way that makes it difficult to sort out their independent effects.
Control group
Subjects in a study who do not receive the special treatment given to the experimental group.
The extent to which two variables are related to each other.
Correlation coefficient
A numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables.
Data collection techniques
Procedures for making empirical observations and measurements.
Dependent variable
In an experiment, the variable that is thought to be affected by the manipulation of the independent variable.
Descriptive statistics
Statistics that are used to organize and summarize data.
Double-blind procedure
A research strategy in which neither subjects nor experimenters know which subjects are in the experimental or control groups.
A research method in which the investigator manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether any changes occur in a second variable as a result.
Experimental group
The subjects in a study who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable.
Experimenter bias
A phenomenon that occurs when a researcher’s expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained.
Extraneous variables
Any variables other than the independent variable that seem likely to influence the dependent variable in a specific study.
Halo effect
A distortion that occurs on questionnaires when one’s overall evaluation of a person, object, or institution spills over to influence more specific ratings.
A tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables.
Independent variable
In an experiment, a condition or event that an experimenter varies in order to see its impact on another variable.
Inferential statistics
Statistics that are used to interpret data and draw conclusions.
The arithmetic average of the scores in a distribution.
The score that falls exactly in the center of a distribution of scores.
A research technique that combines the statistical results of many studies of the same question, yielding an estimate of the size and consistency of a variable’s effects.
The score that occurs most frequently in a distribution.
Naturalistic observation
A descriptive research method in which the researcher engages in careful, usually prolonged, observation of behavior without intervening directly with the subjects.
Operational definition
A definition that describes the actions or operations that will be made to measure or control a variable.