Ch. 14 - Stress, Coping, and Health Flashcards
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
A disorder in which the immune system is gradually weakened and eventually disabled by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Acute stressors
Threatening events that have a relatively short duration and a clear endpoint.
Any behavior that is intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally.
Approach-approach conflict
A conflict situation in which a choice must be made between two attractive goals.
Approach-avoidance conflict
A conflict situation in which a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects.
Avoidance-avoidance conflict
A conflict situation in which a choice must be made between two unattractive goals.
Biopsychosocial model
A model of illness that holds that physical illness is caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.
Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that is attributable to work-related stress.
Catastrophic thinking
Unrealistically pessimistic appraisals of stress that exaggerate the magnitude of one’s problems.
The release of emotional tension.
Chronic stressors
Threatening events that have a relatively long duration and no readily apparent time limit.
A state that occurs when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression.
Constructive coping
Relatively healthful efforts that people make to deal with stressful events.
Active efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress.
Defense mechanisms
Largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt.
Fight-or-flight response
A physiological reaction to threat in which the autonomic nervous system mobilizes the organism for attacking (fight) or fleeing (flight) an enemy.
The feeling that people experience in any situation in which their pursuit of some goal is thwarted.
General adaptation syndrome
Selye’s model of the body’s stress response, consisting of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.
Health psychology
The subfield of psychology concerned with how psychosocial factors relate to the promotion and maintenance of health and with the causation, prevention, and treatment of illness.
Immune response
The body’s defensive reaction to invasion by bacteria, viral agents, or other foreign substances.
Internet addiction
Spending an inordinate amount of time on the Internet and being unable to control online use.
Learned helplessness
Passive behavior produced by exposure to unavoidable aversive events.
Life changes
Any noticeable alterations in one’s living circumstances that require readjustment.
The formation of new neurons in the brain.