Ch. 2 Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology Flashcards
Which of the following terms is best described by a decrease in workload, use, pressure, or blood supply? Physiologic atrophy Pathologic atrophy Hypertrophy Hyperplasia
Pathologic atrophy
What is the appropriate term for the reversible replacement of one mature cell by another? Metaplasia Hyperplasia Dysplasia Normal
Which of the following is the most common cause of cellular injury? Free radical–induced injury Chemical injury Hypoxia Dysplasia
Which of the following chemicals is able to increase intracellular calcium concentrations and affects the nervous and hematopoietic systems? Carbon monoxide Carbon tetrachloride Lead Mercury
A person has a collection of blood that is located between the skull and the dura. Which of the following best describes this blood collection? Epidural hematoma Contusion Subdural hematoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Epidural hematoma
An infant is brought into the emergency department with an altered level of consciousness. You consider possible shaken baby syndrome. Which of the following head injuries is found with shaken baby syndrome? Epidural hematoma Subdural hematoma Subarachnoid hematoma Dural hematoma
Subdural hematoma
Which of the following terms best describes a tear or rip of the skin, with a jagged and irregular edge? Abrasion Incision Laceration Avulsion
Which of the following is a characteristic of a stab wound? The injury is deeper than it is long. The injury is longer than it is deep. There is a broken bone. There is significant crush injury.
The injury is deeper than it is long
What is the appropriate term for fragments of burning or unburned pieces of gunpowder that are embedded in the epidermis? Exit wound Stippling Blow-back Tattooing
Which term best describes oxygen failing to reach the blood? Suffocation Strangulation Drowning Petechiae
Which of the following is the best term for excessive glucose in the bloodstream? Hypolipidemia Hyperlipidemia Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia
The best definition of heat exhaustion is which of the following?
Chilling or freezing of the cells
Cramping of voluntary muscles
Hemoconcentration from salt and water loss
Life-threatening condition
Hemoconcentration from salt and water loss
Which of the following statements regarding altitude and illness is TRUE?
Caisson disease occurs when descending too quickly while diving.
High-altitude pulmonary edema is the result of hypoxia and increased pulmonary blood flow.
Gas emboli are caused by oxygen bubbles.
Blast injuries rarely cause injury.
High-altitude pulmonary edema is the result of hypoxia and increased pulmonary blood flow
Which of the following pigments is correctly paired with its color? Melanin—brown-black Hemosiderin—green-black Blue nevus—brown-black Bilirubin—yellow-brown
Melanin - brown-black
Which of the following is the best term for nuclear dissolution and lysis of chromatin by action of hydrolytic enzymes? Autolysis Pyknosis Karyorrhexis Karyolysis
Which of the following terms best describes death of a cell from hypoxia, generally due to ischemia in the lower extremities? Coagulative necrosis Liquefactive necrosis Fat necrosis Gangrenous necrosis
Gangrenous necrosis
Which of the following is FALSE regarding apoptosis?
An active process of cellular self-destruction
A process that deletes cells during embryonic development
Local cell death following severe and sudden injury
Nuclear and cytoplasmic shrinkage of a cell
Local cell death following severe and sudden injury
Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding calcium in cells?
Calcium salts accumulate in healthy, living cells with normal body function.
Dystrophic calcification occurs in chronic tuberculosis.
Metastatic calcification occurs in damaged tissue.
Psammoma bodies are individual calcium molecules.
Dystrophic calcification occurs in chronic tuberculosis
Which of the following most likely occurs in tuberculous infections? Coagulative necrosis Liquefactive necrosis Fat necrosis Caseous necrosis
Caseous necrosis
Which of the following concepts on aging is correct?
The maximal life span on humans is 80 to 100 years.
Men outlive women in most countries.
The maximal life span changes every decade.
The concept of aging is well understood and documented.
The maximal life span on humans is 80 to 100 years