Ch. 18 Aseptic Techniques Flashcards
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, commonly found in men over the age of 50
Medical condition in which the lungs are not fully inflated
Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
Pressure of blood in the thoracic vena cava, near the right atrium of the heart, reflects the amount of blood entering to the heart and the ability of the heart to pump the blood into the atrial system
Foley Catheter
Indwelling catheter retained in the bladder by balloon inflated with air or fluid
Used as an incubator for premature infants, provides controlled temperature and humidity and an oxygen supply
Lithotomy Position
Common position for surgical procedures and medical examinations involves the pelvis and lower abdomen; patient is in the dorsal decubitus position with the hips and knees flexed and the thighs abducted and externally rotated; also called dorsosacral position
Manual Resuscitator
Handheld device commonly used to provide positive pressure ventilation to patients who are not breathing or not breathing adequately
Microscopic organisms, those of medical interest include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan
An x-ray examination of the spinal canal; a contrast agent is injected through a needle into the space around the spinal cord to display the spinal cord, spinal canal, and nerve roots on an x-ray; purpose of a milligram is to evaluate the spinal cord and or nerve roots for suspected compression
Consisting of or containing pus.
The term purulent is often used with regard to drainage
Resembling serum; having a thin watery constitution; various bodily fluids that are typically pale, yellow and transparent, and of a benign nature that filled the inside of body cavities
Aseptic; free of living microorganisms
Beneath a fingernail or toenail
Swan-Ganz Catheter
The flow directed balloon tipped pulmonary artery catheter. Has been in clinical use for more than 40 years.
Initially developed for the management of acute myocardial infraction, it provides right heart diagnostic information to rapidly determine hemodynamic pressures, cardiac output, and mixed Venus blood sampling
Surgical creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck; also used to refer to the creation of an opening in the anterior trachea for insertion of a tube to relieve upper airway obstruction and to facilitate ventilation
Trendelenburg Position
Position in which the patient is supine on the table or bed, the head of which is tilted downward 30 to 40°, with the feet higher than the head; also, supine position with the patient inclined at an angle of 45° so that the pelvis is higher than the head
Urinary Meatus
External urethral orifice, the opening of the urethra on the body surface through which urine is discharged
Voiding Cystourethrogram
Radiographic procedure obtained by the use of fluoroscopy, and a contrast agent introduced through a catheter in the bladder; radiographic images are obtained before, during, and after voiding of the bladder, urethra, and kidneys
All of the following situations would require aseptic techniques EXCEPT….
A. Barium enema examination
B. Insertion of central venous line
C. Insertion of an indwelling Foley catheter
D. Insertion of an angiographic catheter
A. Barium enema examination
What is the goal of the aseptic technique?
Protect the patient from pathogenic microbes
When creating a sterile field, it is important for the imaging professional to do what; with your gloves?
Keep sterile gloves in sight and above the waist level
When establishing a sterile field using a sterile drape, what should you do?
be sure all drape items must be clean and dry
When opening and pouring sterile solutions…
Hold the bottle with the label facing up to prevent fluids from staining the label
What is the inflatable balloon portion of the Foley catheter typically filled with?
Sterile water
Which of the following statements is false?
A. A sterile person may touch only what is sterile
B. Create sterile fields early in the morning while staff members are fresh and equipment is clean
C. A sterile field must be watched continually to be considered sterile
D. If a solution soaks through a sterile field to a nonsterile field, the wet area must be redraped
B. Create sterile fields early in the morning while staff members are fresh and equipment is clean
When opening a sterile tray, your fingers…
Must never touch the inside of the tray
You are about to assist with a sterile procedure. In scrubbing for the procedure, it is important to do what?
scrub the fingers completely, as well as the front and back of your hands, for 3 minutes
When gowning and gloving for a sterile product, it is important to remember that….
After gloving, the front of the gown down to the waist, and the sleeves are considered sterile
When gowning another person a ______
A non-sterile circulating person pulls up the gown and fastens the back and waistband
When putting on a pair of sterile gloves using the self-gloving, open technique:
The first glove is picked up by the inside cuff with one hand, being careful not to touch the outside of the glove
Which of the following represents a good sterile technique?
A. When using a sterile setup, avoid bending and reaching over it
B. Remove sterile forceps from their container and tap them on the edge so all the solution will fall off
C. Any sterile supplies added to a sterile tray, such as cotton balls, should be returned to their containers if not used, as such waste is inefficient and costly
D. The solution in the forceps container should be check regularly and added to when its level gets too low
A. When using a sterile setup, avoid bending and reaching over it
What should be examined first when a sterile package is used?
Expiration date
Two people in sterile attire should pass each other in what way?
Back to Back
What is the purpose of the inflatable balloon portion at the tip of the Foley catheter?
Hold the catheter within the bladder
If you suspect the radiologist has contaminated his or her glove, what should you do?
Make the radiologist aware of the possible contamination immediately
What should you do when handling a patient with a Foley catheter in place?
Avoid kinks in the tubing and keep the drainage bag lower than the bladder to prevent back flow
When a Foley catheter system is inserted into a patient for an unexpected period of 4 to 6 weeks, what type of catheter is used?
A polyvinyl chloride catheter
The role of the imaging technologist during cardiac pacemaker studies is to…
technologist during cardiac pacemaker studies is to…
Operate fluoroscopy for the physician as he or she guides the pacemaker
You are working as a radiographer in a busy imaging department, late into the evening. You receive a portable chest radiograph on a cardiac patient in the ICU. Your coworker comments that he just did a portable chest procedure on the same patient approximately 15 minutes earlier and questions why they are ordering another one so soon. The rationale for this next chest image would most likely be what?
The patient has a central venous line, and the physician wants to check the repositioning
When using a portable c-arm for surgical hip pinning….
Sterility will be maintained using a “shower curtain” approach
When performing portable radiography on neonatal infants…
Aseptic techniques are especially important because of the infant’s weak immune system
When using a portable fluoroscopy C-arm in surgery:
The IR and C-arm are draped with a snap cover for sterility
A common neonatal chest disorder requiring portable radiography is in the neonatal unit is transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). Radiographs are taken to visualize the chest for respiratory distress, and in doing so, the imaging professional must….
1. Use the highest Desiree of aseptic techniques
2. Use lead protection when possible, and sterilize after each use
3. Wash hands only after the procedure is complete
4. Wrap all items that may have the potentiometer of coming in contact with the newborn
5. Use contact or shadow shielding for patient protection
6. Treat the procedure as a sterile procedure similar to surgery
1,2,4 and 5 only
Radiographic procedure used to visualize blood vessels after the introduction of a contrast material; used as a diagnostic aid in conditions, such as cerebrovascular attacks (strokes) and my cardinal infarctions
Any change from the normal sequence of the electrical impulses of the heart
Examination of a joint using x-rays after the injection of opaque contrast material
Describes a product or method that is free of microbiological organisms
Listening to sounds within the body
The goal of aseptic technique is to protect the patient from _____ and _______ .
Infection and prevent the spread of pathogens and harmful microorganisms
What is the first step in sterile draping?
confirming that the package is sterile
Drop the contents gently onto the sterile field from approximately ______
6 inches above the field, and at a slight angle
What does a tracheostomy provide?
provides for an airway during upper airway obstruction, it is used in emergency situations
Chest tubes are used to____ .
They assist in inflating collapsed lungs, give two more things they assist with?
Remove fluid, blood, and air from the pleural cavity
- Alleviating pneumothorax, and hemothorax
Also used in cases of open heart surgery
What are the two main types of urinary catheters?
- Foley Catheter (retention balloon type)
- Straight-type Catheter
The relative size of a Foley catheter is described using _____ .
What are the most common sizes?
- French Units (F)
- 8/F & 20/F
When changing the dressing of a wound on a patient, what material is never considered sterile and must be kept off the sterile field?
Where is the subungual area?
Under the fingernails
What are the 5 things you want to do each time you engage in neonatal portable radiography?
Hand washing
Wipe down machine
Keep multiple pieces of lead in the units
Covering the lead with a pillowcase
Assign a piece of lead to each crib
What does atelectasis mean?
Collapsed Lungs
What is pneumothorax?
Air in the thoracic cavity
What is hemothorax?
Blood in the chest