Ch. 14 Flashcards
Voluntary motion is under the control of the:
A key component to effective communication with the patient is
Establishing rapport
What is the most commonly used in mobilization device?
Positioning Sponge
What might be used in immobilize a patient for an upright lateral chest radiograph?
Velcro straps
What is an example of a spinal trauma immobilization device?
When is removing a cervical collar permissible?
After the physician has reviewed the images and determined it is safe
What immobilization device is radiopaque?
Sand bag
One of the many factors that affect diagnostic quality is ______
Is all motion bad?
What is the difference between voluntary motion and involuntary motion?
given example of each.
Voluntary- Can control (Breathing)
Involuntary- Cannot be controlled (Tremors, Tics)
Examples of immobilization devices
Spine Board, Cervical Collar, Sandbags, etc.
What are the two key essentials for effective communication?
Explain what you were doing and establish rapport
Are sandbags radiolucent and radiopaque?
Radiopaque (will show up on an image!)
The most common spinal trauma traction device is the ______
cervical collar
What radiographic positions can be used to image the cervical spine in a cervical collar due to a trauma situation?
Cross table lateral; AP & AP open mouth
Ambulatory means:
able to work
Anteroposterior means:
Direction of the x ray beam from front to back
Artifacts are:
Substances or structures not naturally present, but of which in authentic image appears on an image
Axial projection
Any projection not at right angles to the long axis of an anatomic structure
Recognition of and entering into the feelings of another person
Plantar surface
Sole of the foot
Relation of harmony and accord between two persons
Three things to consider when imaging a geriatric patient
Fear of falling, keep patient warm, keep them comfortable
Stretchable cotton fabric in shape of a sleeve that is pulled over fractured before plaster cast is applied
One of the most effective simple, inexpensive and reliable method to restrain children is ___
The Mummy Wrap
Act of rendering immovable
Hindrance of an action (movement)
Communication is:
One of the most effective means of reducing patient motion on the part of the patient, one of the simplest and overlooked
Wound or injury
Immobilization method to secure trauma patient to a ____ to facilitate transport to the ER and minimize the possibility of severe complications
What can be used as an effective restraining or positioning device that is radiolucent?
Velcro Straps
Can be attached to the radiographic table. Designed for the strict use of positioning various projections of the skull. Serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping still
Head Clamps
Inflation or traction splints are used…
for lower extremities