Ch 13 Terms Flashcards
The first stage of the public-policymaking model.
A means to keep the government from spending more than it receives in revenues.
balanced budget
The final stage of the public-policymaking model.
change or termination
Subsidized health insurance for children whose parents make too much for Medicaid but who earn less than 200 percent of the poverty level.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPs)
Budget adjusted for increases in population and inflation.
current services budget
Revenues set aside for specific expense categories.
dedicated funds
Public policies that are generally regarded as revenue-neutral and without winners and losers.
distributive policies
The fourth stage of the public-policymaking model.
Revenue distributed to states from the federal government.
federal income
Regulations set by Congress that state and local government must meet.
federal mandates
The second stage of the public-policymaking model.
A specific tax paid by businesses operating in Texas.
franchise tax
The third stage of the public-policymaking model.
A tax based on a person’s income, usually progressive.
income tax
A body made up of members of the house and senate, including the two presiding officers, which oversees a staff responsible for preparing the basic working budget for the legislature’s consideration.
Legislative Budget Board (LBB)
Revenue-raising method of the state involving games of chance.
Traditional newspaper and television news outlets, distinct from opinion or commentary.
mainstream media
Government-sponsored health care for those living in poverty.
A tax on gasoline, diesel, and other motor fuels.
motor fuels tax
Revenue derived from non-tax sources, such as the lottery and fees paid to the state.
non-tax revenue
Models used by social scientists to explain and understand concepts about how things work.
A system of taxation whereby the tax rate increases as income increases.
progressive tax
Any act, law, legislation, or program enacted by a public entity.
public policy
Public policies that reallocate funds from those with higher incomes to assist specific groups with lower incomes and provide a social safety net.
redistributive policies
A system of taxation whereby the tax rate increases as income decreases.
regressive tax
Public policies intended to regulate activity and provide public order.
regulatory policies
Tax paid on goods and services; collected at the point of sale and forwarded to the state treasury.
sales tax
Taxes levied on selected goods and services, such as alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
“sin” taxes
Funds generated through the tax system.
tax revenue