Ch 13 Bipolar Disorders Flashcards
What are the 3 classifications of bipolar
Bipolar 1- has at least 1 episode of mania alternating with depression
Bipolar 2- has 1 or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depression
Cyclothymia- has at least 2 yrs of repeated hypomanic manifestations that do not meet the criteria for hypomanic episodes alternating with minor depressive episodes
What comorbidities are assoc with bipolar
The client who has substance use disorder tends to experience more rapid cycling
Anxiety disorders
Eating disorders
What are meds for bipolar
MOOD STABILIZERS such as lithium carbonate
ANTICONVULSANTSthat act as mood stabilizers such as valproic acid ( depakote), clonazepam ( klonopin), lamotrigine ( lamictal), gabapentin ( neurontin) and topiramate ( topax)
BENZOs such as lorazepam ( Ativan) used on a short term basis for sleep impairment R/T mania.
What behaviors are shown with bipolar disorder
Mania- abnormally elevated mood, expansive, irritable , requires hospitalization
Hypomania- less severe than mania that lasts at least 4 days accompanied by 3-4 findings of mania, less impaired
Mixed episode- manic episode and a episode of major depression
experienced simultaneously
Rapid cycling- 4 pr more episodes of acute mania within 1 yr