Ch 112 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense Fundamentals Flashcards
What does NATO stand for?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
What does NBC stand for?
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
What are the colors of the Chemical warning sign? And what info is on the sign?
Yellow background w/red lettering. Name of agent(if Known) Date and Time of detection.
What are the colors of the Biological warning sign?
And what info is on the sign?
Blue background w/red lettering. Name of agent (if Known) Date and time of detection?
What are the colors of the Radiological warning sign? And what info is on the sign?
White background w/black lettering. Dose rate, Date and Time of reading, Date and Time of Burst
What colors are the Chemical Minefield (Unexploded mines) warning sign? And what info is on the sign?
Red background w/ yellow lettering and stripe. Chemical agent in mine, Date of Placement, and have front of sign facing away from minefield.
What is the M40 field protective mask?
To protect the wearer from field concentrations of chemical and biological agents.
What does the M40 mask consists of?
Faceblank, filter canister, dual voicemitter assemblies, inlet and oulet valves, and water drinking system
What are the NBC alarms? And what describe each?
Vocal (GAS-GAS-GAS) repeated x3
Visual - arms extended out straight out to the side and the hands made into a fist. Bend arms at the elbows so the fists are placed to the ears. and say GAS x3
Percussion (Metal on Metal) Sirens and intermittent horns, biological/chemical alarm system are used by units SOP’s
How do u properly don and clear a gas mask?
Upon receiving a contamination presence.
- Stop breathing. Close mouth and eyes
- Place rifle between legs.
- Remove headgear and place on weapon.
- Remove the mask from carrier
- Allow hood to hang down in front of mask.
- Put mask on and clear it by covering outlet valve w/palm.
- Exhale so air escapes and cover air inlet valve w/palm and breathe in.
- Facepiece will collapse
- Tighten check straps first and then the rest
How long should it take it don mask?
Donned, cleared, and sealed in 9 seconds. W/hood 15 seconds
What does MOPP stand for?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture
How many levels of MOPP are there?
6 - MOPP Ready thru MOPP 4
What is MOPP Ready?
When a Marine carries protective mask.
What is MOPP 0?
When a Marine has all MOPP gear available but is not wearing it.
What is MOPP 1?
Overgarment (worn open of closed)
Booties (carried)
Mask (carried)
Gloves (carried)
What is MOPP 2?
Overgarment (worn open of closed)
Booties (worn)
Mask (carried)
Gloves (carried
What is MOPP 3?
Overgarments (worn open of closed)
Booties (worn)
Mask (Worn w/ hood open of closed)
Gloves (carried)
What is MOPP 4?
Overgarment (worn)
Booties (worn)
Mask (worn)
Gloves (worn)
What is M8 and M9 paper?
Used to detect chemical agents.
Takes only seconds to detect agents.
How long does the M256A1 take to detect agents?
15 mins
Disadvantages of M8 and M9 paper over M256A1 Kit?
Inability to test for vapor hazards and limited number of agents detected.
Describe M9 paper?
- Issued 1 roll to squad or gun team
- Worn around ankles,wrist, and biceps
- to detect chemical agent, but will not identify the agent used
- Blot do not rub, on suspected liquids
- observe color change
- light pink-reddish brown, or violet tint when contaminated
Describe M8 paper?
- Issued w/ field protective mask and M256A1 kit
- Used on suspected liquid forms like: puddles,small drops, or barley visible droplets
What agents will M8 paper detect and the colors for agents?
- Nerve (Yellow,Gold) G
- Nerve (Dark Green) V
- Blister (Pink,Red) H
What are the 3 levels of decontamination?
- Immediate Decon
- Operational Decon
- Thorough Decon
Describe Immediate Decon?
- Skin Decon (before 1 min)
- Personal wipe down/operator spray down (within 15 mins)
- Individual or crew
- Stops agents from pentrating
Describe Operational Decon?
- MOPP gear exchange/Vehicle Wash down
- Within 6 hrs
- Unit, BN crew, decon PLT
- Temp relief from MOPP 4, Limit liquid agent spread
Describe Thorough Decon?
- Detailed Aircraft/Equipment, and Troop Decon
- Only when mission allows action
- Decon PLT or Unit
- Long term MOPP reduction w/ minimum risk
Describe what to do when a nuclear attack happens without warning. (without weapon)
- Drop face down w/ head towards blast (Helmet on)
- Seek cover if possible
- Close eyes
- Protect or cover exposed skin
Describe what to do when a nuclear attack happens without warning. (with weapon)
- Drop face down w/ head towards blast (Helmet on)
- Seek cover if possible
- Close eyes
- Protect or cover exposed skin
- Place weapon under or near body (strap/sling wrapped tightly around arm
- Muzzle away from face
What is a Nerve agent?
-Cholinesterase inhibitors interfering with normal transmission of nerve impulses in the parasympathetic nervous system
Describe Nerve agents?
-odorless, almost colorless liquids, varying greatly in viscosity and volatility.
What are signs and symptoms of Nerve agents?
- Pupils constrict (pinpoint)
- muscular twitching
- Rhinorrhea
- Dyspnea
- Diarrhea/Vomiting
- Convulsions
- Hypersalivation
- Drowsiness
- Coma
- Unconsciousness
What is the treatment of Nerve agents?
-2mg Atropine and 600 mg 2-PAM Cl
-give only when symptoms occur
-15 min intervals until Atropinization
(Tachycardia and Dry Mouth occurs)
Describe Buddy Aid for mild symptoms during a Nerve agent attack?
-IMMEDIATELY hold breath and put on mask
-administer one set of atropine and 2-PAM Cl
in buttocks or thigh muscles
-Hold Atropine for 10 seconds
-Attack to clothing for accountability
-Wait 10-15 min between injection serious
Describe Buddy Aid for severe symptoms during a Nerve agent attack?
-3 sets in rapid succession one after the other
What is a Blister agent?
-Vesicants, produce large and painful blisters on the skin that are incapacitating
What are common Blister agents?
- Mustard (HD)
- Nitrogen Mustard (HN)
- Lewisite (L)
Describe Mustard (HN) gas?
-HD and HN are oily, colorless or pale yellow liquids
Signs and Symptoms of Of Blister agents?
- Eyes are the most vulnerable part of the body
- Pain and gritting feeling in eyes w/ spastic blinking of eyelids and photophobia
- Armpits, groin, face and neck are sensitive
- 12 to 48 hrs symptoms appear
- Inhalation of gas: irritation of throat,hoarseness, and cough
- Fever, moist rales, and dyspnea may develop
- Brochopneumonia
- Primary death occurs from massive edema or mechanical pulmonary obstruction
What is the treatment for Blister agents?
- Physically removing as much of the mustard as possible is only effective method before symptoms appear.
- Other treatment is symptomatic (relief of itching, pain, and infection)
What is a Lewisite?
- Arsenical
- light to dark brown liquid that vaporizes slowly
What are the signs of exposure of Lewisite?
-Intense pain upon contact
What is the treatment for Lewisite?
- Flush eyes w/ water to prevent serve burns
- Sodium Sulfacetamide (30 percent solution)
- BAL (British Anti-Lewisite) a peanut oil suspension used for systemic issues
What is a Blood agent?
- Block oxygen transfer in the blood steam
- Can cause death in a short time after exposure
- Almond like odor
What are the 2 types of Blood agents?
- Hydrocyanic acid (AC)
- Cyanogen chloride (CK)
Signs and Symptoms of Blood agents?
- After high exposure to gas, death or recovery takes place rapidly.
- Forceful increase on the depth of respirations for a few seconds, violent convulsions after 20-30 seconds, respiratory failure w/ heart stopping within minutes.
What is the treatment of Blood agents?
- Crush 2 Amyl Nitrite in palm of hand and hold close to victims nose
- Sodium Thiosulfate 100-200mg/kg intravenously for 9 mins
What is a Choking agent?
- Affects the alveolar tissue in the lungs resulting in severe pulmonary edema
- Colorless gas w/ new-mown hay or fresh cut grass smell
What are 2 examples of a Choking agent?
- Phosgene (CG)
- Chlorine (Cl)
Signs and Symptoms of Choking agents?
- Initial: watering of the eyes, coughing, and tightness in the chest.
- symptoms occur 2-6 hrs after exposure
- Latent: rapid, shallow and labored breathing; painful cough; cyanosis, frothy sputum; clammy skin; rapid pulse; low blood pressure. Shock than death.
What is the treatment of Choking agents?
- Complete bed rest is mandatory
- Keep PT warm
- Give Oxygen
- Treat symptomatic
What is a Incapacitating agent?
- Produce mental confession and inability to perform intelligent actions
- Administered by contaminating food, water, or aerosols
- High potency
Signs and Symptoms of Incapacitating agents?
- Symptoms appear 30 min to several hrs to several days
- Sign of intoxication, delusions or hallucinations, dizziness, muscular incoordination, dry mouth,increase heart rate, pupil size, and skin temp
What is the treatment of Incapacitating agents?
- (BZ) and Glycolates
- Used after 4 hrs of exposure. Continue or relapse will develop.
What are Riot Control/Harassing agents?
-Used to harass enemy personnel or to discourage riot actions.
What are the 2 types of Riot Control/Harassing agents?
- Lacrimators
- Vomiting agents
What is a Lacrimators?
- Tear Gases
- Irritate the respiratory tract and skin
What are the 2 types of Lacrimators?
- (CN) and (CS)
- (CN) is used as a training agent
- (CS) is used by the military
Signs and Symptoms of Lacrimators?
- Intense pain in the eyes w/ excessive tearing
- Last over 2 hrs to only a few mins
What is the treatment of Lacrimators?
- Exposure to fresh air
- Change clothes
- Hair can cause recontamination
What are Vomiting agents?
- (DCAM)
- (DM) Adamsite
Signs and Symptoms of Vomiting agents?
- Strong pepper like irritation in upper respiratory tract
- Uncontrollable sneezing, coughing,nausea and vomiting, feeling a malaise and rhinorrhea, w/ frontal headache
What is the treatment of Vomiting agents?
- KEEP mask on at all time
- CARRY on duties as vigorously as possible
- Recovery is usually spontaneous and complete in 1-3 hrs
What is a Screen Smoker?
- Used obscure vision and hide targets or areas
- If used of long periods of time, it may cause death of illness
- DO NOT use indoors or closed compartments
What is White Phosphorus?
- (WP)
- Pale, waxy solid that ignites w/ air to give hot, dense white smoke.
- Irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat
What is the treatment to White Phosphorus?
- NO treatment is necessary, just remove PT from WP source.
- If burning particles of WP embed skin, cover w/ water, wet cloth, or mud to air proof coating.