Ch. 110 Tractical Measures Fundamentals Flashcards
Describe unaided day/night observation technique!
- AVOID all unnecessary movement
- remain motionless while observing
- Use all available concealment
- Expose nothing that reflects light
- Blend w/ background
- Avoid skyline
- Distort or change regular outline of objects
- Remain in the shade
Describe Off-Center vision method!!
-View an object by looking at 6-10 degrees above,below, or to either side rather directly at it.
Describe Scanning Method!!!!
-Looking from right to left or left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement
Describe the Strip Method!!!!!
- Look at ground nearest you
- Search a narrow strip 50m or less deep
- Go right to left parallel to your front
- Search left to right on a similar strip farther away and overlap the first strip
What steps to take to preserve night vision when in lighted or illumination areas?
- Close one eye to preserve night vision
- Vision is good until other eye adapts
- Use red light to preserve night vision
- Fatigue, lack of oxygen, long exposure to sunlight, alcohol, nicotine w/ 48 hrs, and age help decrease night vision
What techniques enhance hearing?
- Hearing is amplified w/ mouth open
- Remove helmet
- Hold ear close to ground
What does Intel report SALUTE stand for?
-Size and/ or strength
-Activity or actions
-Location and direction
-Unit identification
-Time of observation
-Equipment and weapons
EX. 7 enemy soldiers, traveling SW, crossed road junction on BLACK RIDGE, unit unknown, at 211300 Aug carrying 1 machine gun and 1 rocket launcher
What are the 5 paragraphs of an operations order (SMEAC)?
- Situation (environment, enemy/friendly forces, attachments/detachments)
- Mission (task & purpose)
- Execution (plan from start to finish)
- Administration (material needed, POW handling, casualty Evac)
- Command & Signal ( chain of command, order of march,call signs, freq & signals)
Define the term SAFE?
- Security (set security)
- Automatic weapons (place MG most likely avenue of approach
- Field of fire (clear fields of fire)
- Entrenchment (dig in position)
What is a individual fighting position?
-Wide enough to accommodate the shoulders of a man sitting on a fire step/ 4ft deep
What is a 2 man fighting position?
-Essentially 2 adjacent one-man fighting holes
What are the advantages of a 2 man fighting position?
-Continuous observation, mutual assistance & reassurance and redistribution of ammunition
What are the disadvantages of a 2 man fighting position?
-Less protection against tank tank crossing, bombing/shelling fragments
Define Armor Protection Level System (APLS)?
-To establish standardized body armor protection
What are the 4 levels of APLS?
- Level 0 (no body armor worn)
- Level 1 (Vest/PC w/soft armor only)
- Level 2 (Vest/PC w/ front/back hard plates
- Level 3 (Vest/PC w/ front,back,and side plates)
What is Camouflage?
-Anything that keeps yourself, equipment, and position for looking like what it really is
What is Cover?
- Provide protection from bullets, fragments, flames, etc.
- It can man made or natural
When do you use High Crawl?
- Cover and/or concealment are available
- Poor visibility reduces enemy observation
- Greater speed of movement is required
When do you use Low Crawl?
- Cover and concealment are scarce
- The enemy had good observation over the area in which the scout is moving
- Speed is not essentail
MEDEVAC has how many priority levels?
Define Priority 1?
- Urgent
- To save life/limb or eyesight in 2 hrs
Define Priority 1A?
- Urgent Surgical
- need surgical intervention to save life or limb
Define Priority 2?
- Priority
- If not evacuated in 4 hrs or become and Urgent
Define Priority 3?
- Routine
- Sick and wounded evacuated within 24 hrs
Define Priority 4?
- Convenience
- No life threaten treatment needed
How many lines are in the NATO CASEVAC request?
What is Line 1 for the 9 Line?
-Location of pick-up site (6-8 digit grid)
What is Line 2 for the 9 Line?
-Radio freq or call sign
What is Line 3 for the 9 line?
-# of PT’s
(A) Urgent-1hr
(B) Priority-4hr
(C) Routine-24hr
What is Line 4 for the 9 line?
-Special equipment required (A) None (B) Hoist (C) Extraction Equip (D) Ventilator
What is Line 5 for the 9 line?
-# of PT’s by type
(L) Litter
(A) Ambulatory
What is Line 6 for the 9 line?
-Security at pickup site (E) Enemy troops in area (N) No enemy troops (P) Possible enemy troops (X) Enemy troops present, armed escort required
What is Line 7 for the 9 line?
-Method of marking pickup site (A) Panels (B) Pyrotechnics (C) Smoke (D) None (E) Other
What is Line 8 for the 9 line?
-Pt nationality status (A) US (B) US civilian (C) Non-US military (D) Non-US Civilian
What is Line 9 for the 9 line?
-CBR Contamination (N) Nuclear/Radiological (B) Biological (C) Chemical (D) None