Ch 111 Marine Corps Operations Fundamentals (AIRCRAFT) Flashcards
Learn about aircraft from the Operations section of the FMF book.
What is the nomenclature of the Cobra attack helicopter?
AH-1W Cobra
What is the mission of a AH-1W Cobra?
Fire support and security for forward and rear area forces.
What is the crew of a AH-1W Cobra?
2 Officers.
What are the armaments of a AH-1W Cobra?
A 20mm turreted cannon w/ 750 rounds, four external wing stations that can fire 2.75”/5” rockets, and precision guided missiles: TOW/Hellfire (point target/anti-armor) , Sidewinder (anti-air), and Sidearm (anti-radar)
What is the nomenclature of a Sea Night medium assault lift helicopter?
CH-46E Sea Night.
What is the mission of a CH-46E Sea Night?
Primary mission: Troop assault. Secondary mission: Movement of supplies and equipment.
What is the crew of a CH-46E Sea Night?
Crew of 4: Pilot, Copilot, Crew chief, and Mechanic/aerial gunner.
What is the maximum cargo for CH-46E Sea Night?
2,000 to 4,000 pounds internal or external load.
What is the nomenclature of a Sea Stallion helicopter?
CH-53D Sea Stallion.
What is the mission of a CH-53D Sea Stallion?
Transportation of equipment, supplies, and personnel during amphibious assault and operations ashore.
What is the crew of a CH-53D Sea Stallion?
Crew of 4: Pilot, Copilot, Crew chief, and Mechanic/aerial gunner.
What are the armaments of a CH-53D Sea Stallion?
Two XM-218 .50 cal machine guns.
What is the nomenclature of a Super Sea Stallion heavy lift helicopter?
CH-53E Super Sea Stallion.
What is the mission of a CH-53E Super Sea Stallion?
Transportation of material and supplies.
How much can a CH-53E Super Sea Stallion lift?
16 tons.
Range of a CH-53E Super Sea Stallion?
Without refuel: 621 miles. With in-flight refuel: indefinite range.
What is the crew of a CH-53E Super Sea Stallion?
Crew of 4: Pilot, Copilot, Crew chief, and Mechanic/aerial gunner.
What are the improvements of a CH-53E Super Sea Stallion over the CH-53D Sea Stallion?
Addition of 3rd engine for improved lifting, dual point cargo hook system, improved main and tail rotor blades.
What is the nomenclature of a Huey utility helicopter?
UH-1N Huey.
What is the crew of a UH-1N Huey?
Crew of 4: two officers, two enlisted.
What are the armaments of a UH-1N Huey?
M240 7.62mm machine gun OR GAU-16 .50 cal OR GAU-17 7.62mm automatic gun. GAU-2B/A can be controlled by pilot. 2.75” rocket pods.
What is the mission of a UH-1N Huey?
Command and control, fire support and security, assault, medevac, maritime special ops, support arms control and coordination.
How many litter patients can a UH-1N Huey hold?
6 patients and 1 medical attendant.
What is the nomenclature of a Osprey?
MV-22B Osprey.
What is the mission of a MV-22B Osprey?
Marine Corps Assault support.
What is the primary function of a MV-22B Osprey?
Transport of troops, equipment, and supplies.
What aircraft will be replaced by the MV-22B Osprey?
CH-46E and CH-53D.
What is the nomenclature of a prowler?
EA-6B Prowler.
What is the mission of a EA-6B Prowler?
Collect electronic data, radar and communications jamming support against aircraft and ground units.
What is the nomenclature of a Harrier jet?
AV-8B Harrier.
What is the mission of a AV-8B Harrier?
Attack and destroy surface and air targets, escort helicopters, and other such air operations as may be directed.
What is the nomenclature of a Hercules?
KC130-F/R/T Hercules.
What is the primary function of a KC-130 Hercules?
In-flight refueling.
Features of a KC-130 Hercules?
Removable 3600 gallon stainless steel fuel tank, can deliver 300 gallons of fuel per minute to 2 aircraft at once.
What is the nomenclature of a Hornet jet?
F-18A/B/C Hornet.
What is the primary function of a F-18A Hornet?
Intercept and destroy enemy aircraft under all weather conditions, and to attack and destroy surface targets.
What is the crew of a F-18A Hornet?
What is the primary function of a F-18D Hornet?
Intercept and destroy enemy aircraft and surface targets under all weather conditions, conduct recon, provide supporting arms coordination.
What is the crew of a F-18D Hornet?