ch 104 Administrative Fundamentals Flashcards
Who is usually the reporting senior by virtue of their command authority?
Commanding officers
Officers in charge are commanding officers in charge of commissioned or established activities listed on what list?
Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL)
Who are reporting seniors for assigned commanding officers?
Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs)
What pay grades can Chiefs act as reporting seniors for?
E4 and below
What rank shout the rater be on an eval for E6 and below?
Chief Petty Officer
Who is typically the senior rater for evals for E6 and below?
Member’s division officer or department head
In regards to evals, what are the three types of reports?
Regular report
Concurrent report
Operational Commander Reports
What type of report is the foundation of the performance record?
Regular Reports
What type of eval must cover day-for-day, all naval service on active duty?
Regular report
What type of eval provides a record of significant performance in an additional duty or temporary additional duty status?
Concurrent report
What type of eval is submitted on commanding officers or officers in charge by operational commanders who are not also their regular reporting seniors?
Operational Commander reports
What part of the eval define the context in which the eval was received and make it more informative to detailers and selection boards?
Administrative blocks
In regards to trait grades, what score is reserved for performance which is far above standards and is notable for its exemplary or leadership quality?
In regards to trait grades, what grade means generally poor performance, which is not improving?
In regards to promotion recommendations, what is a 4.0?
Early Promote
In regards to recommendations, what is a 3.8?
Must promote
In regards to promotion recommendations, what is a 3.6?
In regards to promotion recommendations, what is a 3.4?
In regards to promotion recommendations, what is a 2.0?
significant problems (what your going to get if you don’t get your FMF pin)
Within how many years must you submit a statement if you disagree with your eval?
What are the three types of naval correspondence in the FMF PQS?
Standard letter
What type of naval correspondence should be used to correspond officially with addressees in the DOD?
Standard letter
What type of correspondence should be used when a letter is transmitted “via” your activity?
What type of correspondence is used to provide an informal way to correspond within an activity or between DON activities?
What is the form is the Enlisted Qualifications History?
NAVPERS 1070/604
What form is the History of Assignments?
NAVPERS 1070/605
What form in your service record are Administrative Remarks recorded?
NAVPERS 1070/613
What is the purpose of the USMJ?
Promote good order and discipline, and provides a basis for the administration of justice for the Armed Forces
What is the normally the lowest level of authority to convene a summary court martial?
Battalion commander or equivalent
If found guilty in a summary court martial, how long can you be confined with hard labor?
no more than one month
If found guilty in a summary court martial, How long can you be sentenced to hard labor without confinement?
45 days
How long can you be placed on restriction if found guilty in a summary court martial?
2 months
How much pay would you have to forfeiture if found guilty in a summary court martial?
1 months pay
How much rank reduction can a summary court martial award in sergeants and above?
one rank and hard labor without confinement
What types of court martial result in a felony conviction?
Special or general court martial
Who can compose a Special court martial?
Military judge
military judge and not less than 3 active duty members
If an enlisted person is being tried in a special court martial, How many members of the court can you request be enlisted?
one third
What is the lowest level of authority usually to convene a special court martial?
Squadron or battalion commander
If tried by special court martial, how long can you be confined without hard labor?
6 months
If tried by special court martial, how long can you be awarded hard labor without confinement?
3 months
How much pay can be forfeiture’d if found guilty in a special court martial?
two thirds for six months
What punishments can a General Court Martial adjudge?
any punishment not forbidden by the USMJ
Who composes a General court material?
Military judge alone or a military judge and not less than five impartial active duty armed service personnel
When can NJP be administered?
minor offense that if tried by general court martial the max sentence would not be dishonorable discharge or confinement greater than one year
How many days do you have to appeal an NJP?
within 5 days of imposition of punishment
What Marine Corps Order deals with hazing?
MCO 1700.28b
What article of the UCMJ deals with hazing?
Article 92