Ch. 106 First Aid Flashcards
What is CLASS 1 Tactical Triage (WIDE) is?
- “Walking wounded”
- injuries require minor treatment
What is CLASS 2 Tactical Triage?
- injures require immediate life-sustaining measure
- require a min amount of time,personnel,and supplies
What is CLASS 3 Tactical Triage?
- treatment delayed without jeopardy to life or loss of limb
What is CLASS 4 Tactical Triage?
- “Expectant”
- requires extensive treatment beyond immediate medical capabilities
PRIORITY 1 & 2 for Non-Tactical is?
(1) correctable life threatening injures EX. open chest, femur fractures, respiratory arrest
(2) -Serious but non-life-threatening
- moderate blood loss
- open/multi FX
- eye injuries
PRIORITY 3 Non-Tactical is?
- Minor Injuries
- simple FX
- minor/moderate burns
PRIORITY 4 Non-Tactical is?
- Dead or Fatally injured
- exposed brain matter
- decapitattion
- incineration
What is a Primary Survey?
- detect/treat life-threatening injuries,require immediate care
- treat as u go process
- transport decision completed within 10 mins of arrival on the scene
What does Triage means?
-“to sort”
What is a Secondary Survey?
- complete detail assessment
- vital signs
- head to toe survey
What are the Signs/SX for Shock?
- Glassy eyes/dull/pupils dilated
- Breathing rapid or labored/gasping/air hunger
- Advanced stage breathing shallow/irregular
- Skin pale/ashen grey
- Skin cool clammy
- Pulse rapid,weak,thread
- Hemorrhagic shock pulse 140 or higher
- Neurogenic shock pulse below 60
- Systolic below 100,pulse rises above 100
What is the 9 First Aid Rules?
Organize,Exam,ABC’s,Deformities,Expose,Psyche,PPE, Recovery Position,Exit
What are the Signs/Symptoms of Heat Cramps?
- Excessive sweating result in painful cramps in muscles (ab,legs,arms)
- Also from drinking ice drinks to quickly after exercise
What is the treatment for Heat Cramps?
- Move victim to cool place
- Give plenty of water,add 1 tsp of salt to a liter/quart of water
- manual pressure to cramped muscles
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion?
- From working/exercising in hot environments
- Dizzy, weak,headache,nausea, and loss of appetite
- Dilated pupils,weak pulse,rapid, shallow breathing
What is the treatment for Heat Exhaustion?
- Move to cool place
- Loosen clothing
- Apply wet cloths to the head,axilla,groin, ankles
- Fan victim
- Give 1 tsp of salt in a liter of cool water
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Heat Stroke?
- high body temp (105 Deg)
- Stops sweating
- Deep/rapid breathing at first
- Shallow/almost absent later
- Pupils constricted
- Pulse strong/fast
- Life/death emergency
What is the treatment for Heat Stroke?
- Douse body with COLD water
- Apply wet/cold towels to the body
- Move to the coolest place
- maintain open airway
- Supine w/ head/shoulders slightly raised
- Place cold pack under arms,neck,ankles,groin
- Discontinue when temp reaches 102 deg F
- Repeat cooling if temp reaches 103 deg F
- Check temp every 10 mins
- Get medical help ASAP
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Hypothermia?
-Shivering, drowsiness, glassy stare, resp slow/shallow, pulse weak or absent
What is the treatment for Hypothermia?
- CPR may be required during warming process
- Remove wet/frozen clothing
- Remove constricting items
- If Conscious, inside of a warm place,immersion in tub of warm (100-105 deg water)
- Apply external heat to both sides of body
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Immersion Foot?
- Prolonged exposure to wet cold temps from just above freezing to 5 deg
- Limited motion
- Tingling/Numbness
- Swelling of legs, feet, and hands
- Bluish discoloration of skin
- Painful Blisters
- Gangrene may occur
What is the treatment for Immersion Foot?
- get victim off feet
- Remove wet shoes,socks,gloves
- Expose affected area to warm/dry air
- Keep victim warm
- DO NOT rupture blisters,apply salves,ointments
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Frostbite?
- Ice crystals from on skin or deeper tissues
- Exposure to temps of 32 deg or lower
- Common in the face/extremities
- Frozen extremity appears white,yellow-white, mottled blue-white
- Cold,hard, insensitive to touch/pressure
What is the treatment of Frostbite?
- Take victim indoors
- Rewarm hand by place under armpits against abs, or between legs
- gradually re-warm by warm water immersion,skin to skin contact, or hot bottles
- Never rub frostbite area
What is the Signs/Symptoms of Superficial Frostbite?
- Surface of skin will feel hard/underlying tissue soft
- Skin moves over bony ridges
What is the treatment for Superficial Frostbite?
- Take victim indoors
- -Rewarm hand by place under armpits against abs, or between legs
- gradually re-warm by warm water immersion,skin to skin contact, or hot bottles
- Never rub frostbite area
What is the Signs and Symptoms of Deep Frostbite?
- Reaches into deep tissue layers
- Ice crystals in the entire thickness of extremity
- Skin will not move over bony ridges,hard and solid
What is the treatment for Deep Frostbite?
- Protect frozen area from further injury
- Rapidly thaw affected area
- Be prepared for CPR
- Remove all constricting clothing
- Immerse in water at 100-105 deg
- Do not let frozen area rest on side or bottom of the tub
- Dry with soft towel
- Blister may develop
What are the 3 ways to purify water?
-Iodine tables, Calcium Hypochlorite, and Boiling
How do u use Iodine Tablets?
- Remove cap from canteen and fill with cleanest water available
- Put 1 tablet in clean water of canteen/double if a 2 quart canteen
- Replace cap and wait 5 mins
- Loosen cap and tip canteen over to allow leakage around canteen threads.
- Tighten cap and wait 25 mins before drinking
How do u use Calcium Hypochlorite?
- Add Calcium Hypochlorite from one ampule in half full canteen cup and stir w/stick until power is dissolved
- Leave 1 inch of airspace or more
- Than fill cap half full of solution and add the water
- Place cap on canteen,shake well
- Loosen cap/tip canteen for leakage around threads
- Tighten cap,wait 30 mins before using for cooking/drinking
How do Boiling water for drinking?
- Used when purification compounds are unavailable
- Disadvantages: fuel to boil water
- takes awhile to boil than cool
- needs protection against recontamination
- Must be boiled for at least 15 sec for safe drinking
What is the size of a Cat Hole?
- 1ft wide x 1ft deep
- Used on the march
What is the size of a Straddle Trench?
- 4ft long x 2 1/2 ft deep x 1ft wide
- Used for 1-3 days of bivouac sites