Ch. 11 - Axial Musculature Flashcards
Fibrous sheath that surrounds an entire muscle
The epimysium grades into
Sheath that encloses each fascicle
Sheath that encloses each muscle fiber
Sheet of fibrous CT that separates neighboring muscles
This fascia underlies the skin and hypodermis, separating them from nearby muscles
Superficial fascia
This fascia is a dense framework attaching to tendons and ligaments
Deep fascia
Nerves begin to die in how long
2-4 hours
Muscle tissue dies after how long
6 hours
Nerves (can/cannot) regenerate, and muscle necrosis is (reversible/irreversible)
Nerves can regenerate
Muscle necrosis is irreversible
There are 2 kinds of muscle-bone attachment
Direct and indirect
When a tendon is a broad sheet, it is called
These kinds of muscles are entirely contained within a specific region (ex: muscles of the fingers)
Intrinsic muscles
These kinds of muscles act upon a designated region but originate elsewhere (ex: forearm muscles)
Extrinsic muscles
A muscle which produces main force during an action