Ch 10... Just behave Flashcards
Group behaviour
Displayed within and as a group
Performing a task with others present
Allport: Social facilitation
Process by which others facilitate a behaviour, often improves performance. People skilled at task, high in extraversion, high in self esteem receptive to SF improvements,
Mere presence
Social facilitation may not be competitive, others present facilitates bhvrs. People make stronger judgments.
Ppl performing the same task at the same time but not performing it collectively
Social inhibition
Others hinder bhvr. Decreased performance on complex tasks.
Zajonc Theory of social facilitation
Others present –> arousal –> Strengthen dominant response –> EASY= enhancement, DIFFICULT= impairment
Negative state of tension assoc with an unsatisfied need, motivates efforts to satisfy need
Evaluation apprehension
Concern about being evaluated by observers when performing a task. Attentive audience improves time on familiar task, detrimental to unfamiliar.
Self discrepancy on tasks
Motivates people to perform better (more ideal) if small discrepancy. If large, motivation falls. Attention to self hinders practiced movements, anticipation of performance impedes performance.
Attention impairment on tasks
Attention is taken from tasks and diverted to audience, impairs performance on difficult tasks
Classification of Group Tasks: Steiner
Divisible or Unitary:
D: people in group perform diff tasks
U: people in group do same task
Maximizing or Optimizing:
M: Do as much as possible
O: Do as well as possible
Inputs relating to outcome:
Additive: sum of group efforts
Compensatory: average of all member’s efforts
Conjunctive: determined by weakest link
Disjunctive: determined by strongest member
Discretionary: group decision
Process loss
Deterioration of group performance due to lost time coordinating, distractors, dominant members
Social loafing
Tendency for people’s performance to decrease in a group when not responsible for individual actions. Ringleman effect: larger group, individual effort decreases
Free rider
Tendency for people to take advantage of a shared resource without contributing. Difference from loafing: loafer puts in some effort, loses motivation, free rider exploits purposefully
Social loafing model as a function of evaluation apprehension
Others–> no evaluation–> no apprehension–> relaxation–> LOAFING: performance decreases on easy tasks, increases on difficult
compared to
Others–> individual evaluation–> apprehension increases–> arousal–> SOCIAL FACILITATION: performance increases on easy tasks, decreases on difficult
Output equity
People like everyone to contribute equally, but perceive that others are loafing, and thus lose motivation