Ch. 1 Flashcards
The only drugs that can be administered in California are:
1.Contrast (IV , oral, rectal) for purpose of radiographic exam
- Saline (IV)
purpose: only to check line
Rad techs in California can only start IV’s in which part of the body
upper extremity
for the purpose of contrast exam
How would you check to see if you are in a vein when performing an IV?
Pull back on syringe to show blood
What does JRCERT stand for and what does it do?
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
- The accrediting body for radiologic sciences. tech schools
- standards for RT programs
- Identified that pharmacology, Patient care ,medical ethics and legal issues as requirements
What is ASRT and what does it do
American society of radiologic technologist
- National professional organization for Rad techs
- provides continuing education
- they write the scope of practice
The accrediting body for radiologic sciences. tech schools is _____
joint review committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
how many continuing education are you required to do
24 units every 2 years
What is our scope of practice and who writes it?
It is guidelines /rules of what we can or can not do.
- Created by ASRT ( American society of radiologic technologist
When was venipunture added as part of our scope of practice
- who added it ?
Professional organization for radiologist
(American college of Radiology
What is the accrediting body for modalities such as CT etc
The only federally mandated modality is ___ .
What is ARRT
and what do they do?
American Registry of Radiologic Technologist
They are a national registry for certified Rad techs
How many code of ethics are there?
What is CDPH- RHB and what does it do
California Department of Public Heath - Radiologic Health Branch
The liscence rad techs and gives them ability to work legally in CA