CFA Website questions i fucked up Flashcards
Peter Levinson, CFA, declared personal bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills. After losing his receipt for a business dinner, he uses his wife’s receipt for a smaller amount from the same restaurant to submit his expense claim. Has Levinson most likely violated the Standards?
Yes, by declaring personal bankruptcy
Yes, by using his wife’s receipt for his expense claim
Yes, by using his wife’s receipt for his expense claim
Correct because according to the Standard I(D), misconduct, Members and Candidates must not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit or commit any act that reflects adversely on their professional reputation, integrity, or competence. And using his wife’s receipt for expense claim is a dishonest professional conduct.
A member has been asked by her supervisor to write a research report on a company. The member’s firm owns options to buy the company’s stock. The member’s firm does not possess material nonpublic information on the company. According to the Standards, the member should:
outsource the report to an approved third-party research provider.
place the stock on a restricted list and provide only factual information about the company.
disclose in the research report the amount and the expiration date of the options held by her firm in the covered company.
disclose in the research report the amount and the expiration date of the options held by her firm in the covered company.
because according to the recommended procedures for compliance with Standard VI (A), Disclosure of Conflicts, if a member, a candidate, or a member’s or candidate’s firm has outstanding agent options to buy stock as part of the compensation package for corporate financing activities, the amount and expiration date of these options should be disclosed as a footnote to any research report published by the member’s or candidate’s firm.
Therefore, if the member’s firm owns options to buy the company’s stock as part of the compensation for offering corporate finance solutions, the member should disclose in the research report the amount and the expiration date of the options held by her firm in the covered company.
Simon Jensen, CFA, a portfolio manager, participates in an IPO of PT Tech. Jensen prorates the oversubscribed issue on an odd-lot basis to suitable clients. After the successful IPO, his colleague Todd Durkny, a CFA candidate, initiates coverage of PT Tech and sends her “buy” recommendation to all clients by email. She then calls her premium fee-paying clients to discuss PT Tech in-depth. Whose actions are consistent with the Standards?
Durkny’s only
Jensen’s only
Both Durkny’s and Jensen’s
Durkny’s only
because according to Standard III (B), Fair Dealing, members and candidates may provide more personal, specialized, or in-depth service to clients who are willing to pay for premium services through higher management fees or higher levels of brokerage.
B is incorrect ecause according to to Standard III (B), Fair Dealing, If the issue is oversubscribed, then the issue should be prorated to all subscribers. This action should be taken on a round-lot basis to avoid odd-lot distributions. So, Jensen’s action is not consistent the Standard.
According to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to performance presentation, members should:
exclude terminated accounts from performance history.
consider the knowledge of the audience to whom a performance presentation is addressed.
use a representative account when presenting the performance of the weighted composite of similar portfolios.
B is Correct because according to Standard III (D), Performance Presentation, members can meet obligation of the Standard by considering the knowledge and sophistication of the audience to whom a performance presentation is addressed.
C is Incorrect because according to Standard III (D), Performance Presentation, members can meet obligation of the Standard by presenting the performance of the weighted composite of similar portfolios rather than using a single representative account.
Gurdeep Singh, CFA, is an analyst with a hedge fund and works closely with his supervisor, Joan Tanner, who earned her CFA designation 20 years ago. Singh becomes aware that Tanner uses her CFA designation even though she no longer pays her membership dues. Tanner uses the designation during several meetings that she and Singh have with the firm’s clients and emphasizes that all her team members, including herself, are CFA charterholders. Has Singh violated the Standards?
Yes, the Standard relating to knowledge of the law
Yes, the Standard relating to reference to CFA Institute, the CFA designation, and the CFA program
Yes, the Standard relating to knowledge of the law
B is Correct because according to Standard I(A), Knowledge of the Law, members and Candidates must not knowingly participate or assist in and must dissociate from any violation of such laws, rules, or regulations.
In this case, by staying silent in a client meeting in which he knows false information is being given to a potential investor that could cause harm to that investor, Singh would be seen as assisting Tanner in providing that false information, even though Singh is not actively engaging in the misconduct himself Singh should report her conduct to the fund’s compliance department for it to address and should dissociate himself from the activity. By not dissociating himself from Tanner and their meetings with clients, Singh has violated the Standard.
C is Incorrect because Standard VII(B), Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program, states that when referring to the CFA designation, members and candidates must not misrepresent holding the CFA designation. Singh does not misrepresent his membership in CFA Institute; Tanner does. Therefore, Singh has not violated Standard VII(B).
According to the Standards, if a member cannot discharge supervisory responsibilities due to an inadequate compliance system, the member is:
only required to decline in writing to accept supervisory responsibility.
only required to report the inadequate compliance system to CFA Institute.
both required to decline in writing to accept supervisory responsibility and to report the inadequate compliance system to CFA Institute.
only required to decline in writing to accept supervisory responsibility.
A is Correct because according to Standard IV(C), Responsibilities of Supervisor, if the member or candidate clearly cannot discharge supervisory responsibilities because of the absence of a compliance system or because of an inadequate compliance system, the member or candidate should decline in writing to accept supervisory responsibility until the firm adopts reasonable procedures to allow adequate exercise of supervisory responsibility. There is no requirement to report the firm’s inadequate compliance system to the CFA Institute.
C is Incorrect because according to Standard IV(C), Responsibilities of Supervisors, there is no requirement to report the firm’s inadequate compliance system to the CFA Institute.
Li Chen, is a CFA candidate and an equity research analyst at an independent research firm. Chen is contacted by Granite Technologies, Inc., to write an issuer-paid research report on the firm to increase awareness of Granite’s stock amongst the investment community. Which statement best represents how Chen should respond to this assignment request? Chen should:
negotiate a flat fee and disclose this relationship in her report.
decline to write the report as it will compromise her independence.
accept long-term warrants on Granite’s stock in lieu of any cash compensation.
negotiate a flat fee and disclose this relationship in her report.
A is Correct because by negotiating a flat fee, her independence and objectivity would not be questioned as her fee would not be based on the results of her research. In addition, by fully disclosing the relationship in her report she allows the reader to determine if her judgment is compromised. As a result, Chen is maintaining compliance with Standard I(B), Independence and Objectivity.
B is Incorrect because although issuer-paid research needs to be appropriately disclosed, members and candidates are not prohibited from engaging in it.
Which of the following actions are in violation of the Standard relating to market manipulation?
Action 1: Securing a dominant position in a financial instrument with an intent to influence the price of a related derivative.
Action 2: Entering large buy and sell trades between multiple proprietary accounts of the firm with the intent to increase trading volume.
Action 1 only
Action 2 only
Both Action 1 and Action 2
Both Action 1 and Action 2
C is Correct because Standard II(B), Market Manipulation, precludes transaction-based manipulation such as securing a controlling, dominant position in a financial instrument to exploit and manipulate the price of a related derivative and/or the underlying asset. So, Action 1 violates the Standard. Also, the Standard precludes other transaction-based manipulation such as attempting to buy and sell the stock using the accounts in hopes of raising the trading volume and the price. So, Action 2 also violates the Standard.
Which of the following statements regarding the Standard relating to record is most accurate?
In the absence of regulatory guidance or firm policies, members must maintain records for at least five years
A candidate as an unpaid intern does not need to obtain consent from his previous employer to re-issue research reports at his new firm
A member is required to maintain third-party reports if they represent supporting documentation of recommendations made by the member
A member is required to maintain third-party reports if they represent supporting documentation of recommendations made by the member
C is Correct because according to Standard V(C) relating to record retention, supporting documentation that assists the member or candidate in meeting the requirements for retention include outside research reports.
A is Incorrect because according to Standard V (C) relating to record retention, in the absence of regulatory guidance or firm policies, CFA Institute recommends maintaining records for at least seven (not five) years.
When a client asks her how she makes investment decisions, Petra Vogler, CFA, tells the client she uses mosaic theory. According to Vogler, the theory involves analyzing public and nonmaterial nonpublic information including the evaluation of statements made to her by company insiders in one-on-one meetings where management discusses new earnings projections not known to the public. Vogler also gathers general industry information from industry experts she has contacted. Vogler violates the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct because of her use of:
industry expert information.
one-on-one meeting information.
nonmaterial nonpublic information.
one-on-one meeting information.
B is Correct because Vogler violated Standard II(A), Material Nonpublic Information, by using information not known to the public that is selectively disclosed by company insiders in one-on-one meetings. Earnings estimates would likely be considered material and nonpublic information. Information made available to analysts remains nonpublic until it is made available to investors in general. Under the mosaic theory it is acceptable to use information from industry contacts as long as the analyst uses appropriate methods to arrive at her conclusions.
C is Incorrect because it is acceptable to use nonmaterial nonpublic information in her analysis, and this use is not a violation of Standard II(A), Material Nonpublic Information.
Colleen O’Neil, CFA, manages a private investment fund with a balanced global investment mandate. Her clients insist that O’Neil’s personal investment portfolio replicate the investments within their portfolio to ensure them that she is willing to put her money at risk. By undertaking which of the following simultaneous investment actions for her own portfolio would O’Neil most likely be in violation of Standard VI(B), Priority of Transactions?
Sale of a listed US blue chip value stock
Participation in a popular frontier market IPO
Purchase of a UK government bond in the primary market
Participation in a popular frontier market IPO
B is Correct because Standard VI(B), Priority of Transactions, dictates that members and candidates give their clients and employer priority when making personal investment transactions. Even when clients allow or insist the manager invest alongside them, the manager’s transactions must never adversely affect the interests of the clients. A popular or “hot” IPO in a frontier market is likely to be oversubscribed. In such cases, Standard VI(B) dictates that the manager should not participate in this event to better ensure that clients would have a higher probability of getting their full subscription allotment, even though clients have allowed or dictated she do so.
A is Incorrect because the clients are unlikely be harmed by the manager also selling a US blue chip value stock in a stable market as the liquidity of the stock is likely to be large enough that a simultaneous sale would not negatively impact on the price of the share.
If a firm’s supply curve equals its long-run marginal cost schedule, the firm most likely operates in a market structure of:
perfect competition.
perfect competition.
C is Correct because the long-run marginal cost schedule is the perfectly competitive firm’s supply curve. In perfect competition, the firm’s supply schedule is represented by the marginal cost schedule.
B is Incorrect because the monopolist does not have a well-defined supply function that determines the optimal output level and the price to charge. A monopolistic firm does not have a supply curve but will produce the quantity that maximizes profit, which is the intersection of marginal cost and marginal revenue.
The reversal of an inventory write-down:
reduces cost of sales.
increases other comprehensive income.
is permitted under both IFRS and US GAAP.
reduces cost of sales.
A is Correct because in each period subsequent to inventory write-down, a new assessment of net realisable value is made. Reversal (limited to the amount of original write-down) is required for a subsequent increase in value of inventory previously written down. The reversal of any write-down of inventories is recognized as a reduction in cost of sales (reduction in the amount of inventories recognized as an expense).
B is incorrect because five items are treated as other comprehensive income under IFRS: foreign currency translation adjustments in consolidating financial statements of foreign subsidiaries, unrealized gains or losses on derivative contracts accounted for as hedges, unrealized gains and losses on available for sale securities and certain costs of a company’s defined benefit post-retirement plans that are not recognized in the current period and gains or losses from revaluation of fixed assets. The reversal of inventory write-downs is not one of them. The reversal of any write-down of inventories is recognized as a reduction in cost of sales (reduction in the amount of inventories recognized as an expense).
ROA dormula dupont style
ROA = tax burden * interest burden * EBIT MArgin * toal asset turnover
pre-tax margin formula
Pre-tax margin = iinterest urden * EBIT Margin
ROA / (total asset turnover * tax burden)
The use of neural networks to identify patterns through multistage, non-linear data processing best describes:
deep learning.
supervised learning.
unsupervised learning.
deep learning.
Correct because in deep learning, (or deep learning nets), computers use neural networks, often with many hidden layers, to perform multistage, non-linear data processing to identify patterns.
Deep learning may use supervised or unsupervised machine learning approaches.
By taking a layered or multistage approach to data analysis, deep learning develops an understanding of simple concepts that informs analysis of more complex concepts.
do you include common share dividends in the subtraction of net income when calculating Earnings per share?
nah, only preferred dividends
Which of the following market structures has low barriers to entry?
A monopoly
An oligopoly
Monopolistic competition
Monopolistic competition
Correct because monopolistic competition has low barriers to entry.
Assuming perfect capital mobility and a credibly fixed exchange rate, a decrease in a country’s default-free interest rate below that of other countries will most likely cause:
significant inflow of capital to the country.
significant outflow of capital from the country.
no significant inflow or outflow of capital for the country.
B is Correct because it is worthwhile to emphasize the basic point by considering what would happen in an idealized world of perfect capital mobility.
If the exchange rate were credibly fixed, then any attempt to decrease default-free interest rates in one country below those in another—that is, to undertake independent, expansionary monetary policy—would result in a potentially unlimited outflow of capital because funds would seek the higher return.
A is Incorrect because under assumption of full capital mobility and if the exchange rate were credibly fixed, then any attempt to decrease default-free interest rates in one country below those in another would result in a potentially unlimited outflow (not inflow) of capital because funds would seek the higher return.
Credit cycles tend to be:
shorter than business cycles.
of the same length as business cycles.
longer than business cycles.
longer than business cycles.
C is Correct because credit cycles tend to be longer, deeper, and sharper than business cycles. Although the length of a business cycle varies from peak to trough, the average length of a credit cycle is mostly found to be longer than that of the business cycle.
With respect to transparency, effective central banks:
outline their view on credit conditions.
separate control from political influence.
determine the definition of inflation that they target.
outline their view on credit conditions.
A. Correct because one way of establishing credibility is for a central bank to be transparent in its decision making. They will consider and outline their views on the following subjects, usually in this order: Broad money aggregates and credit conditions.
Value chain analysis most likely involves identifying the:
firm’s pricing strategy.
firm’s break-even points.
specific activities carried out by the firm.
specific activities carried out by the firm.
Correct because value chain analysis provides a link between the firm’s value proposition for customers and its profitability. It involves identifying the specific activities carried out by the firm.
A common capital allocation pitfall is:
basing investment decisions on earnings per share.
ignoring sunk costs in the decision-making process.
incorporating the responses of competitors into the analysis.
basing investment decisions on earnings per share.
Correct because paying too much attention to short-run accounting numbers can result in a company choosing investments that are not in the long-run economic interests of its shareholders. EPS is an accounting based measure.
If practical, retrospective application is required for a change in:
accounting policies only.
accounting estimates only.
both accounting policies and accounting estimates.
accounting policies only.
Correct because changes in accounting policies are reported through retrospective application unless it is impractical to do so. Changes in accounting estimates, however, are handled prospectively.
For similar amounts, which of the following actions will have the largest effect on GDP? An increase in:
government spending.
social transfers to all citizens.
social transfers to the poorest citizens.
government spending.
Correct because government spending increases have a much bigger effect (six times bigger) on GDP than similar size social transfers because the latter are not considered permanent.
All else being equal, cash dividends paid to common shareholders result in a:
lower ROA than if no dividends were paid.
higher ROE than if no dividends were paid.
lower net profit margin than if no dividends were paid.
higher ROE than if no dividends were paid.
Correct because ROE = Net income / Average total equity.
The basic components of owners’ equity are paid- in capital and retained earnings. Retained earnings include the cumulative amount of the company’s profits that have been retained in the company. For retained earnings, a dividend payment is the most common decrease.
Declaring and paying cash dividends to shareholders does not change net income but reduces retained earnings thus decreases total equity. As a result, ROE will increase compared to no dividends declared and paid.
Ignoring income taxes, the recognition of an impairment loss on long-lived assets most likely results in a:
lower quick ratio.
higher total asset turnover ratio.
lower cash flow from operations.
higher total asset turnover ratio.
Correct because the amount of the impairment loss will reduce the carrying amount of the asset on the balance sheet and will reduce net income on the income statement. Total asset turnover = Revenue / Average total assets. While Revenue (the numerator) is unaffected, the reduction of the carrying amount of the equipment (an asset) would lead to a lower average total assets; thus the ratio would increase.
C is Incorrect because the impairment loss is a non-cash item and will not affect cash from operations.
If a deferred tax asset resulted in the past, but the criteria of economic benefits is not met on the current balance sheet date, the company should:
perform an impairment test.
reverse the deferred tax asset.
establish a valuation allowance.
reverse the deferred tax asset.
B Correct because if a deferred tax asset or liability resulted in the past, but the criteria of economic benefits is not met on the current balance sheet date, then, under IFRS, an existing deferred tax asset or liability related to the item will be reversed.
C is Incorrect because if a deferred tax asset or liability resulted in the past, but the criteria of economic benefits is not met on the current balance sheet date, then, under IFRS, an existing deferred tax asset or liability related to the item will be reversed. Under US GAAP, a valuation allowance is established.
Which of the following is best described as a means of influencing another country’s decisions without force or coercion?
Soft power
Regulatory cooperation
Soft power
Correct because soft power is a means of influencing another country’s decisions without force or coercion.
All else being equal, an increase in the inventory valuation allowance account in the current reporting period most likely increases the:
interest coverage ratio.
working capital turnover ratio.
days of inventory on hand ratio.
working capital turnover ratio.
Correct because IFRS state that inventories shall be measured (and carried on the balance sheet) at the lower of cost and net realisable value. In the event that the value of inventory declines below the carrying amount on the balance sheet, the inventory carrying amount must be written down to its net realisable value and the loss (reduction in value) recognised as an expense on the income statement. This expense may be included as part of cost of sales or reported separately. Frequently, rather than writing inventory down directly, an inventory valuation allowance account is used. The allowance account is netted with the inventory accounts to arrive at the carrying amount that appears on the balance sheet. Accordingly, because revenue is not affected by the inventory write-down, the working capital turnover ratio (Revenue / Average working capital) increases (as the denominator decreases, as inventory is part of working capital) by an increase in the inventory valuation allowance account in the current reporting period.
According to the Modigliani–Miller propositions, if there are no taxes, an increase in financial leverage will increase the cost of equity and:
decrease the WACC.
have no effect on the WACC.
increase the WACC.
have no effect on the WACC.
Which of the following market structures is characterized by high barriers to entry and products with close substitutes within the market?
Monopolistic competition
Correct because entry into oligopoly markets is difficult, with fairly high costs and significant barriers to competition. The products offered by each seller are close substitutes for the products offered by other firms and are highly differentiated through marketing, features, and other non-pricing strategies.
An advantage of indirect taxes as a fiscal policy tool is that such taxes:
can be adjusted almost immediately.
minimize interference with consumer choices.
have a greater impact on aggregate spending and output than direct government spending.
can be adjusted almost immediately.
Correct because indirect taxes, which are taxes on spending including excise taxes on fuel, alcohol, and tobacco as well as taxes on gambling winnings, can be adjusted almost immediately after they are announced and can influence spending behavior instantly.
C is Incorrect because direct government spending has a far bigger impact on aggregate spending and output than tax cuts or transfer increases.
The replacement of existing trades on a swap execution facility by the central counterparty is best described as:
market making.
marking to market.
Correct because, under central clearing, a derivatives trade is executed in Step 1 on a swap execution facility (SEF), a swap trading platform accessed by multiple dealers. The original SEF transaction details are shared with the CCP (central counterparty) in Step 2, and the CCP replaces the existing trade in Step 3. This novation process substitutes the initial SEF contract with identical trades facing the CCP.
When developing an IPS, an investor’s desire to earn an inflation-adjusted annual rate of return of at least 2% is best classified as a(n):
relative risk objective.
relative return objective.
absolute return objective.
absolute return objective.
Correct because return objectives may be stated on an absolute or a relative basis. As an example of an absolute objective, the client may want to achieve a particular percentage rate of return. This objective could be a nominal rate of return or could be expressed in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.
During the lockout period for a non-amortizing asset-backed security, the principal payment of €100 million on a €1 billion face value issue will result in the security having a total face value of:
€0.9 billion.
€1.0 billion.
€1.1 billion.
€1.0 billion.
Correct because during the lockout period any principal received is reinvested to acquire additional loans with a principal equal to the total principal received from the cash flow keeping the face value of the issue at €1 billion.
In contrast to risk tolerance, risk budgeting focuses more on:
how risk is taken.
the appetite for risk.
what is and is not acceptable risk.
how risk is taken.
Correct because whereas risk tolerance focuses on the appetite for risk and what is and is not acceptable, risk budgeting has a more specific focus on how that risk is taken.
In which section of an IPS is the rebalancing policy most likely found?
Investment Guidelines
Evaluation and Review
Correct because Appendices details (A) Strategic Asset Allocation (B) Rebalancing Policy. Many investors specify a strategic asset allocation (SAA), also known as the policy portfolio, which is the baseline allocation of portfolio assets to asset classes in view of the investor’s investment objectives.
B is Incorrect because Investment Guidelines provides information about how policy should be executed (e.g., on the permissible use of leverage and derivatives) and on specific types of assets excluded from investment, if any. It is Appendices that details (A) Strategic Asset Allocation (B) Rebalancing Policy.
The value of a swap contract at initiation is most likely equal to:
the price of the swap.
the present value of the fixed payments on the swap.
Correct because the value (not the price) of the swap is typically zero at initiation and the fixed swap price is typically determined such that the value of the swap will be zero at initiation.
Companies that are candidates for a leveraged buyout most likely:
require start-up capital.
generate a high level of cash flow.
are experiencing a rapid deterioration in operations.
generate a high level of cash flow.
Correct because a leveraged buyout (LBO) occurs when a group of investors (such as the company’s management or a private equity partnership) uses a large amount of debt to purchase all of the outstanding common shares of a publicly traded company.
Companies that are candidates for these types of transactions generally have large amounts of undervalued assets (which can be sold to reduce debt) and generate high levels of cash flows (which are used to make interest and principal payments on the debt).
Which of the following transactions most likely represents a fair value hedge?
Commodity futures to hedge inventory
Currency forward to hedge forecasted sales
Interest rate swap to a fixed rate for floating-rate debt
Commodity futures to hedge inventory
Correct because it is an example of a fair value hedge.
A fair value hedge designation applies when a derivative is deemed to offset the fluctuation in fair value of an asset or liability. For example, a commodities producer might sell its inventory forward in anticipation of lower future prices.
C is Incorrect because it is an example of a cash flow hedge. Derivatives designated as absorbing the variable cash flow of a floating-rate asset or liability such as foreign exchange, interest rates, or commodities are referred to as cash flow hedges. A swap to a fixed rate for a floating-rate debt liability is another example of a cash flow hedge.
An infrastructure investment financing the construction of a new seaport is most likely classified as a:
greenfield investment.
brownfield investment.
social infrastructure investment.
greenfield investment.
Correct because greenfield investments involve developing new assets and new infrastructure.
The redemption value of a US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) issue at maturity is most likely:
equal to the initial par value.
the greater of the inflation-adjusted principal or initial par value.
above or below the initial par value depending on actual inflation during the term.
the greater of the inflation-adjusted principal or initial par value.
Correct because TIPS, which have a periodic principal adjustment based on a price index, are an example of a capital-indexed bond. Note that while deflation causes the principal to decline over time, investors usually receive the greater of the inflation-adjusted principal or par at maturity.
Effective duration is the appropriate interest rate risk measure for callable bonds because it:
measures the sensitivity of the bond price to a change in the yield to worst.
accounts for the convexity adjustment which can be significant for callable bonds.
can be calculated for bonds that do not have a well-defined internal rate of return.
can be calculated for bonds that do not have a well-defined internal rate of return.
Correct because a callable bond does not have a well-defined internal rate of return (yield to maturity). Therefore, yield duration statistics, such as modified and Macaulay durations, do not apply; effective duration is the appropriate duration measure.
Which one of the following is least likely to be an example of a Eurobond?
An Australian company issuing US$-denominated bonds to investors domiciled in Japan
A UK-based company issuing Japanese yen-denominated bonds to investors domiciled in Japan
A Japanese company issuing euro-denominated bonds to investors domiciled in the United Kingdom
A UK-based company issuing Japanese yen-denominated bonds to investors domiciled in Japan
Correct because it is an example of a foreign bond, that is, a bond issued by a foreign company in the domestic market of the country in whose currency the bond is denominated.
If a security’s return is plotted to the right of the market portfolio on the security market line, the security has a:
lower expected return and lower systematic risk than the market portfolio.
higher expected return and higher systematic risk than the market portfolio.
higher expected return and higher unsystematic risk than the market portfolio.
higher expected return and higher systematic risk than the market portfolio.
Correct because the security market line (SML) is a graphical representation of the capital asset pricing model with beta, reflecting systematic risk, on the x-axis and expected return on the y-axis. The linear relationship between expected return and beta (systematic risk) is upward sloping. Therefore, a security that is plotted higher and to the right of the market portfolio exhibits higher expected return due to its exposure to higher systematic risk.
If a floating-rate note is trading at a discount to par, this bond’s required margin is:
less than the quoted margin.
the same as the quoted margin.
greater than the quoted margin.
greater than the quoted margin.
Correct because if the required margin is greater than the quoted margin, the note will trade at a discount to par. For example on a floater with a margin of 50 bps, if the required margin goes up to 75 bps because of a downgrade in the issuer’s credit rating, a floater having a quoted margin of 50 bps now pays its investors a “deficient” interest payment. This FRN will be priced at a discount below par value.
With respect to leveraged buyouts, the current management team will continue to manage the company in:
management buy-ins only.
management buyouts only.
both management buy-ins and management buyouts.
management buyouts only.
Correct because the leveraged buyout may also be of a specific type.
In management buyouts (MBOs), the current management team is involved in the acquisition, and in management buy-ins (MBIs), the current management team is being replaced and the acquiring team will be involved in managing the company.
MOIC formula
MOIC = (realized value of investment + Unrealized value of investment) / total amount of invest capital (which is paid-in capital less management fees and fund expenses)
Challenges in constructing fixed-income indexes most likely include that:
there is a small number of securities.
securities are relatively illiquid compared to equities.
fixed-income markets are predominantly order-driven markets.
securities are relatively illiquid compared to equities.
Correct because in the fixed income market many securities do not trade frequently and, as a result, are relatively illiquid. As a result, index providers must contact dealers to obtain current prices on constituent securities to update the index or they must estimate the prices of constituent securities using the prices of traded fixed-income securities with similar characteristics.
In the portfolio management process, the decision whether to use a nominal or real return objective is most likely part of the:
planning step.
feedback step.
execution step.
planning step.
Correct because the planning step includes the preparation of an investment policy statement (IPS). One of the major components of an IPS is the return objective. Care should be taken that client and manager are in agreement on whether the return objective is nominal (which is more convenient for measurement purposes) or real (i.e., inflation-adjusted, which usually relates better to the objective).
B is Incorrect because determination of the return objective is included in the preparation of the IPS, which is part of the planning, not feedback, step. The feedback step includes: (1) Portfolio monitoring and rebalancing, and (2) Performance measurement and reporting.
Empirical duration:
assumes that government bond yields and spreads are independent variables.
is higher than analytical duration for high-yield bonds under market stress scenarios.
uses statistical methods and historical bond prices to derive the price–yield relationship for bond portfolios.
uses statistical methods and historical bond prices to derive the price–yield relationship for bond portfolios.
Correct because empirical duration uses statistical methods and historical bond prices to derive the price–yield relationship for specific bonds or bond portfolios.
If the number of financial analysts who follow or analyze a company increases substantially, then the market for the company’s shares will most likely become:
more efficient.
more attractive for active investors.
more efficient.
Correct because the number of financial analysts who follow or analyze a security or asset should be positively related to market efficiency. Therefore, if more analysts cover a company, the market for this company’s shares will most likely become more efficient.
Which of the following statements about direct ownership of real estate is most accurate?
Local real estate market expertise is important for success
Investors have no control over the tenant selection process
Investors cannot use non-cash property depreciation expenses to reduce taxable income
Local real estate market expertise is important for success
Correct because investing directly in real estate entails the need for specialized knowledge. The owners need to understand both general and local market characteristics, which requires local market knowledge.
C is Incorrect because real estate owners can reduce their taxable income using non-cash property depreciation expenses and tax-deductible interest expenses.
If futures prices are positively correlated with interest rates, then futures prices are likely to be:
lower than forward prices.
equal to forward prices.
higher than forward prices.
higher than forward prices.
Correct because if futures prices are positively correlated with interest rates, futures contracts are more desirable to holders of long positions than are forwards. Hence the price of the future will be higher than the price of the forward.
If a risk-free asset is available, an investor’s optimal portfolio is the point of tangency between the:
Markowitz efficient frontier and the capital allocation line.
capital allocation line and the investor’s indifference curve.
Markowitz efficient frontier and the investor’s indifference curve.
capital allocation line and the investor’s indifference curve.
Correct because overlaying each individual’s indifference curves on the capital allocation line will provide us with the optimal portfolio for that investor.
The optimal portfolio for the investor with this indifference curve is portfolio C on CAL(P), which is tangent to the indifference curve.
According to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to additional compensation arrangements, a member receiving additional compensation must disclose to his employer in writing:
the nature of the compensation only.
the approximate amount of the compensation only.
both the nature of the compensation and the approximate amount of the compensation.
both the nature of the compensation and the approximate amount of the compensation.
Correct because according to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to additional compensation arrangements, a written disclosure should state the terms of any agreement under which a member or candidate will receive additional compensation; ‘terms’ include the nature of the compensation, the approximate amount of compensation, and the duration of the agreement.
According to the Standard relating to priority of transactions, members should:
preclear trades in fee-paying family accounts in which the member has no beneficial ownership.
direct their brokers to supply duplicate copies for all their personal securities transactions to their employers.
allocate shares to other clients before allocating shares to fee-paying family accounts in which the members do not have beneficial ownership.
direct their brokers to supply duplicate copies for all their personal securities transactions to their employers.
B is Correct because according to Standard VI(B), Priority of Transactions, investment transactions for clients and employers must have priority over investment transactions in which a Member or Candidate is the beneficial owner.
Also, investment personnel should be required to direct their brokers to supply to firms duplicate copies or confirmations of all their personal securities transactions and copies of periodic statements for all securities accounts.
During an on-site company visit, Marsha Ward, CFA, accidentally overheard the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Stargazer, Inc., discussing the company’s tender offer to purchase Dynamica Enterprises, a retailer of Stargazer products. According to the Standards, Ward most likely cannot use the information because:
it relates to a tender offer.
it was overheard and might be considered unreliable.
she does not have a reasonable and adequate basis for taking investment action.
it relates to a tender offer.
Correct because trading on the information is restricted as it relates to a tender offer; it is part of the Standard relating to material, nonpublic information.
Manuel Tacqueria, CFA, is a sole proprietor investment adviser managing accounts for a diversified group of clients. Tacqueria obtains his investment research through a subscription service with Alpha Services, a large financial services organization. Tacqueria notes that the research reports are sound because they are extremely detailed and comprehensive. As a result, Tacqueria feels comfortable relying solely upon this research when making recommendations to clients. Tacqueria should most likely do which of the following in order to conform to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct?
Utilize additional sources of third-party research
Conduct additional due diligence on Alpha Services
Undertake and add his own research to the existing reports
Conduct additional due diligence on Alpha Services
Correct because Tacqueria is in violation of the Standard relating to diligence and reasonable basis, as he is required to undertake due diligence efforts on the third-party research provider on a regular basis to ensure that the quality of this research continues to meet his necessary standards.
When first becoming compliant with the GIPS standards, an investment firm with 12 years of investment performance history must initially present a minimum of:
5 years of annual investment performance.
10 years of annual investment performance.
12 years of annual investment performance.
5 years of annual investment performance.
Correct because a firm is required to initially present, at a minimum, five years of annual investment performance that is compliant with the GIPS standards.
Alan Quanta, CFA, provides credit rating analysis of high-yield bonds using external credit ratings as a foundation. At the end of the last quarter, Quanta’s firm, North Investment Bank, held a large position in the bonds of Veyron Corporation, a real estate company with all of its land holdings in a country recently downgraded by several credit rating agencies. The downgrades made Veyron bonds extremely difficult to sell because the bond price has dropped every day since the downgrades. Quanta has been asked by his supervisor to contact the firm’s institutional clients to convince them Veyron bonds are still an attractive purchase, especially at these lower prices. Quanta does not consider the Veyron bonds a buy at this price level. According to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, the most appropriate action for Quanta is to:
obey his supervisor’s request.
ignore his supervisor’s request.
promote the bonds with appropriate disclosures.
ignore his supervisor’s request.
Correct because Quanta must refuse to promote Veyron bonds until they are an attractive purchase based on fundamental analysis and market pricing. If Quanta followed the request from his supervisor, he would be in violation of Standard I(B), Independence and Objectivity, as he does not rate Veyron bonds as a buy.
His opinion of the Veyron bonds must not be affected by internal pressure or compensation.
Which of the following is most accurate? Firms that claim compliance with the GIPS standards must:
self-regulate their claim of compliance.
hire an independent third-party to verify compliance.
establish an internal audit team to perform verification on specific composites to maintain the firm’s claim of compliance.
self-regulate their claim of compliance.
Correct because according to the GIPS standards firms that claim compliance with the GIPS standards are responsible for their claim of compliance and for maintaining that compliance. That is, firms self-regulate their claim of compliance.
According to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to responsibilities of supervisors, a member should encourage her employer to:
integrate a code of ethics into compliance procedures.
build incentive structures based on how much revenue is generated for the firm.
write a code of ethics in plain language and without numerous detailed procedures.
write a code of ethics in plain language and without numerous detailed procedures.
Correct because according to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to responsibilities of supervisors, stand-alone codes of ethics should be written in plain language and should address general fiduciary concepts. They should be unencumbered by numerous detailed procedures.
Jorge Lopez, CFA, is responsible for proxy voting on behalf of his bank’s asset management clients. Lopez recently performed a cost–benefit analysis, showing that proxy voting analysis might not benefit the bank’s clients. As a result, Lopez immediately changes the proxy voting policies and procedures without informing anyone else of the change. Lopez now votes client proxies on the side of management on all issues with the exception of major mergers where a significant impact on the stock price is expected. Lopez least likely violated the CFA Institute Standards of Professional with regards to:
cost–benefit analysis.
voting with management.
proxy voting policy disclosures.
cost–benefit analysis.
Correct because there is no violation of Standard III(A), Loyalty, Prudence, and Care by performing a cost–benefit analysis showing that voting all proxies might not benefit the client, and concluding voting proxies may not be necessary in all instances. However, even though voting proxies may not be necessary in all instances, part of a member’s or candidate’s duty of loyalty under Standard III(A) includes voting proxies in an informed and responsible manner, which is not being done by Lopez by automatically voting with management on the majority of issues. In addition, members and candidates should disclose to clients their proxy voting policies, including any changes to that policy as required by Standard III(A), which has not been done.
A member uses a quantitative model as part of her thorough research in preparing a report for clients. Which of the following member actions is consistent with the Standard relating to communication with clients and prospective clients?
Presenting the projections of the model as fact
Omitting information in the report that the member deems unimportant
Changing the methodology of the model without highlighting this change to clients
Omitting information in the report that the member deems unimportant
Correct because, according to Standard V(B), Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients, a report writer who has done adequate investigation may emphasize certain areas, touch briefly on others, and omit certain aspects deemed unimportant.
According to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to disclosure of conflicts, members’ firms should include:
only information on compensation packages in firms’ promotional literature.
only outstanding agent options to buy stock as part of the compensation package for corporate financing activities in any research report.
information on compensation packages in firms’ promotional literature and outstanding agent options to buy stock as part of the compensation package for corporate financing activities in any research report.
information on compensation packages in firms’ promotional literature and outstanding agent options to buy stock as part of the compensation package for corporate financing activities in any research report.
Correct because according to the recommended procedures for compliance with the Standard relating to disclosure of conflicts, members’ and candidates’ firms are encouraged to include information on compensation packages in firms’ promotional literature. Also, if a member, a candidate, or a member’s or candidate’s firm has outstanding agent options to buy stock as part of the compensation package for corporate financing activities, the amount and expiration date of these options should be disclosed as a footnote to any research report published by the member’s or candidate’s firm.
Taxes payable are calculated based on:
taxable income.
accounting profit.
taxable income.
Correct because a company’s taxable income is the basis for its income tax payable (a liability) or recoverable (an asset), which is calculated on the basis of the company’s tax rate and appears on its balance sheet.
financial leverage formula
Total assets / Equity
Which of the following ranks geopolitical systems from the lowest to the highest level of globalization?
Autarky, bilateralism, hegemony
Autarky, hegemony, bilateralism
Bilateralism, hegemony, autarky
Autarky, bilateralism, hegemony
Correct because autarky describes countries seeking political self-sufficiency with little or no external trade or finance. State-owned enterprises control strategic domestic industries. The self-sufficiency of autarkic countries allows them to be stronger politically, including the ability to exercise complete control over the supply of technology, goods, and services, as well as media and political messaging.
Bilateralism is the conduct of political, economic, financial, or cultural cooperation between two countries. Countries engaging in bilateralism may have relations with many different countries, but they are one-at-a-time agreements without multiple partners.
Finally, hegemonic countries tend to be regional or even global leaders, and they use their political or economic influence of others to control resources. State-owned enterprises tend to control key export markets. A hegemonic system can provide valuable benefits both to hegemonic countries themselves and to the international system. For the country itself, economic and political dominance may provide important influence on global affairs. So, autarkies are likely to be least globalized, followed by countries engaging in bilateralism, with hegemonies being much more globalized.
Derecognition of a long-lived asset other than by a sale most likely involves:
recording cash proceeds if an asset is retired or abandoned.
spinning off a portion of assets from a cash-generating unit of a company.
removing the carrying amount of the asset given up, adding a fair value for the asset acquired if an asset is exchanged, and reporting any difference in values.
removing the carrying amount of the asset given up, adding a fair value for the asset acquired if an asset is exchanged, and reporting any difference in values.
Correct because when an asset is exchanged, accounting for the exchange typically involves removing the carrying amount of the asset given up, adding a fair value for the asset acquired, and reporting any difference between the carrying amount and the fair value as a gain or loss.
The neutral policy rate for an economy is the real trend rate of growth and the:
short-term growth rate that gives rise to no inflation.
long-term growth rate that gives rise to stable inflation.
short-term growth rate that gives rise to stable inflation.
long-term growth rate that gives rise to stable inflation
Correct because the neutral policy rate for any economy comprises two components: real trend rate of growth of the underlying economy, and the real trend rate of growth of an economy that is achievable in the long run that gives rise to stable inflation.
The formula is neutral rate = Trend growth + Inflation target.
A firm with convertible securities initially calculates that its diluted EPS is greater than its basic EPS. The firm will:
not be required to report diluted EPS.
report basic EPS that is equal to reported diluted EPS.
report basic EPS that is not equal to reported diluted EPS.
report basic EPS that is equal to reported diluted EPS.
Correct because a higher diluted EPS indicates that the company’s convertible securities are antidilutive (i.e., their inclusion in the computation would result in an EPS higher than the company’s basic EPS), and the company is required to report a basic EPS that equals diluted EPS.
This occurs because, by definition, diluted EPS has to be equal to or lower than basic EPS.
Which of the following statements about financial reporting is most accurate?
Aggressive accounting choices in the current period may decrease the company’s future reported earnings
High-quality financial reports contain information that is relevant, complete, conservative, and free from error
Conservative accounting choices help a company with good performance issue higher quality financial reports
Aggressive accounting choices in the current period may decrease the company’s future reported earnings
Correct because aggressive accounting choices in the current period may decrease the company’s reported performance and financial position in later periods, which creates a sustainability issue.
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding cash flow statements?
Under IFRS, the indirect method of preparation is encouraged
Under US GAAP, bank overdrafts should be classified as a financing cash flow
Under IFRS, interest paid can be reported either as an operating or as an investing cash flow
Under US GAAP, bank overdrafts should be classified as a financing cash flow
C is Incorrect because under IFRS, interest paid could be reported either as an operating or financing cash flow.
If a return distribution has frequent small gains and a few extreme losses, the distribution most likely:
is mesokurtic.
has negative skewness.
has a mean greater than its median.
has negative skewness.
Correct because a return distribution with negative skew has frequent small gains and a few extreme losses. A negatively skewed distribution has negative skewness.
With respect to fintech applications to investment management, which of the following statements is most accurate?
Robo-advisers are specialized to address unique demands of investors
Algorithmic trading can provide investors with fast execution but has high transaction costs
Natural language processing can provide insights into interest rate policy by analyzing central bank statements
Natural language processing can provide insights into interest rate policy by analyzing central bank statements
Correct because communications and transcripts from policymakers, such as the European Central Bank or the US Federal Reserve, offer an opportunity for NLP (natural language processing)-based analysis, because officials at these institutions may send subtle messages through their choice of topics, words, and inferred tone. NLP can help analyze nuances within text to provide insights around trending or waning topics of interest, such as interest rate policy, aggregate output, or inflation expectations.
When performing a simple linear regression with an indicator variable as the independent variable, the slope coefficient can be interpreted as the:
mean of the dependent variable when the indicator variable is equal to one.
mean of the dependent variable when the indicator variable is equal to zero.
difference in the means of the dependent variable when the observations are grouped by the value of the indicator variable.
difference in the means of the dependent variable when the observations are grouped by the value of the indicator variable.
Correct because, when an indicator variable taking a value of zero or one is used as the independent variable in a simple linear regression, the estimated slope coefficient can be interpreted as the difference in the means if we grouped the observations by the indicator variable.
Which of the following is best classified as an operational risk?
The deterioration of corporate performance resulting in a debt default
A company becoming subject to investigation by government for violation of applicable laws
Poor audit procedures resulting in one stakeholder group benefiting at the expense of the company
Poor audit procedures resulting in one stakeholder group benefiting at the expense of the company
Correct because this is an example of operational risks and benefits. Corporations with weak control systems, ineffective decision-making, or inefficient monitoring often face adverse results with respect to their operations, performance, and value. In the absence of adequate controls, one stakeholder group may benefit at the expense of others.
A is Incorrect because this is an example of financial risks and benefits. Poor corporate governance, including weak management of creditors’ interests, can affect a company’s financial position and hinder its ability to honor its debt obligations. An increase in the possibility of debt default has consequences well beyond creditors and shareholders, extending to managers, employees, and suppliers, and even society and the environment.
In capital investment decisions, an abandonment option is most likely a type of:
sizing option.
timing option.
flexibility option.
sizing option.
Correct because an abandonment option is a type of sizing option. If after investing the company can abandon the investment if the financial results are disappointing, it has an abandonment option.
A functional form of a simple linear regression in which the dependent variable is logarithmic but the independent variable is linear is best referred to as the:
log-lin model.
lin-log model.
log-log model.
log-lin model.
Correct because one of three often-used functional forms, each of which involves log transformation is the log-lin model, in which the dependent variable is logarithmic but the independent variable is linear.
B is Incorrect because in the lin-log model the dependent variable is linear but the independent variable is logarithmic.
Inherent risks in an investment are most appropriately evaluated in which step of the financial statement analysis framework?
Process data
Articulate the purpose and context of analysis
Develop and communicate conclusions/recommendations
Develop and communicate conclusions/recommendations
Correct because discussion and presentation of inherent risks in an investment is appropriate in the develop and communicate conclusions/recommendations step.
Residential mortgage-backed securities issued in the US by government-sponsored enterprises are guaranteed by:
external credit enhancements.
the government-sponsored enterprise.
the full faith and credit of the government.
the government-sponsored enterprise.
Correct because for residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) issued by a GSE (government-sponsored enterprise), such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, credit risk is reduced by the guarantee of the GSE itself.
The concept of put–call parity best demonstrates the equivalence of:
puts and calls.
a covered call and a protective put.
a fiduciary call and a protective put.
a fiduciary call and a protective put.
Relative to spot markets, a key feature of derivatives markets is:
high transaction costs.
low capital requirements.
restrictions on short selling.
low capital requirements.
Correct because derivatives markets provide the benefit of low capital requirements to hedgers and speculators
The price of a pay-fixed receive-floating interest rate swap is most likely:
the fixed rate that results when the market value of the swap is zero at initiation.
the sum of the fixed-rate payments minus the sum of the floating-rate payments.
the present value of the floating-rate payments minus the present value of the fixed-rate payments.
the fixed rate that results when the market value of the swap is zero at initiation.
Correct because the price of the swap is the fixed rate on the swap at the start of the transaction such that the present value of fixed payments is equal to the present value of the floating payments and the market value of the swap is zero.
An investor wants to achieve a portfolio return within 5% of a benchmark index return. Which of the following best measures this risk objective?
Beta risk
Value at risk
Tracking risk
Tracking risk
Correct because some clients may choose to express relative risk objectives, which relate risk relative to one or more benchmarks perceived to represent appropriate risk standards.
Therefore, achieving a portfolio return within 5% of a benchmark index return is a relative risk objective. For risk relative to a benchmark, the relevant measure is tracking risk, which is defined as the standard deviation of the differences between a portfolio’s returns and its benchmark’s returns.
When valuing underlying hedge fund positions, the most conservative approach most likely uses:
the most recent market prices.
the average of the bid and ask prices.
bid prices for longs and ask prices for shorts.
bid prices for longs and ask prices for shorts.
Correct because a conservative and theoretically accurate approach is to use bid prices for longs and ask prices for shorts because these are the prices at which the positions could be closed.
Which of the following statements about the global asset management industry is most accurate?
The majority of asset management firms are publicly traded firms
Alternative asset managers typically generate revenue from performance fees
The expected growth in robo-advisory assets is driven by demand from older investors
Alternative asset managers typically generate revenue from performance fees
Correct because asset managers are typically categorized as either ‘traditional’ or ‘alternative.’ Traditional managers generally focus on long-only equity, fixed-income, and multi-asset investment strategies, generating most of their revenues from asset-based management fees.
Alternative asset managers, however, focus on hedge fund, private equity, and venture capital strategies, among others, while generating revenue from both management and performance fees (or ‘carried interest’).
A portfolio’s investment strategy relies on a particular element of the tax code to produce superior after-tax returns for high-net-worth individuals. Because of this strategy, the portfolio most likely faces a high level of:
legal risk.
model risk.
compliance risk.
compliance risk.
Correct because tax risk, the risk that the tax code could change, along with regulatory and accounting risks together form compliance risk.
A company borrowed capital by issuing a number of different securities. Which of the following most likely ranks the highest with respect to priority of payments?
Third lien debt
Subordinate loan
Senior unsecured bond
Third lien debt
Correct because third lien debt is secured debt. It has a secured interest in the pledged assets and ranks higher than all other unsecured debts.
B is Incorrect because a subordinate loan is an unsecured debt. Among the various creditor classes, these obligations have among the lowest priority of claims and frequently have little or no recovery in the event of default.
In a securitization, the seller of the pool of securitized assets is the:
special purpose entity.
Correct because the collateral in a securitization is the pool of securitized assets from which cash flows will be generated. The seller of the collateral is the depositor, also referred to as the originator.
C is Incorrect because the special purpose vehicle (SPV) is the issuer in the securitization.
If a call option is underpriced relative to the binomial model, investors can earn a return in excess of the risk-free rate by buying the call and simultaneously:
investing the present value of the strike price at the risk-free rate.
selling short the underlying and investing the proceeds at the risk-free rate.
buying the underlying and funding the transaction by borrowing at the risk-free rate.
selling short the underlying and investing the proceeds at the risk-free rate.
Correct because if the option price is too low, buying the call, selling short the asset, and investing the proceeds in risk-free bonds will generate risk-free cash that will earn more than the risk-free rate. This is because a call option can be replicated by borrowing at the risk-free rate and buying the underlying. So, if the call option is underpriced, then investors can earn an excess return by buying the call option while doing the opposite of replicating a call option, which would be shorting the underlying and investing the proceeds at the risk-free rate.
Investing in an existing solar power plant is most appropriately categorized as a:
utility asset.
greenfield investment.
social infrastructure asset.
utility asset.
Correct because utility investments encompass environmentally sustainable development, with an increasing focus on renewable technologies, including solar, wind, and waste-to-energy power generation.
Instructions that tell brokers how to settle trades are best described as:
validity instructions.
clearing instructions.
execution instructions.
clearing instructions.
Correct because clearing instructions tell brokers and exchanges how to arrange final settlement of trades.
C is Incorrect because execution instructions indicated how to fill the order. They convey how to execute a trade such as using a market order or a limit order. They do not indicate how to settle a trade.
Key rate duration:
requires the shape of the benchmark yield curve to stay constant.
measures a bond’s sensitivity to a change in the benchmark yield at a specific maturity.
indicates the same interest rate sensitivity as effective duration for non-parallel shifts in the yield curve.
measures a bond’s sensitivity to a change in the benchmark yield at a specific maturity.
Correct because a key rate duration (or partial duration) is a measure of a bond’s sensitivity to a change in the benchmark yield at a specific maturity.
C is Incorrect because effective and key rate durations indicate the same sensitivity to interest rate changes when all yields change by the same amount. Effective duration measures a bond’s sensitivity to changes in the benchmark yield curve if all yields change by the same amount. Key rate duration provides further insight into a bond’s sensitivity to non-parallel benchmark yield curve changes. Key rate duration (or partial duration) is a measure of a bond’s sensitivity to a change in the benchmark yield at a specific maturity. Key rate durations define a security’s price sensitivity over a set of maturities along the yield curve, with the sum of key rate durations being equal to the effective duration when yields are shifted by the same amount.
Subdividing the amount of risk to assume in a portfolio over the sources of investment return is most likely a part of:
risk transfer.
risk shifting.
risk budgeting.
risk budgeting.
Correct because risk budgeting is the process of deciding on the amount of risk to assume in a portfolio (the overall risk budget), and subdividing that risk over the sources of investment return (e.g., strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation, and security selection).
A trader seeking to sell a very large block of stock for her client most likely executes the trade in a(n):
brokered market.
order-driven market.
quote-driven market.
brokered market.
Correct because instruments that are infrequently traded and expensive to carry as inventory (e.g., very large blocks of stock, real estate properties, fine art masterpieces, and liquor licenses) are executed in brokered markets.
Organizing order-driven markets for such instruments is not sensible because too few traders would submit orders to them.
When commodity futures prices are greater than the spot price, the:
forward curve is in backwardation.
convenience yield is likely to be high.
returns of a long-only futures investor are likely to be lower compared to a scenario where futures prices are below the spot price.
returns of a long-only futures investor are likely to be lower compared to a scenario where futures prices are below the spot price.
Correct because when futures prices are greater than the spot price, the commodity forward curve is upward sloping and the prices are referred to as being in contango.
As a rule of thumb, a contango scenario generally reduces the return of the long-only investor, and a backwardation scenario enhances it.
Which of the following best characterizes an interest rate swap?
A contingent claim derivative using Libor rates as reference rates
A contingent claim derivative used to convert interest rate exposure from fixed-rate to floating-rate
A firm commitment derivative used by investment managers to change portfolio duration without trading bonds
A firm commitment derivative used by investment managers to change portfolio duration without trading bonds
Correct because interest rate swaps are a type of firm commitment frequently used by market participants to convert from fixed to floating interest rate exposure over a certain period. For example, an investment manager can use interest rate swaps to increase or reduce portfolio duration without trading bonds.
An analysis of the competitive positioning such as Porter’s five forces is typically included in:
an initial company research report only.
a subsequent company research report only.
both initial and subsequent company research reports.
an initial company research report only.
Correct because it is only part of the company research report element “Industry Overview & Competitive Positioning” which is not listed amongst the five elements for the subsequent company research report: 1.) Front Matter, 2.) Recommendation, 3.) Analysis of New Information, 4.) Valuation and 5.) Risks.