cervical and cranial nerves Flashcards
ansa cervicalis superior root levels and inferior root levels
superior: C1-C2
inferior: C2-C3
Superficial cervical nerves from C2-3
lesser occipital nerve
greater auricular nerve
transverse cervical nervre
superficial cervical nerves from C3-C4
supraclavicular nerves
where is the loop of the ansa cervicalis located
near the tendon of the omohyoid muscle
what does the ansa cervicalis directly innervate?
all the infrahyoid muscles except the nerve to the thyrohyoid
superior root of AC followed up to find what nerve which gives off what nerve
hypoglossal nerve
gives off nerve to thyrohyoid m
what is the landmark near the n to thyrohyoid
tip of hyoid bone in heart of carotid triangle
where does the the phrenic nerve cross and lie
crosses anterior scalene, posterior to IJC
what crosses over the phrenic nerve?
transverse cervical artery
suprascapular artery
what artery follows the phrenic nerve
ascending cervical artery
GSA fibers convey what info from where and localization?
pain, temp, tactile, pressure, proprioception by trigeminal nerve to structures of ectodermal origin
-sharp, highly localized sensations
General Visceral afferent fibers
visceral pain and reflexes
- vagus nerve distribution from posterior 1/3 of tongue to midportion of transverse colon
- dull achy, burning, poorly localized
General somatic efferent
innervate muscles of myotomic origin, extraocular m and intrinsic m of tnogue
general visceral efferent fibers
components of ANS and innervate SM and glands
-course with cranial nerves III,VII,IX,X
All GSA fibers from cranial nerves ______ terminate where?
trigeminal sensory nuclei