autonomic nervous system Stephens Flashcards
the autonomic nervous system is generally considered what kind of fibers?
GVE motor system
-some GVA fibers may course with its nerves
where are preganglionic sympathetic neurons located for the head and neck
intermediolateral cell column of thoracolumbar segments T1-L2
hypothalamus and preganglionic symp neurons
hypothalamus has descending fibers inside the brainstem and spinal cord that will terminate on preganglionic symp neurons in intermediolateral cell column of spinal cord (T1-T4)
preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the head and neck
preganglionic symp fibers from intermediolateral cell column of T1-T2 spinal cord via ventral root go to white ramus to symp trunk, ascend and terminate on sympathetic ganglia
postganglionic sympathetic fibers to head and neck
preganglionic fibers terminate on the cervical sympahtetic ganglia. then postganlionic neurons from here form nerve plexuses coursing in tunica adventitia of BV (external carotid plexus)
- or join with cervical or cranial nerves
- innervate BVs, SM, and glands of head and neck
ganglion in head and neck
superior cervical (sympathetic outflow to head, especially the orbit)
middle cervical ganglion
inferior cervical ganglion (stellate)
vertebral ganglion
external carotid plexus consits of what
postganglionic sympathetic fibers which course in the tunica adventitia of external carotid and its branches
superior cervical ganglion gets preganglionic fibers from where and sends postgang to where
pregang: T1
postgang: upper cervical C1-C3
- lower cranial nerves, IX-XII, the pahynx, carotid body and sinus, internal carotid nerve
internal carotid nerve
leaves superior cervical ganglion and forms internal carotid polexus
4 major branches from internal carotid plexus
perivascular plexus: course with cerebral BVs
sympathetic branch to ciliary ganglion: passes through ciliary ganglino before terminating as short ciliary nerves to eyeball, postgang symp fibers innerveate dilator puillae and tarsal muscles
deep petrosal nerve: jions greater petrosal n to form vidian n
-post gang symp fibers go to palate, nasal cavity, pharynx, orbit, lacrimal gland
carotico-tympanic nerve
- enters middle ear cavity and forms part of tympanic plexus, exits as lesser petrosal nerve
- post ganglionic fibers to parotid gland
what is the level of the middle cervical ganglion
what is the level of the vertebral ganglion
horner’s synderome may be caused by interruption of the cervical symp trunk, transection of spinal cord above the level of ____
signs and symptoms of horner’s syndrome
Ptosis of upper lid due to paralysis of tarsal m
Anhidrosis and blusing: vasodilation of skin on face due to loss symp innervation of Bvs
Mitosis or pupillary constriction due to paralysis of dilator pupillae muscle
Enophthalmos: due to paralysis of orbitalis muscle of muller
causes of horner’s syndrome
partial or complete transection of cervical spinal cord
surgical or traumatic destruction of cervical symp chain
transient signs and symptoms
preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are found in brainstem and course with cranial nerves:
edinger-westphal nucleus sends what to where
fibers sent next?
preganglinoic fibers to the ciliary ganglion via the occulomotor nerve
-postganglionic fibers to ciliary muscles of lens and sphincter pupillae musles of iris
superior salivatory nucleus sends ____fibers to which ganglion?
pterygopalatine ganglion
submandibular ganglion
superior salivatory nucleus to pterygopalatine ganglion
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to:
pterygopalatine ganglion via the greater petrosal nerve
(off facial nerve) then the vidian nerve
-postganglionic axons innervate lacrimal gland, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, palate and orbit via zygomatic nerve
superior salivatory nucleus to submandibular ganglion
superior salivatory nucleus sends preganglionic fibers to submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve (branch of facial nerve)
- chorda tympani nerve merges with lingual nerve until reaches ganglion
- postganglionic fibers innervate submandiubular and sublingual salivary glands
indferior salivatory nucleus sends preganglionic ____ to where
preganglionic parasymp to the otic ganglion via the lesser petrosal nerve (branch of glossopharyngeal nerve)
-postganglionic parasympathetic axons from otic ganglion innervate parotid gland via auriculotemporal branches of trigeminal nerve
dorsal motor nucleus X sends what
long, preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to scattered ganglia in pharynx, larynx, thorax, abdomen
-hosrt postganglionic parasymp fibers to adjacetn glands of pharynx, larynx, thorax, abdomen
cervical sympathetic trunk location
posterior to the common carotid artery
anterior to longus colli and capitus muscle
invested in or deep to prevertebral fascia
rostral extent is at level of CV1
location of superior cervical ganglion
posterior to the internal carotid artery at level of CV1-2
-on surface of longus capitus muscle