Cell Signaling Flashcards
What is cell signalling (generally)?
Communication between cells
What is the purpose of external signal molecules?
Control cell behavior (survive, grow/divide, differentiate, apoptosis)

Generally, what can signalling pathways do?
Stuff binds to receptors
Makes proteins inside signal
(e.g. altered metabolism, gene expression, cell shape)

You have two extracellular signals
Signal 1 inhibits signal 2
Signal 2 inhibits signal 1
Both signal 1 and signal 2 make a regulator that starts gene expression
What do you need to start gene expression?
One or the other but not both

Acetylcholine binds to a protein in the heart
acetylcholine binds to a protein in the muscle
Does the same thing happen?
NO, different responses

Difference between synaptic signalling and endocrine?
Synaptic: precise (e.g. neurotransmitters, low binding affinity but high concentration)
Endocrine: imprecise but wide (e.g. endocrine secretes hormone that goes everywhere)