Cell Cycle Control System Flashcards
What checkpoints exist in the cell cycle?
G1 ‘is envt favorable?’
G2 ‘Is envt favorable? all DNA replicated?
Mitosis: metaphase/anaphase ‘are all chromosomes attached to spindle?’

What is a conditional mutation?
Protein does not function under specific conditions (e.g. temperature)
CDC genes

With a CDC mutation at high temperature, what would happen?
Mitosis doesn’t work, arresting late in mitosis

What is a Flow cytometer? What does it do?
Analyze DNA content with fluorescent binds
Analyze a ton of cells at once
Separate cells that are different from each other (e.g. ones with fluorescent protein)

what’s the acronym Cdk mean?
Cyclin-dependent kinase.
Amount of cyclins are changing
Cdks are constant

What complex causes cell to commit to S phase?
What complex stimulates chromosome duplication?
What complex causes cell to commit to S phase? G1/S-cyclin
What complex stimulates chromosome duplication? S-cyclin

What major protein is involved in proteolysis in anaphase promotion?
How does it work?
APC (anaphase promoting complex)
Ubiquitinates S/M cyclins
Ubiquitinates Securin

What is securin’s role?
Bind to separase, keeps it inactive
(Separase cleaves cohesin)

How is cohesin dissociated in anaphase?
Separase (protease) is normally inhibited by securin
Securin disappears
Separase can now destroy cohesin

What are indicators that mitosis has ended?
Decreased Cdk activity
Increased Cdk inhibitor proteins
Decreased cyclin expression

What is the general overview of cell cycle control?
G1-Cdk > s-cyclin + g1/s-cyclin synthesis
G1/S-Cdk > S-Cdk causes DNA replication
S Phase
M-Cdk starts mitosis
APC/C to get through anaphase
(Low Cdk triggers G1)

What does Mad2 do?
Spindle-Assembly Checkpoint (before anaphase)
Binds to kinetochores
Inhibits anaphase-promoting complex, stopping it from degrading securin

What different checkpoints exist in the cell cycle?
Intra-S phase
DNA-damage checkpoint (G1)
DNA-damage checkpoint 2 (S-phase)
DNA damage checkpoint 3 (right before G2)
DNA damage
Spindle-assembly checkpoint
Spindle-position checkpoint

What do mitogens do?
They’re extracellular proteins that start cell division
(e.g. lift Cdk suppression)
It’s how cells get out of G1 and into S

If DNA gets damaged in G1, how is the cell cycle inhibited?
p53 (activator) gets phosphorylated
Binds to P21 gene
Makes P21, which is an inhibitor protein
P21 blocks Cdks
(mutations associated with cancer)