cell membrane Flashcards
functions of cell membrane
- Membranes establish a boundary around all living cells
Involved in transport processes: lets cell bring in things it wants to bring in
cell to cell communication
signal detection
what does railroad track appearance of membranes refer to?
phospholipid bilayers lined up next to each other with intercellular space in the middle
what are the 3 kinds of phospholipids?
Phosphatidylcholine (PC)
Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) Phosphatidylserine (PS)
what is the asymmetrical distribution of a cell membrane?
different phospholipids are on the outer side of the membreane vs inner side. More PC facing outside and more PE facing inside (no flipping to other side!)
lipid + glycerol
which way do sugars face in the cell membrane
always face out!
how does saturation affect fluidity?
the more unsaturated you are, the less tightly you’re packed, the more fluid you are
how is cholesterol related to fluidity?
sits in between phospholipids prevents them from totally moving around
Frye & Edidin
The quick mixing of the fluorescent labels means that the proteins that are on the surface of the cellare not fixed in place – they can and do diffuse rapidly around the exterior of the cell, while still being embedded in the plasma membrane. This realization led to the development of the fluid-mosaic model
fluid mosaic model
the plasma membrane as a bilayer, two layers of lipid molecules, with protein molecules embedded in the layers. They compared this to a mosaic of colored tiles that are inlaid to form a design or picture. However, in this case, the tiles are the molecules of lipid and protein, and they are not fixed in place – they move about through diffusion
which layer of the lipid bilayer is fluid and moves?
outer layer
describe the integral proteins and their structure
integrin are trans membrane proteins, go all the way through the lipid bilayer and are composed of alpha helices
where do you usually find cholesterol and what does it do?
inserts itself between phospholipids, in the membrane- its a buffer. maintains the fluidity of our membrane
integral protein crosses how much of membrane?
goes all the way through
what’s a peripheral protein?
sits either right on top or just below membrane
whats the ratio of proteins: phospholipids ?
why are there proteins in the membrane?
receptors- tell cell whats going on
transport molecules in/out of cell
function of sugars in the membrane
recognizing other cells
what kind of protein would a hormone be?
peripheral protein- attach, make cell do something, and then leave
lipid bound proteins
sits in between layers- very very rare!
what does a channel or transport protein look like and do?
allow different materials from outside environment into the cell, and bad stuff from cell outside. ex: Na ion pump
receptor protein
trans membrane protein that carries things inside and outside of cell using a binding site called ’binding domain’ . These guys always have some sort of target molecule to bind to: called ligands. usually 7 trans membrane domains per protein. sometimes brings energy/ATP.
what is a transmembrane domain?
transmembrane proteins have hydrophobic regions called transmembrane domains that are generally made of alpha helices
what does having a pore in the transmembrane signal?
that you would have hydrophilic side chains here
what holds the inside of the cellular membrane together?
fibrous linking proteins such as spectrin
‘sugar halo’ The glycocalyx is a glycoprotein covering that surrounds the cell membranes of some bacteria, epithelia and other cells. Most animal epithelial cells have a fuzz-like coat on the external surface of their plasma membranes.