Cell Biology Lecture 2 Flashcards
The Cytoplasm Overview
Definition, Components
Definition: The region between the plasma membrane and nucleus.
Components: Cytosol and Organelles.
Definition, Composition, Function
Definition: Fluid portion of cytoplasm.
Composition: 55% of cell volume, mainly water (70%-90%), and dissolved solutes.
Function: Major site for chemical reactions in the cell.
Definition, Function
Definition: Specialized structures, often termed “little organs.”
Function: Contribute to overall cellular functioning and metabolic processes
Cytoskeleton Overview
Definition, Types
Definition: Cellular components determining cell shape and structure.
Types: Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments, Microtubules.
Definition, Composition, Functions
Definition: Smallest cytoskeleton structures.
Composition: Primarily actin protein.
Functions: Movement, support, cytokinesis, muscle contraction, anchor to cell membrane, microvilli formation.
Intermediate Filaments
Defintion, Functions
Definition: Medium-sized structures made of various proteins, including keratin.
Functions: Internal stability, organelle positioning, cell junction support.
Definition, Structure, Functions
Definition: Largest cytoskeleton structures mainly composed of tubulin protein.
Structure: Long, hollow tubes produced in the centrosome.
Functions: Determine cell shape, facilitate organelle and chromosome movement, form external structures like cilia and flagellum.
Definition, Components, Functions
Definition: Microtubule organizing center.
Components: Centrioles (cylindrical structures), pericentriolar material.
Functions: Involved in mitosis/meiosis, starting point for mitotic spindles.
Definition, Functions
Definition: Hair-like projections for cell mobility.
Functions: Coordination in movement (e.g., egg cells), sweeping foreign particles (e.g., respiratory tract).
Definition, Location
Definition: Long, whip-like structures for cell propulsion.
Location: Found in sperm cells.
Definition, Location, Composition
Definition: Responsible for protein synthesis (translation).
Location: Free-floating (cytosol) or attached to endoplasmic reticulum.
Composition: 2 subunits of ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Definition, Types
Definition: Network of tubules or sacs extending from the nuclear membrane.
Types: Smooth ER (lipid production, detoxification), Rough ER (ribosomes, protein synthesis).
Golgi Complex/Apparatus/Body (GB)
Functions, Structure
Functions: Receives, transports, and modifies proteins from rough ER.
Structure: Three sacs - entry/cis face, medial cisternae, exit/trans face.
Definition, Examples
Definition: Compartments formed by lipid bilayer.
Examples: Lysosomes (digestive enzymes), Peroxisomes (digestive proteins, detoxification), Secretory Vesicles (transport materials for exocytosis).
Definition, Structure, Unique Features
Definition: Powerhouse of the cell, generates ATP through aerobic metabolism.
Structure: Outer and inner membrane, cristae folds in the matrix.
Unique Features: Self-replicating, contains own DNA (maternal inheritance).