Cattle Housing Flashcards
What are the 4 categories of housed cattle?
Dairy calves
Fattening cattle
Adult dairy cattle
Adult beef suckler cows
Why may cows be housed in colder/wetter months?
Poor quality/ Growth of grass or damage to pastures
What may indicate poor housing?
The initial design and the behaviour of the animals/ how they react
What are some things to consider with housing design?
Ventilation/ air flow, space, drainage, bedding, flooring Waste disposal, water/feeding
What is Ventilation?
Replacement of air in a given space
What does appropriate ventilation result in?
Removal of heat and Co2, and a reduction in humidity
What is the effect of ventilation on microorganisms/ bacteria?
Clearance of bacteria and atmospheric load
What are 3 ways bacteria can be reduced?
Sedimentation, Ventilation and Death
What are some ways of measuring stocking density and ventilation?
Airflow and ventilation – smoke bomb
Stocking density and airspace -tape measure or laser pointer
Relative humidity - Dry/wet thermometer
What are the advantages of Individual calf pens?
Can monitor food and wtaer intake and reduces risk of disease
What are the disadvantages of Individual calf pens?
The ability to express normal behaviour is limited
What is necessary if you are to use individual calf pens?
They must be able to touch/see/smell other calves and be under 8 weeks old
What is the benefit of lifting buckets of milk off the floor for calves?
Increases the likelihood that the milk will enter the abomasum rather than the rumen
What do we use straw yards for?
Dairy cattle
-Winter housing
Fattening cattle
-Winter housing or intensive rearing
Suckler cows
-Winter housing
What are the benefits of slats?
No bedding is used, all waste goes straight to underground waste disposal system
What are the benefits of feed barriers?
Feed barriers to allow animals to eat unhindered by other cattle.
Also prevents food tossing which may put the feed beyond reach
What are some important factors to consider for cubicles?
- Cubicle design and bedding (Straw, saw dust, rubber mats)
- Cubicle numbers
- Lay out of the cubicles and escape routes
- Flooring – none slip
- Passage way - slurry management
– Scrappers-manual/automatic
What are some good design features for cubicles?
- Provide individual space – without cross-lying
- Be able to get in and out easily without injury
- Comfort-increase lying times
- Clean and dry
- Maximise the use of expensive housing
Why is it important that cubicle kerbs are not too high?
Cows do not like large step-downs