Case Management & Ethics Flashcards
Hindrances to Change (7) (dfillsu)
-denial of problem
-inability to envision future after change
-lack of confidence
-lack of hope
Dual Relationships (multiple relationship)
-relationship develops between client & professional, separate from the therapeutic relationship
-whether this occurs prior to, during or following the professional services
Informed Consent (incl. 3 parts ccv)
client always has right to:
-consent &/or withdraw from services
-be informed about effects of meds, expectations of services, risks/benefits, any alt. treatments
-3 parts:
1. capacity-make clear, competent decisions on own behalf
2. comprehension of info-clearly understands info.
3. voluntariness-gives consent freely, no coercion/pressure
-ethical principle & legal right
-ask permission before sharing any info.
-fill out release of info. form
-never discuss any details about client
Release of Information
-must have clients permission to release info.
-use specific release-of-info. forms (whom it’ll be released & for how long it’s valid)
-special procedures for HIV/AIDS status
-case mngr responsible: protect minors, elderly, mentally ill/challenged
Involuntary Commitment
(what is it & how/why does one get admitted)
(6 criteria)
-occurs in inpatient mental health care facility
1. poses danger to themself or others
one plus of the following
2. severe/acute mental illness
3. unable to function/provide self-care
4. refused to sign voluntary commitment
5. known treatments can be applied once committed
6. adheres to principle of least restrictive treatment
Case Management (know what their task/duties are)
-assess client’s total situation, address needs/problems to improve quality of life
-focus on many issues, strengths, concerns of client to improve overall situation
-seek ways to prevent current problems from growing worse
Case Management Tasks (4)
Developmental Transition
-normal life changes
-events move ppl. from one life phase to another
-changes require adjustment to new circumstances
-normal development from birth to death
-some, harder to adjust than others
DSM-V (what it stands for/used for) (acchhiooss)
Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
-used by numerous agencies, not just mental health
-recognizes 10 classes of drugs/S.U.D.’s
-other/unknown substances
Substances that Cause Delirium (13)
-anxiolytics (med.’s for anxiety)
-other hallucinogens
-other stimulants
-unknown substances
Open Questions
-used to solicit more info
-allows client’s to bring out more details important to them
-e.x.- “What brings you here today?”
Closed Questions
-get facts/info.
-require single-word answers
-not used in discussions involving problems & feelings
-feelings/attitudes client holds about you
-we remind them of someone from their past
-there’s pos. & neg.
-worker projects emotions/attitudes onto client
-client reminds us of someone from our past, or us in our past
-can be pos. or neg.
-signal we have old issues that need to be resolved
Stages of Change Model (know stages & what’s involved in each stage) (5+relapse)
Stage 1- Pre-contemplation: client not ready for change
Stage 2 - Contemplation: client ambivalent
Stage 3 - Preparation: client ready to change but needs a plan
Stage 4 - Action: client uncertain; may change their habits, behaviours, thinking
Stage 5 - Maintenance: client wants changes to be permanent
Relapse - client unable to sustain change/may return to old ways
What is a Chief Complaint?
-brief statement, describes main reason why patient seeks medical attention; can be a symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, or other factor that’s focus of encounter
-usually stated in patient’s words, should be clearly documented
-keep it brief and specific-ABC-accurate, brief, clear
(who, what, where, when, why)
GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning)
-a scoring system; mental health pro.’s use to assess how well indiv’s function in daily lives. (social, occupational, school, psychological)
-once used to measure impact of psychiatric illness on person’s life & daily functional skills/abilities.
-scores range from 0 to 100, 100 represents superior functioning.
-1st appeared in 3rd edition DSM (1980)
2 Dimensions of Culture (individualistic & Collectivist)
-describe importance of community v.s. rights/concerns of each person (often contrasted with each other)
-Collectivist cultures value group cohesion, selflessness, altruism (unselfish regard/devotion to welfare of others)
-Individualistic cultures promote independence & personal identity
List Various Components of Discharge Summary (10)
-reason for discharge
-goals & objectives
-client participation in formulating goals
-problems I.D.’d but not addressed
-attempts to locate client if disappeared
-major presenting problem that brought client
-progress towards goals
-how client appeared @intake/termination
Leading Questions
-pushes respondents to answer in specific manner, based on way they’re framed
-que.’s already contain info. wanted to confirm rather than try to get true/unbiased answer to que.
-e.x.-“Our website was user-friendly and responsive, wasn’t it?”
Informal Questions
-not fact/diagnosis seeking
-e.x.-“Did you have any trouble finding the office?”
List & Explain Various Barriers to Understanding for Clients & Workers (5)
-assess clients feelings incorrectly (they correct you & give proper info.)
-mind wanders (not practicing good body language, not showing interest in what they’re saying)
-can’t wait to pass judgement (rather than listening, just waiting to give opinion)
-ignore client’s feelings (either doesn’t notice or focuses on facts & solutions)
-can’t wait to offer solution (rushing instead of developing rapport)