Career Counseling Flashcards
Trait and Factor Matching - Founder
EG Williamson
Trait and Factor Matching - Details
Based on Frank Parsons - Guidance
Tests, Assessments to match:
- Traits
- Aptitude
- Interests
John Holland 6 Personality/Work Environment - Details
Six Personality Types & Work Environments
Congruency is emphasized
3 digit code as name (SEC)
Holland: Realistic
Examples: Farmer, Pilot, Mechanic, Dog Walker
Holland: Investigative
Detail Oriented
Problem Solving
Examples: Researcher, Biologist, Geologist
Holland: Artistic
Intuitive, Creative
Examples: Writer, Industrial designer, Musician
Holland: Social
Social Skills, Friendly, Teams
Examples: Nurse, Teacher, Counselor
Holland: Enterprising
Leader, Speaker, Negotiating
Examples: Sales, Manager, Lawyer, CEO
Holland: Conventional
Systematic, practical, attending to detail
Examples: Banker, secretary, accountant
Donald Super
Self-Concept and Developmental Stage Theory
6 Personality/Work Environment - Theorist
John Holland
Super: Self-Concept Development Stage - Concepts
Life span, life space model
Self-concept influences career through life span
Wasn’t intended to be a theory, segments for future theories
Super: Self-Concept; Development Stage - Roles
Child Student Leisure Citizen Worker Spouse Homemaker Parent Pensioner
Anne Roe
Early Childhood Needs-Theory Approach
Early Childhood Needs Theory
Anne Roe
Roe: Early Childhood Needs Theory - Concepts
Vocational choice is related to personality development as a child
Influenced by Freud (parent-child) and Maslow
Influenced by Genetics, Parent-Child, Unconscious, Needs, Interests, Education and Intelligence
Examples: Person Centered (Teacher) Nonperson Oriented (Programmer)
Instruments that came out of it:
Vocational Interest Inventory (VII)
Career Occupational Preference System
Learning Theory (LTCC) Theorist
John Krumboltz
John Krumboltz
Learning Theory (LTCC) Theorist
Krumboltz: LTCC - Concepts
First Social Learning Theory
Role of genetics and environment but focus was in social learning
Based on 4 factors can be used to simplify the career development process
Decision is a skill that can be learned
Krumboltz: LTCC - 4 Factors
1: Genetic and Unique Abilities
2: Environment and Life Events
3: Learning Experiences (Pavlov, Skinner)
4: Task Approach (Problem Solving, Cognitive Responses, Emotional Patterns)
Ginzberg Group or Associates
Developmental Approach
Developmental Approach
Ginzberg Group or Associates
Ginzberg Group - Concepts
Created by Economist, Psychiatrist, Sociologist, Psychologist
First developmental approach to career
1: Process of career choice does not end at 20
2: Career choices are lifelong process
3: Choice is reversible
Original Hypothesis: First career choice was irreversible
Ginzberg Group - Developmental Stages
1: Fantasy: 11 and Under
2: Tentative: 11-17
3: Realistic: 17-Early Adulthood
Mark Savickas
Career Construction Postmodern Theory
Career Construction Postmodern Theory - Theorist
Mark Savickas
Savickas: Career Construction - Concepts
Narrative Therapy
Client’s life viewed as a story they construct
Interventions focus on recurring themes to re-author the story
Social Cognitive Counseling Theory (SCCT)
Focus on how one’s belief system impacts career choice
Linda Gottfredson
Theory of Circumscription
Theory of Circumscription - Theorist
Linda Gottfredson
Gottfredson: Circumscription - Concepts
Developmental Approach
Accounts for childhood
Social Space
Zone or territory of jobs where person fits into society
Gottfredson: Circumscription - Phases
1: Rule Out
- Rule out certain jobs not acceptable for gender, stereotypes and SES
2: Compromise
- Change mind, major (if original was not realistic)
Edgar H. Schein
Eight Career Anchors Theory
Eight Career Anchors Theory - Theorist
Edgar H. Schein
Schein: Eight Career Anchors - Concepts
Anchors manifest 5-10 years after work begins
Anchors are based:
What the person is good at
Schein: Eight Career Anchors - Anchors
1: Autonomy/Independence
2: Security/Stability
3: Technical/Functional Competence
4: General Managerial Competence
5: Entrepreneurial Creativity
6: Service/Dedication to a Cause
7: Pure Challenge
8: Lifestyle
Lifestyle and career development have been emphasized since…
beginning of counseling/guidance movement
John O. Crites
Felt the need for career counseling exceeds need for psychotherapy
Career maturity
Lavender Ceiling
Glass Ceiling for minorities of sexual orientation
Victor Vroom
Motivation and Management Expectancy Theory
Employee is motivated by:
- Valance (money, promotion)
- Expectancy (what does the employee feel they can do)
- Instrumentality (will manager actually provide the reward)
Most theories are based on the following SES…
Middle and Upper SES
Trait and Factor Model is based on…
Differential Psychology
Individual Differences
Trait and Factor: Assumptions
Traits can be measured accurately
Career choice is one time process
Computer programs use this theory
Roe: Early Childhood Needs Theory - Dimensional System
Fields: Service Business Organizations Technology Outdoor
Roe: Parenting Styles
Causes move towards or away from people
Roe Theory comes from tests:
Rorschach and TAT
R - Roe and Rorschach
Edwin Bordin
Career choices can be used to solve unconscious conflicts
Bordin felts that difficulties in job choice….
are indicative of neurotic symptoms
AA Brill
Brill: Sublimation
Occurs when an individual expresses an unacceptable need in a socially acceptable manner
Football player because he likes to hurt people
Most popular theorist today:
Holland: Self-directed Search SDS*
Designed to measure the 6 personality types
Self Administered
Self Scored
NOT suited for undereducated, difficulty with decisions
Use form E for low reading/writing skills
Personality/Structural Theorists
Conventional types value…(c)
Strong Interest Inventory (SII) based on…
Holland: Consistent
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic
Holland: Inconsistent
Realistic, Artistic, Enterprising
Robert Hoppock Theory based on theorist…
Henry Murray
Henry Murray
TAT Projective Test
Developmental Theorists - Pioneers
Ginzberg and Associates
Developmental Theories - Theorists
Ginzberg and Associates
Developmental theories emphasize…
longitudinal career related behavior
What does Super consider careers?
Student Retirement Civic Duties Avocations/Hobbies Family Roles
Tiedeman and O’Hara
Decision-Making Theory
Periods of anticipation and adjustment
Based on Erikson
1: Anticipation
2: Implementation
Decision Making Theories - all contend that…
Individual has power to choose from various career options
Two popular behavior techniques
RJP: Realistic Job Preview
Guided Imagery
Human Capital Theory
Secure training and education to get best possible income
Accident Theory of Career Development
Chance factors
Attainment Theory
Child will attain a job similar with family status
Harry Gelatt
Gelatt Decision Model
Gelatt Decision Model
Fuel of the Decision
Gelatt: Predictive
Alternative and probability of outcomes
Gottfredson focused on:
Circumscription and Compromise
Occupational Outlook Handbook - after WWII
Classification for Career Counselors
Replaced by O-NET
9 digit codes
Occupational group
Relation to People
Title Alphabetized
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Career Data
Pink Collar Jobs
Child Care
After lifetime of jobs
Social Learning
Self-Efficacy - Belief that they will be successful
SIGI and Choices are…
Computer based
Likes gaming job so games in spare time
Work and family kept separate
Compensatory Effect
Compensated for what he can’t do on the job
Librarian going wild after work
Work Interference
Connection between work and family
Recency Effect
Performance is based on recent performance
Leniency/Strictness Bias
Rater tends to give high or low ratings while avoiding the range
Central Tendency Bias
Rate based on average
Kuder Career Planning System (KCPS)
K-12, Postsecondary, adults
Dual Career v Dual Earner
Career: Advancement is possible
Tend to earn more than dual earners
Earner: Minimal advancement
Aptitude Tests grew out of….
Trait and Factor
Achievement Test*
Adept at skill in the moment
Aptitude Tests*
Speculates whether or not you can capture skills with training
Measure potential
Job Analysis*
Procedure where tasks, duties and skills are examined
Leads to a Job Description/specifications
Job Evaluation*
Rates the value of the job within the organization to decide on pay
Dislocated Worker*
Lost job
In Basket Technique
Job simulation by hiring committee’s for assess candidates
Job Clubs
Help others with interview skills and job leads
Recommended for disabled
Robert Hoppock
Must know personal needs and then find an occupation that meets most of your needs
Quality Circles*
Employees with identical or similar jobs meet as a group to solve problems
Halo Effect*
Generalizing about an employee based on one trait (kind but not good at their job)
Strictness/Lenient Bias
High or Low disregarding average middle class ratings
Central Bias Tendency
Rate based on average
American Personnel Guidance Association